The most shameful story in your life
By Elenakat13
@Elenakat13 (425)
United States
November 23, 2012 3:14pm CST
Do you like to share the most shameful thing what happend to you?
Here is mine
2007 I moved from Germany to the United States without speaking English accept yes no I love you and a few nasty words.
Slowly my father thought me one word after another.
After a year living here I met my now hubby who is partly def but he talks pretty good.
My English was still bad I talked more with my body then anything else.
We got our first puppy dog and my hubby was talking to her like a baby and he still does.
When she done something good he gave her this lunch meat what you call bologna but he didn't say do you want some bologna he said do you want some blow me?
Short after that I had to learn shopping by my self and I went to Walmart I needed this meat and did not find it but I found a young man who was working in Walmart and I said : can you blow me?
He answered something like he is sorry but he is in a relationship . And he took of
Of course I didn't understand that neither and I thought he was on the way to show me where the blow me is so I followed him!
He keep going faster and me too but I lost him.
As I came at home still a little upset about that guy cause he didn't help me I told my husband what happend !
I thought he never stopped laughing
Then he explained everything to me and I still can't find the words how I felt!
Every time ever since when I am going to Walmart I try to find him so I can apologize but I guess I ran him off.
Please tell me about a story in your life where you wished it never happend
8 responses
@Wendi81 (603)
• Indonesia
23 Nov 12
Yes, i had one too. This is my story, the story just began on 2 years ago when i called by my big boss to help head office. By the way, i am a administrator on nurse school and my office is branch of a big nurse school. Back to the story, in that noon i must finnish my report but all computer used so i go to a computer rent near my head office. After i finnish my report, i back to my head office. Because i want to looking fast way, so i climb my head office fence and i can climb it but i didn't realize if my pan torn. So i just walk with calm. Some of people who meet me smile, but i don't know why they are smiling. And i just know if my pan torn when my friend told me. After heard that, i felt shame and i just runaway to my friend house who live near in my head office to change my pan with the new one
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
23 Nov 12
Hahaha that is funny ok not back then for you but now you can laugh about it lol
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
24 Nov 12
well its so sad to hear this is too shameful because the dog is not the righ thing to do and talk about and its even hilarious to laugh at time,i hope it never happened

@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
It sure wont happen to me anymore!
But after that still shameful things happen to me like going in a Chinese restaurant where you can make food by yourself on your plate and I put chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce on mine except it wasn't vanilla sauce it was horseradish I thought it blew my head of

@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
24 Nov 12
Mine wasn't 100% my fault, but really embarrassing.
When I went to a college sort of instituate (I went to a university, and besides, I went to this complementary expert college type of thing), we had our pre-college summer camp... in these kinds of camps we have initiation games. One of these was to make a presentation about weird and funny topics about the college's history. Mine was "Famous losers of the college". I had to ask around the guys in upper grades to talk about the losers. And one of them was a girl, whom they thought to be really too affected and whiny and spoiled and fussy, and they also told that she always wore a ladybug bagde on her outfit, no matter how elegant the outfit was.
On my first day in the college, I headed to the classroom, and there was a girl standing there. We started talking, and I found that out she wasn't a newcomer, unlike me. She asked about the presentation task in the camp, and what topic I got, and I told her that, and she asked who I had to talk about. I told some names, and the ladybug girl's name as well... and the girl was like: That's me. Yes. And she really wore that ladybug badge :D. But she was such a sweetheart, she understood that it wasn't my fault, and she didn't even know what the others thought about her o_O...
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Wow lucky you that she was so nice but that must really be embarrassing lol
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
The most shameful story need not to be told because it is shameful by nature but it was full of lessons where one really can pick and learn. I will not tell every detail because it is but sensitive , just like a synopsis of it.
Once i gave disgrace to our family. I could never forget how my dad cried and the rest of the family members. We were then the talk of the community , the most painful here was my dad was the leader of the community , therefore all looks up to him. I was then excommunicated in the family and the rest is history .
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
As I read this I assume that you are living in a other country and it makes me very very sad that all of your family members are ashamed because of you.
You don't have to talk about it but let me tell you
I got four daughters and they are sure no Angeles ,they did all kind of stuff that I better don't think of but never in my life I could be ashamed about them
Because looking in the past when I was young I was the same but my mother was always proud of me even when I didn't deserve it
From that what you are writing I hear guilt and regret in your words,is that right?
