The New Slavemasters; my thoughts on social engineering.
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
November 23, 2012 12:15pm CST
Social engineering. Tough subject. Because it involves perception, how we perceive the world, our society, our very being. It involves what we think of as truth, who we trust to tell us the truth and what our worldview is ultimately.
Children are not born blank slates, but nevertheless, they are pliable, subject to molding. What they experience, what they recieve from caregivers emotionally, what they are taught intellectually becomes a very large part of who they are and how they percieve the world.
Yuri Besnemov said that a nation could be subverted within 15-20 years by gaining control of the educational system and indoctrinating the youth. If you're interested in how this was accomplished I suggest you google Charlotte Iserbyte the author of 'The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America'.
Here is a seventeen minute video of an interview with a former KGB agent Yuri Besnemov who became disillusioned with the Soviet system and defected to America.
He explains HOW the KGB uses infiltration of institutions, propaganda spread by media and entertainment, demoralization by ideological change, destablization by crisis- of society. Why do this? To render a people unable to resist takeover.
A lecture by the same speaker on HOW society can be and is, subverted. One hour,but well worth the time.
Subversion: act of destroying or over thowing an established order.
Anyone who has lived more than 50-60 years knows without a doubt American culture and society have changed. We have gone from a society that values success and looks up to those who acheive it, that values the traditional family as the primary social unit, that values hard work and honesty in business, that values independence and self sufficiency, that values faith in God and the Ten Commandments, that values honesty in reporting and editorializing by the media, that values clean entertainment that depicts traditional American values, and viewing the 'establishment' as trustworty and fair -- to a society that has no standard of 'truth', everything is 'relevant', alternative lifestyles are the new normal and a matter of 'choice', that subsidizes the deaths of millions of unwanted children, more dependency on government to solve every problem, propaganda rather than the facts in media and entertainment, and the acceptance of the loss of personal liberty to remain safe.
Soviet premire Kruschev said that communism would destroy America without firing a shot. her article of November 30, 2010, ”From France’s Warning To America,” Rachel Marsden tells us that in 1983 during a talk in Los Angeles, KGB propaganda expert Yuri Bezmenov had exposed the communists’ blueprint on how to subvert America. The following is excerpted from Marsden’s article:
Bezmenov identified six areas of ideological subversion of a population which would go unnoticed by the average person, much like one would not “notice the movement of the small hand of a clock.”
Religion: Bezmenov points out that a religious society cannot be subverted easily because of steadfast basic principles and values….
Education: Bezmenov suggests that subversion is facilitated when hard subjects such as science, math, physics and foreign languages are replaced with “history of urban warfare, natural foods, and home economics, and sexuality.” Anything that takes the student away from critical thinking and the ability to make up one’s own mind about the world…. Control its education, control its elite graduates.
Social life: Bezmenov says that when established links between individuals and groups of individuals are taken away and replaced by imposed, artificial institutions – “artificially democratically controlled bodies” – the chances of subverting the system increases. [Examples include social workers, state-run daycare centers, an extensive government welfare system, which render citizens increasingly dependent on the state.] …Bezmenov warns: “People are on the payroll of who? Society? No, bureaucracy.” Every time a… president tries to cut government spending or wean these workers off the government payroll and towards a more independent existence free of state control, he is met with fervent opposition [from unions].
Power structure: Bezmenov defines how unelected groups of people can control elected representatives. He is not only talking about the EU, but also something much more powerful on a national level: the media….(control information and opinion)
Labor relations: Destroying the traditionally established links between employer and employee, notes Bezmenov, leads ultimately to the traditional Marxist-Leninist exchange and “the death of natural bargaining.” This is where unions come in. The leaders’ positions are secure and well-funded, but the individual’s right to bargain and sell his work on his own behalf is suppressed along with his economic freedom. When union bosses order a strike, millions spill out into the streets on command….backed by the media’s bumper-sticker, “workers’ rights,” “class struggle” rhetoric.
Law and order: Bezmenov explains that subversion of society towards anarchy occurs through mocking and devaluing figures of law and order…[who defend] traditional Western values against cultural affronts such as the hijab and polygamy, deporting illegal immigrants, or cracking down on [violent criminals]…. Anarchy becomes the new authority: “A slow substitution of basic moral principles where a criminal is not a criminal – he’s a defendant,” says Bezmenov. Much like…today…[where] illegal aliens have come to be referred to as [mere "illegal immigrants" and "undocumented workers"]….
The Cold War did not end, it just found new battlefields. Bezmenov’s warnings date back 30 years. He said it would take about 15-20 years for an ideology to become entrenched in a society, using the weaknesses in societal structures.
It is now 27 years after Bezmenov made this revelation. So how is America doing according to this blueprint? By my count, all six areas identified in the blueprint are subverted.
