Why Does Allah Send No More Messengers?
@mythociate (21432)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 23, 2012 11:56pm CST
I think he really does (I am one of them, & so are you), but I guess he doesn't want his future-messages to be too far-different from his past-messages.
Quran 004.163, 165 reads "We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: ... Messengers who gave good news as well as warning, that mankind, after (the coming) of the messengers, should have no plea against Allah ..."
But what if Allah decides the message should be different, as is his right to do? I suspect he would 'go back in time' and change the original message, so that it doesn't HAVE to change!
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9 responses
@Rigel4 (47)
• United States
25 Nov 12
What if Allah is not real? Perhaps Mohammed believed he was a messenger of god, but Islam was simply an adaptation to life in the deserts of the Middle East. This may be why there are no longer messengers of Allah. Perhaps someone will accept the mantle as a speaker for Allah and Islam will once again become a religion with fresh revelations. It is difficult for anyone to call themselves a speaker for Allah, they will quickly be scorned or assaulted by Muslims who adhere strictly to Islamic law. This person could be considered a false prophet who wants to lead Muslims astray.
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@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 12
@Rigel In Islam, we believe that Muhammad is the last prophet.
Someone could say that they are a new prophet, as long as they not carried the name of Islam.
In other words, they have to create a new religion. Don't or never use Islam as their vehicle to gain passenger.
What is your opinion if there is someone claim that he is Jesus?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
27 Nov 12
Well, Jesus (or his disciples) claim that 'His spirit' is living in everyone that behaves as a Christian. All Christians are 'literally "Christ"' (Anointed) by the way they live (symbolic in 'baptism'). And "Jesus" just means 'He saves' (short for a longer name that means 'my G*d is my Savior' or something ... i dunnow, jus` sayin`).
So if I 'save' you with an action I do as one of the 'Anointed,' I am serving as a disciple of Jesus Christ by being 'Jesus Christ' ('the' Anointed Savior) to you.
(In writing 'the,' I did not mean 'the only that there is'; rather I meant more 'following the pattern of THE original Savior.')
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
25 Nov 12
Well, since G-d, whatever you wish to call him, is omnipotent and omniscient.. He already knows when he WOULD contradict Himself, and therefore would NOT contradict Himself in the first place. Man, on the other hand, is an expert in misinterpretation and revisionist history. Of course G-d knows when he has been misinterpreted, as well-- whether He chooses to tell us we're full of it-- that's a different subject.
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@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
25 Nov 12
reincarnation isn't a Judeo/Christian belief, though the hereafter is. Many Jews are quiet about their religion, for good reason. people seem to have a problem with the Jews--depending on who I am talking to I use different ways of saying G-d myself. G-d doesn't believe in breaking rules, I don't think, any more than we are supposed to. Of course he can break His own "rules"-- in this case the laws of physics that underpin the universe-- but I don't think He would see the point in it.Of course, you never know with Deities-- someone once said that Gods have the manners and morals of spoiled children, which many of the old Gods did-- religion, after all, is an empirical example of Man creating God in his own image. The reality of G-d has little or nothing to do with a lot of the things He is credited with doing.The closest thing to the true G-d is to find all the common threads of knowledge between all religions, and put them together--the Truth is in the common denominators in my opinion.
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@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
I have a Jewish friend and he spelled God that way too.
But in Judaism, reincarnation isn't well supported, is it?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Nov 12
I've heard that all of human existence happens in the blink of G-d's eyes ('G-d,' a name I use patterning after one of my Jewish friends ... maybe my ONLY Jewish friends, if my other Jewish friends are just not so forward with their religion);
maybe G-d blinks more than once; it's like reincarnation, but of entire realities rather than just individual human beings.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
24 Nov 12
Allah does not send any more messengers because the people following the last prophet Muhammad have been ordered to convey the message to those who do not know it. So each and every follower of the last prophet is a messenger of the message which peophet Muhammad came with.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
25 Nov 12
I hope you did not mean to insult my belief when you said that.
