Why there is dicrimination everywhere?

November 27, 2012 8:23am CST
I am a Registered Nurse and had worked in a hospital for couple of years. Because of the lack of compensation with my salary, I decided to find another job which is not related to my profession. Marketing, is very ineteresting field for me and I want to understand its intricacies. I had applied jobs which are are related to this but unfortunately I failed many times. I know that, it is not related with my profession but I am willing to learn and undergo any trainings which would help me. I just don't understand why I am always being refused by many employers everytime I apply for a job. I can be a good salesperson if only given a chance. I believe that every person can do many things if ther is possibilities. do you think there is discrimination on this? like I am a nurse who wants to work in sales and marketing area but I don't have the chance to because my profession is far different. My point is, I am eager to learn.
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10 responses
• Philippines
30 Nov 12
Well, I guess in a hiring point of view, the company or anyone you're applying to doesn't see the value in training you or educating you in the industry. you mirth be willing to learn but time in many business is money. they would prefer to hire someone who already knows what to do and do what they want or need immediately.
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@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
11 Dec 12
Yes, most of them want to hire without spending on trainings. Even I find it hard to accept at times, but we have to accept and take such things in stride.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Nurses are underpaid yet Nurses education is very expensive. Teachers are even paid higher than Nurses. I don't know why , when Nurses are dealing with fragile thing and that is life. Life is always at risk. Their work is not a kind of work wherein delete, erasures , edit can be done. So very risky work , that one false move can kill one life and can damage also nurse future . Nurses looks so pitiful in our country . no hospitals available for them and if there is salary is so small . Most nurses are not coming from wealth to do family , so naturally they need to help parents after graduation , so pushing self to work , any will do but no one accepts just being discriminated because accordingly , nurses doesn't do this and that job , does not fit and so on and so forth. I believed anything can be learn , so unfair if nurses are not given chance. Maui , if you're not accepted in that marketing job , you don't worry ! Apply for call center , they pay you high , plus they give you free accommodation and food as you start your job. Why force yourself to be in those discriminating offices. I have a nurse friend , work in call center . It is good for nurses because you are used in grave yard shift duty. Good luck then..You can do it !
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Undeniably, what you have said is very true for nurses. These are the things that we want to voice out. I love my profession so much and I have great respect for healthcare workers, especially to all rescuers. I consider them as true heroes! Yet here in the Philippines , we (nurses) are not compensated that is why most of us landed a job in call centers. Before it was my last resort to apply in call centers, then It came to a point that I have to since I badly needed a job. I came confident during my interview in one of the call centers here in our place but in the end, I overheard from one of the applicant that they don't hire licensed nurse. I got so disappointed and depressed. Until now, I can't help not to think of who's to blame, is it my profession? my personality? my experience? ... I just don't understand why some people underestimate other people.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
We are in same line of profession but am not practicing my profession. Nursing is a service oriented profession.It is more of touching others lives , being involved in the community. No call centers are accepting Registered Nurses. My friends is a licensed nurse and she was accepted in call center. Give it a try , it just needs patience.