In 1976, France’s Justice Minister Jean Lecanuet was quoted in a Time magazine article making this prescient warning:
“The Communists are in the middle of an identity crisis and are taking up the mask of a certain reformism. If they ever came to power, the mask would fall.”
In America, former 1960s radical David Horowitz sounded a similar warning:
“The most basic principle of Sal Alinsky’s advice to radicals is, lie to your opponents and potential opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates, liberals. This has been the most potent weapon of the left since the end of the Sixties. Racists like Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright posing as civil rights activists, radicals like Henry Waxman and Barney Frank posing as liberals.”
Who is Sal Alinsky?
Horowitz is right: “Liberal” and “progressive” are just masks they’ve been hiding behind. But now the mask is off. The Left are revealing their true face. Here’s the evidence:
On October 2, 2010, at the so-called One Nation Rally in Washington, D.C., liberals-Democrats-progressives finally came right out and openly admitted they’re SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS.
In May 2010, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) sued the Democrat Party for “stealing” the CPUSA’s platform. CPUSA admitted that the so-called “new” Democratic agenda is, in fact, the product of a decades-long, painstaking campaign by CPUSA theorists, agitators, and underground subversive cells – which makes it the intellectual property of the Communist Party USA, protected by American copyright laws. “They stole our entire platform, rebranded it ‘progressive’, and claimed it as their own,” declared a CPUSA spokesperson at a press conference in San Francisco.
We are at a crossroads, we either educate ourselves to what we losing and get active to stop the takeover or we give up and submit to the new slave masters.
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3 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Something has been on my mind lately that ties into this subject. I don't think you're old enough to really remember when Prez Kennedy was shot but we were all sent home from school, parents sent home from work, and our parents consoled us and each other and we all talked about it. Now nothing stops, really. If someone shoots up a school, if a public figure is killed, if a disaster happens the "grief counselors" come rushing in to tell children everything is okay. Parents know that they don't have to deal with it as much because those counselors will make everything okay. If a student gets hit by a car, raped or some other horrible travesty, the counselors are there relieving the parents of their jobs. Am I rambling or is this understandable? More and more, parents are being relegated to mere financial support while emotional support comes from outside sources. The relationship between parent and child has been undermined and become a hollow financial dependency in so many households.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
23 Nov 12
You are absolutely right.
In loco parentis, in place of the parents.
Schools are not just for learning how to read, write and do math anymore.
Teachers are taught in college not what to teach, but how to indoctrinate and how to subvert parental control and authority.
#9 U.S. Public Schools Are Dominated By Radical Control Freaks That Are Teaching Our Kids How To Live Like Slaves
The level of control that is exerted over the lives of children in many of our public schools is absolutely frightening.
I know that I have mentioned the following example several times, but it is worth repeating because it shows just how far things have gone. One 4-year-old girl recently had her lunch confiscated by a control freak at one U.S. preschool because it did not meet USDA guidelines….
A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because the school told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.
The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the person who was inspecting all lunch boxes in the More at Four classroom that day.
The Division of Child Development and Early Education at the Department of Health and Human Services requires all lunches served in pre-kindergarten programs – including in-home day care centers – to meet USDA guidelines. That means lunches must consist of one serving of meat, one serving of milk, one serving of grain, and two servings of fruit or vegetables, even if the lunches are brought from home.
Do you want sick control freaks inspecting the lunches that your kids bring from home every single day?
If not, perhaps it is time to pull them out of the government schools.
#10 Specific Social And Political Agendas Are Being Shoved Down The Throats Of Our Kids In U.S. Public Schools
If you think that the government schools are “neutral places” where all social, political and religious beliefs are tolerated, then you are either ignorant or you are delusional.
The truth is that very specific social and political agendas are built into the curriculums of most public schools. Often, these social and political agendas are the same ones that are being force-fed to public school children in other western nations.
If your children are attending a government school, a system of “right and wrong” is being pounded into their heads that may be very different from what you would teach them.
In one recent New York Times article, a district superintendent admitted that particular agendas are integrated into classroom instruction anywhere that they will fit….
“We’re trying to integrate it into anything where it naturally fits,” said Jackie Taylor, the district’s superintendent. “It might be in a math lesson. How much water are you really using? How can you tell? Teachers look for avenues in almost everything they teach.”
If you want to see where all of this is going, just check out what is going on in Europe. In the UK, teachers that don’t promote the “correct agenda” face harsh disciplinary action.
Those that control the public schools don’t just want to “educate” your children.
They want to indoctrinate them.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Who is 'they'?
When you say 'they' divert valuable resources...who do you mean?