But please think about to move on it sounds like your family won't but you have to cause everybody deserves a second chance.
When they don't give you one then you have to give yourself one
Oh when you need somebody to talk I will be happy to give you my email address I hope you get what you wish for
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
24 Nov 12
If I had made a mistake like that I'd probably of laughed a little bit too and hoped to run into that guy again so I could explain myself. I'd look at it this you have a good story to tell lol. I've had days that I've wished never happened such as being yelled at by my boss for something I didn't do but nothing quite as interesting as your experience. Thanks for sharing.
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Thx for your comments
Yes today I can laugh of it and still keep thinking that the guy has his story too
He probleby told his friends about a crazy twice as old witch that staked him threw Walmart for something you better do at home
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
24 Nov 12
Oh yes, got a lot of embarrasing stories. In the Philippines the road have this line or gap between another gap. you know like a block so when the sun is hot the cement have a space to expand due to heat and avoid breakage of the road. I was wearing tight pencil cut skirt, have my high heels on with very slim tip. Make up on, nice hair, so sexy (in a sense of sexiness and seductive). so proudly with chin up I crossed the street. When all of a sudden I stepped on one of the gaps. Then the bus is coming. I panicked I didnt know what I will do, I cant lift my foot on the street and cars are coming and the vehicles are all coming.. what shall I do, in my mind if I take my shoe off my stockings might run I would not like that. LOL, but of course life is more important than stockings. so I took my foot out of the shoe, took the shoe off the gap and hurriedly walk fast to the pedestrian walk. Whew, that's embarrasing. I felt like a beauty queen crossing the street. No more poise, poise, it is my life at stake.
@xmichelletarax (370)
• United States
24 Nov 12
haha sorry not to laugh at you but that is quite funny.
my most shameful story.... i have this friend. we will call him J. well J and i used to be in an amazing "relationship" ie. everyone thought we were together but we never really were, we acted like we were together, we did everything that people do when they are in relationships. well anyway one day there was this crazy blizzard and i asked him to drive me to my moms even though all the roads were closed. he did, we went out to lunch and went shopping had a great day, he told me that he loved me but we couldnt be together just then because i was 15 and he was almost 19. he promised me that the day i turned 18 we would be together.
well i stayed at my moms for a month. when i came back he was dating this crazy woman that i hated with a passion. we had friends that lived right accross the hall from me. every few days he would go to their house so whenever i saw him pull in (most the time he had his new girlfriend with him) i would put on the shortest skirts and sexiest shirts i owned on and i would take my dog out, which meant walking right past them on the stairs, just to see if i could get him to talk to me. i could see in his eyes that he wanted to but knew he couldnt because of his girlfriend. well i got into a relationship with my current fiance but never really stopped loving him. eventually i moved out of the apartment i had. a year had gone by since i moved and i didnt think i would see him again.
one day i went over to my friends house to help them move, fiance in tow. i walked through the door and started up the stairs when J walked out the door... he smiled at me and started to talk... he didnt get any words out though because i was so shocked to see him and he looked so amazing that i forgot i was walking up the stairs and ended up falling back down them... RIGHT IN FRONT OF J AND MY FIANCE.
so anyway we laughed it off and started talking. i found out that he left his girlfriend.
i was soo embarrassed about what happened and i still am.
so we kept hanging out and when my fiance and i broke up for a little while i went out and got drunk. i had just left Js house like 3 hours before this... i guess while i was drunk i texted him and told him that i loved him and told him all this stuff about how i have been feeling about him for the past 5 years.
the only reason i know i texted him is because the next morning when i woke up my sent box in my phone was empty but i had like 7 messages in my cellphone.
i still read the messages quite often. he told me he loved me too, he told me that he wanted to be together but not yet because he wanted to get his life straight because he thinks i deserve the best possible and right now hes not the best. then he said what we always used to say to each other "maybe someday"
well that was 3 weeks ago and i have only spoken to him once since then, my phone got shut off, his phone got shut off ect ect
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Oh you have to get in touch with no matter what there has to be an happy end
@soorajsrs7srs (636)
• India
24 Nov 12
the most shameful moment in my life is that i couldnt married my lover. so my mom said me like this " if u were a real man,you would marrry her" since then i havebeen feeling very shame on my life
@Elenakat13 (425)
• United States
24 Nov 12
Oh that is a very sad story but it shouldn't be shameful to you sorry dear