Quran is the last book from the God and God has decided to keep it unaltered and uncorrected. Nobody can write their own Quran, neither did prophet Muhammad peace be upon him do that. Quran is the word of God revealed to the last prophet Muhammad. Since there will be no more messengers after Muhammad, all his followers are ordered to convey the SAME message that Muhammad brought to all those who were not present during his time.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
26 Nov 12
I didn't mean to insult you, but I DEFINITELY meant to insult your belief
Convey the same message ... that's what almost-ALL religions are commanded to do, convey the message of their 'final prophet' (Jesus IS known as The Last Adam ...)
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Nov 12
So why don't today's Muslims all write their OWN Qurans (Qurani?)--maybe using a lot of text from the original--and say that Allah gave it to them?
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Nov 12
So Bahaism is to Islam what Islam is to Christians!
all the best, urban
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Nov 12
Then why don't Muslims agree with the Bahaists?
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
26 Nov 12
Because God and muhammad said that muhammad is the last prophet, muhammad said too, that it will be more than 30 of false prophets in his nation.
Baha'i came out of the pale of Islam, , because Baha' claimed to be a messenger and he has a book come down to him , and they think that he sent from God
For this we as Muslims does not recognize Baha'i as religion .
@fchalida (196)
• Indonesia
30 Nov 12
From the first prophet until Jesus you say(Isa Almasih) Allah always give the miracle each prophet, to give the people prove that's there is God and that is Allah. Each prophet always teach the good attitudes and good will, and to pray to Allah not pray to stone, or to sun, the moon, the tree,or to the statue.
In Isa Almasih era, Isa teaching the good attitude, give more good faith, so other people heard from his voice always calm, and more good faith with his miracles. But in roman empire Didnot like Isa that he have very much people follow him, so made the plan to kill him.
In Mohammad era, Allah not want to give him any miracles anymore, even one. Allah want that people belief that there is the God. The God is in your heard. If you belief what your God, God will in to your heard.
in Mohammad era, people used their thought, their logical is Islam your religion or not.
I thing Allah is tired to prove Allah is really God not other. I thing is Allah's mind is like this " used your mind, i give you smart mind, soo, used it".
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
3 Dec 12
Jesus said "A perverse generation seeks a sign & a wonder, but the only sign I give will be the Sign of Jonah."
@alsstar (61)
24 Nov 12
Allah doesn't send anymore messenger because the religion carried by Mohammad is perfect enough. it include all of things in our modern life and the future
to think it off, ALlah send his messenger when the world is not normal anymore, bad people and sins everywhere, where noone can change it to a good and wonderful life
to think it again, now there are many bad people and sins, but there are still enough people to change the bad become good
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Nov 12
But don't people need a present, living leader?
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
26 Nov 12
How do you know he didn't mean one of the Christians or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists or Pastafarians?
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
I beg to differ. What point is sending a new messenger when our perception and understanding have not even changed? This is the time when we should be attending more to our spiritual life more than ever by attuning to our higher selves and internalizing the messages from the previous messengers. We should not be attached to the messengers but rather do our best to follow their messages in a conscientious way as possible.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
25 Nov 12
Some messages are not interpreted in the same way by all as we have different perception of things. We see this happening with different conflicting religions. But sometimes tribulations and grave errors are what make us learn the lesson. We may learn the hard way from experience before we can be fully awaken to our true nature.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Nov 12
Maybe if the powers of the world agreed to hold to that message. But as the people who make this world need to attend to an environment powered by faster-&-faster machines and -by people who have heard different messages (or heard the same message in different ways), serving The People comes to mean something other than 'give them the message of Allah.'
Again, it's a choice between 'being right, but disagreeing with the people' & 'agreeing with the people, but being wrong.'
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
26 Nov 12
May be it is not necessary in the mind of Allah, since there are so many living genius among the followers. You have to continue waiting until he deem fit to send a new one. One is more than enough to spread his message and words to the world population, two is a crowd.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
26 Nov 12
The religion of God is one not changed in all the messages sent by God , the Messengers since Adam and so far the latest message Muhammad upon him .. Muhammad was the last of the prophets and messengers .. Why ? because God sent him to all people , either the Messengers has sent before him them to their people only .. God has completed Mohammed message ? and select for humans in the Qur'an how to deal in their lives and organized them .. You will find in the Holy Quran Constitution life .
What is required of people towards their Lord , (complete submission to God Almighty ) this is what is meant by the word Islam .. Is not this the meant of all the heavenly messages ? .
God guide us all