Should current staff be involved in hiring process?

@glgcpa (143)
United States
November 22, 2006 6:33am CST
When I was reading your replies about office parties it got me thinking about new hires. Many of you enjoyed the parties if you liked your co-workers (which makes sense). How many of you are involved, even at a small level, with the hiring process? Do you get to meet the potential new hires before they hire anyone? Do you get to put in your two cents as to whether or not you think they would be a "good fit" personality wise? If you don't, do you think you should? I'm curious....
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3 responses
@claudia413 (4280)
• United States
23 Nov 06
I work in a small office (1 boss and 3 secretaries/assistants). After having a bad experience with someone that the boss hired all by himself, he now lets us meet with a prospective hiree before he ever talks to her. If we say "thumbs down", he won't hire her. The 3 of us there now get along great because everyone does their job and we all respect each other. We like him even more for including us in the process since we're the ones who have to work with each other.
@glgcpa (143)
• United States
25 Nov 06
I think that's great. Hopefully it has helped to hire people who are more compatible with each other. Thanks for your response!
@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
22 Nov 06
Luckily, I no longer work in an office, but I did for over 20 years. When I was hiring staff, I always had at least 2 other people in the department interview candidates with me. That way, we could ensure a better cultural fit than if I was the only person interviewing.
@glgcpa (143)
• United States
25 Nov 06
I think it's great that you did that and even better that you no longer work in an office! Thanks for your response.
@luskas (3428)
• Portugal
22 Nov 06
Nop not me... I just see people in and out... :)
@glgcpa (143)
• United States
25 Nov 06
I hope that your employer's do a good job on their own then. Thanks for your response.