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
26 Nov 12
Excellent summary of the problem at hand. I have scattered remarks here and there on mylot concerning some of the measures I feel would fight this, including home school, self education, voter restrictions. This has been happening for a while, and one of the few fortunate things about losing over 30 years of your life to amnesia is it makes it very easy to see it-- but most people don't see it. One thing that no one addresses, that I feel is extremely important, is the ADD/ADHD label-- and attention deficit. When I was a kid, movies were generally over 2 hours long, often close to 3. Now, they're generally about an hour and a half. Books were longer too, and magazine article--have you noticed this? Apparently while I was in amnesiaville, everyone started to have shorter attention spans. At the same time, all of a sudden there is an epidemic off labels for kids--according to my son Ryan, his dad had him labeled ADHD, put on meds, special education--which is why he is so crippled intellectually compared to his younger brother, I guess. According to Ryan, he never took meds when he stayed with me--didn't need them. he also never had trouble doing what was expected of him. That kid is no more ADHD than I am--and I'm not. I have spoken to a lot of parents who are being told when their child is in kindergarten or first grade the kid is ADD/ADHD. At that age, how can you tell?? ALL little kids bounce off the walls in school until they learn to behave.
I am not suggesting that this is a conspiracy-- but I have noticed that society also became a lot more "pill happy" since the 60's and 70's--people are on meds for everything. Stubborn kids have oppositional defiance disorder. Day dreamers have ADD. Active kids who haven't learned how to follow rules yet have ADHD. Books, movies, articles, TV shows, songs--everything is faster and shorter. Facebook and Twitter. Are we training our kids to have ADD/ADHD by shortening and speeding everything up? Any thoughts? After all, special ed. teaches even less than regular classes, and teaches kids, in my opinion, that there is something "wrong" with them, they aren't "normal"--even though these programs talk about inclusion, labeling causes exclusion.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Nov 12
I'm with you on the assessment of our culture right now, MY two youngest were labeled and I refused to put them on meds. Homeschooled them and had no problems.
I THINK, our kids see entirely to much 'media'. We were to poor, and when we did have TV and a VCR, it was educational or strictly limited to about an hour a day, if that. I also believe our processed foods ARE being filled with additives and all the REAL nutrition taken out in processing. A developing brain that does not get the nutrients it needs will be symptomatic. Add to that mandatory immunizations with mercury, over use of antibiotics, not to mention over the counter meds for children....what do we expect. And YES, I think it is on purpose. Ever hear of Agenda 21?
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
30 Nov 12
Yes, I've heard of Agenda 21--and anything is possible in this brave new world, so to speak. I am not a fan of immunizations, though I had them, as did my boys--I take as little medication as possible, and my boys are the same way. I have been an "anti-antibiotic" person for years and years--and I am allergic to most of them anyway, so I generally don't take them, though in a few cases I have had to. All kinds of strange things have happened in the last several decades, apparently, and it worries me--though I try to fight the paranoia, there's a lot of things that just don't add up at all.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Nov 12
I'm a big fan of alternative medicine, studied it as best as I can with limited funds and found all sorts of things that don't add up in the allopathic world. Except for one element; MONEY and POWER
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
26 Nov 12
Home school your children, educate yourself, and try to teach others, would be a start of the way out of this, so to speak. Using the Constitutional Convention clause in the Constitution (finally) to enact amendments severely limiting executive orders and imposing legal and financial penalties on government offices, and congress, that pass laws and regulations contrary to the constitution. An amendment forcing the SCOTUS to only rule based on the letter of the constitution and direct writings from the framers-- not the "spirit", or European or world court law. Enforce existing laws concerning political parties and illegal aliens.
That would be a start. Severely restricting voting rights would help as well--I said it somewhere else on mylot tonight. Most wouldn't agree with me--every civilization that sought full enfranchisement ended up falling.
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
4 Dec 12
I think half the voting citizenry don't realize what they want IS socialism/communism-- due to social engineering and careful re-education, and revisionist history. That's the problem. And I think there will be a crash, and with any luck a rebellion, so we can get started in the right direction again. The secessionists are indeed looking at the fact that people who remember what the country used to be like, and people who have a brain and use it, are now being bred into extinction--and our young are being educated into the same destructive state as the sheeple. That's why they want to secede--and rightly so. That's why the Constitutional Convention clause is IN the Constitution--so the several states can protect themselves from a hostile government. But no-one has ever USED it--we should consider doing so.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Nov 12
I've pondered this for the last four or five years. With the past election making clear that at least HALF of the voting citizenry are WANTING us to be socialist/communist, I feel it would take a full blown crash and rebellion by those who don't want us going there. Alas, I don't think there are enough Constitutionally minded, educated (about our founding and our history), unafraid and ready to fight for liberty, people left in America.
Perhaps that is what the successionists are looking at too?
It will take some hard core freedom minded folks to do whatever gets done.