• United States
27 Nov 12
I agree that everyone should be given a chance to learn a new profession. I see no reason why they can't start you off at part time using that time to train you. My husband & I were talking about this just the other day. He is the manager of a jewelry store & he was interviewing a woman who had never worked in a jewelry store before let alone in sales, but she had a wonderful personality & he could see by the way she presented herself that she showed a true eagerness to learn. So that's what he did. He hired her on for part time only for a trial basis. He explained to her that if it worked out he would keep her on full time. She was very happy for the chance to prove herself & so far she's done just that. My husband told me that she is a quick learner & because of her wonderful personality is very good w/ the customers. So you see if employers would only give some people a chance to prove themselves they just might be surprised at how well they do.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
What your husband did is so inspiring. He is truly an ideal manager who knows how to listen and see others capacity regardless of the background. I am glad that there are people who still do such good things to others. However that is just very rare nowadys. I understand it's because of economic progression why many industries need competent workers , reality makes me sick now. I hope there are still employers who are looking not only for the experiences of a worker but someone who will see the personality that will eventually give great contribution to the company.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
There are companies and people who prefer doing traditional working customs in a way prefers people to work for them with the degree or specialization they had graduated in. Some people tend to forget that this is the 20th century and we can learn most likely anything with some options. It doesn’t mean that you graduated with a degree far likely to the job opportunity you want you can’t perform such task. All you need to do is to stand up and prove them that they are wrong. In fact, more successful people have different skills but they landed on a career that is way far from their educational background. I think it’s a matter of courage and a matter of proving people that you can be flexible and skilful regardless of such educational attainment.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
It's all a matter of putting up a good impression to the interviewer, search more on their company tell them that you have more than what you had written down your CV... tell them that you have more experience co-relating to the job offer and tell them that you are flexible with it.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Thank you for this response, it somehow uplifted my spirit. How can I prove them if ever I am interviewed? I cannot simply say that I am good and so on and willing to try anything verbally. At the back of my mind why can't they train me for a week and observe my capabilities. Then after that, they can already figure out if I am good or not. Right?
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Hi mauie08, on my own understanding relative to your concern is definitely not a form of discrimination. That word mentioned is considerable on your case if you are treated unjust or prejudice, or the mindset of the interviewer has the disposition of looking you down due to your education. The very focal point here is just only a wrong choice of position and/or company. Further, you maybe didn't get the interest of the interviewer during actual interview, examination or demonstration. You can actually get the job otherwise by proving yourself that even your education doesn't fit on the job but still you can do beyond their expectation. You must build confidence to yourself instead of degrading your interest because of the mindset that you are discriminated. If you are eager to be a good marketer in the future, prove something better and market yourself to the interviewer.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Hello GilMegans!, I am not really sure how to market myself to an employer because I don't know its nitty-gritty in the world of marketing. Maybe they can train me for a while then later on be able to judge my work. undoubtedly, it is not easy to train any novice, it takes so much time and pressure ofcourse! but anyone can be good at something eventually if they are exposed to. Right?
• United States
28 Nov 12
Hi. I had sort of that same issue before. Whenever I looked for a job, most employers rejected me. I was really bummed out because my resume was long, and I had plenty of marketing and customer service experience. That is basically what they asked for. One day, I went in to ask for a job somewhere, they said they were hiring and I could come back later to pick up some applications. When I went back, another lady told me they had already hired someone that day, and done fingerprinting and everything. She started work that day too. Your situation may be discrimination. Your profession isn't supposed to matter when it comes to getting a job. I know a bunch of people that graduated with different titles and ended up working in marketing and sales. All they want is workers, so as long as you're good at it, it doesn't matter if you're a nurse.
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
I know many people who are into marketing and sales but with different professions too. Lucky for them since most of the time, they were hired because one of their friends or relatives is related to the certain company. In other words there is somehow a connection, which is beneficial for a worker. Unfortunately, I don't have any that is why it's so hard for me to look for a job that is not related to my profession.
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
11 Dec 12
Well, things work hard way in real life. Some of the things could be disgusting and demeaning at times, but then employers are more concerned about making profits and unfortunately, many want readymade solutions, and not willing to invest in the training of people who lack experience but willing to put in more efforts.
• China
28 Nov 12
In my opinion,the reason is not discrimination but business issue,because every employer want to hire those person who has the relate work experience then they can get used to the work very fast,almost all the employers do not willing to train a new one who do not have a relate work experience and they always what their employers can make money for them as quickly as possible. But from another point of view,this is also can be taken as some kinds of "discrimination".
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
Hi, I am not in favor of those who do not hire applicants like you but I guess we should also understand that they prefer people whom they think are capable of handling jobs by their educational background. With regard to your question, there are discrimination every where because we are not in a perfect world. We can always hear and witness a whole lot more of discrimination because of imperfection.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
27 Nov 12
for me, I do not think this is discrimination. Maybe you should make your point more clear in your resume. Once you make up your mind to be a salesperson, just keep striving for it. Come on. you can make a difference in market field.