Do we have free will?
By zstang777
@zstang777 (37)
United States
November 27, 2012 1:00pm CST
I have done some thinking lately about free will and I just want to hear other people's opinion. What do you think about free will? Do we have it or are we just stuck in an infinite chain of causation based on the events that happened before this moment?
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17 responses
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
29 Nov 12
I would ask you to read my comment above. If you have any further comments please do! Like I said, I am not against that idea, it just doesn't make sense. I find it impossible to have free will when we were created, with God knowing what we will do according to how He created us.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
1 Jun 13
Yes,we have free will! We don''t have to follow other humans when they deviate from God's ways. We can read the Bible ourselves and follow it. We can look for other people that are doing the same and make these our close friends.
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@randomarts09 (1405)
• Indonesia
27 Nov 12
If "free will" means that God gives men a chance to make a choice that really affects their fate, then, yes, people really have free will. Status sins of the world is directly related to the choices made by Adam and Eve. All the story of the fall of man indicates that it is the result of a wrong choice. Starting from that point onwards people have the opportunity to choose to follow God and experience hhe consequences of not choosing it.
Even in the light of God's election of Abraham and his descendants, God requires that every person is responsible for their choices. In the Old Testament, the people who are outside the chosen people (Israel) can choose to believe and follow God (ie those not Israel who come together with the people of Israel when they came out of Egypt, Ruth, Rahab). Therefore, he who chooses also allow individuals to choose. Romans famous explanation of salvation and God's sovereignty. This book uses words such as "elect," "determine," set, "etc.., But also ask the people responsible for not choosing.
In the section where the Romans talk about the fall of man into sin, God openly declared that they are beyond salvation can not "quibble." This is particularly true in light of the rejection of general revelation, revealing the existence of God through His creation (Romans 1:20-21).
In other passages we learn that: (1) Each person is asked to choose to believe (John 3:16, Romans 10:11; etc.). (2) The Bible is given to provide guidelines for safety - it is clear to be selected or rejected (2 Timothy 3:15, John 20:30-31). (4) provides that Jesus chose to obey is a sign of our love for Him (John 14:21).
It is God's will that no one be perish (2 Peter 3:9), therefore, the exact choice of the man who separated him from God. God says that we will reap what we sow - we can choose to harvest differently (Galatians 6:7-8).
Various instructions given by God is based on the assumption that the listeners can choose to obey or disobey. Makes sense that God holds us accountable if we have free will to choose. Because it is a just God would not declare expectations on those who do not have the freedom to choose. It is not fair for God to punish those who do not have a choice in their actions. God, in His absolute sovereignty, created mankind with the ability to choose freely and truly.
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
29 Nov 12
Ok, I understand this point but (and I am most certainly not totally discarding faith and whatnot, just for clarity.) my issue with this approach if that God is said to know exactly how our lives will play out. He knows what we will do so, in my definition, is this not just a determined path that our lives will take? We may not know it but it is predetermined in this sense. That is what I don't understand about this point. He knows all and sees all, therefore he knows what we will do until the end of time basically.
We have a predetermined path that is laid before us when he created us the way we are, if you take this approach to the question.
It just doesn't seem to satisfy the question.
@Bluebell18 (636)
• United States
27 Nov 12
Free will is something we all have & its up to us to either go for it or stay at a stand still. I can choose to look for opportunities to better myself or let my mother take care of a 33 year old adult. I can choose to stay with my boyfriend or move on & have one night stands. I can choose to be happy, broke, and optimistic about my future or sulk in self pity. Live my life or live the life others want me to live for them. Free will is everywhere.
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
27 Nov 12
Maybe you were predetermined to think and act just as you just stated? The events that have happened in your life caused you to say and do those exact things possibly?
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
27 Nov 12
robspeakman, I would really enjoy knowing why you think so. If you would care to share.
@StLouisMetroTutoring (678)
• St. Peters, Missouri
27 Nov 12
I think a lot are missing the deeper question posed here. It's true, all throughout life, there are options. We can read this post or not. We can go to the doctor or not. We can go right, left, straight, or not move at all. We do one of those options. The question being asked as I understand it and please correct me if I'm wrong, is when these options are presented, is the option that we eventually take actually chosen by us (we had an equal ability to do any of them)or is there some big design of how everything is going to happen that we are actually just following. The fact that there are options and we do one of the options, doesn't prove free-will. The fact that we seem to make a decision, doesn't mean there's free-will. I'm not sure that free-will CAN be proved. But it's an interesting discussion.
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
27 Nov 12
This is exactly my thought. It is near impossible to prove either side of the argument but if their are any other thoughts I would like to hear them. Upon further interest I found the Flower of Life theory which is pretty interesting too if you like discussions like this. Definitely something to look into.
@zstang777 (37)
• United States
27 Nov 12
It is said to be the pattern of the universe in a sense. It is a design that I am sure you have seen somewhere. It is used to explain how everything in the universe has some sort of circularity. It's difficult to explain in depth. It is very interesting though.

@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Nov 12

@god_is_good (683)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
The discussion may be settled up there with the best response, but this is a great discussion that I chose not to pass up. I could've ignored but I chose to be part of this great and wonderful topic. We don't need to make a scientific experimentation for years before we can say that free will is with us, the moment we come to know this world we're living in. That free will was given to the first man Adam which he used it to make the first free will choice - a blunder. I just hope that we spend some time to analyze things before we exercise our free will. May you have a great and wonderful days ahead.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
28 Nov 12
Hi friend, there is nothing wrong in having a will. We will achieve a lot in our life with our interest. We all know about the great quote, where there is a will there is a way, so our will is the beginning stage to find the way to achieve our target. Good to hear that you have will, keep it up throughout your life
@BethelSophia (538)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
We definitely given a free will. We are free to decide and to respond. Things around us aren't under our control but the way we respond to these things are our own will. That is why we are a blessed being for we are given a free will, thus we should use it wisely.
@sakurage123 (77)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Everybody has a free will.We don't have to live each others expectation.we must stand in our own so that we will be happy.
@Rigel4 (47)
• United States
28 Nov 12
There was a report in the science journal "Nature" last year about an experiment which suggests that free will may be an illusion. I found it simply by googling "no free will philosophy." From brain scans, scientists find that our brain may have made a decision on something long before we are consciously aware of it, and it only appears to us that we made the decision consciously fractions of a second before.
It is only one example of an experiment on free will, so it is not necessarily definitive. I'm not sure if other experiments concerning decision making have been produced before this one.
Many philosophers disagree with the study, so take that for what it's worth. I think the jury is still out on this question until more data can be gathered.
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
27 Nov 12
Well, a law of physics says: "For every action there is a reaction, equal and opposite."
So in our daily actions, the decision taken, in a way little by little we plan our future.
A famous character said: "The fate shuffles the cards, to us, is the task to play them."
The discussion of free will, and here we enter the field Religious, we have it. Depending on how we behave, then we will be judged. And here I am standing because I do not want to get too far beyond where no get my knowledge.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
27 Nov 12
I believe that we all have free will the will to do as we want and to choice what we do.
@StLouisMetroTutoring (678)
• St. Peters, Missouri
27 Nov 12
I think it's true we're in an infinite chain of causation, but I think how we respond to what life throws at us is entirely up to us as an individual I also think that we can use our free will to effect the chain of causation. I don't think there's any doubt that when one thing happens, it causes a chain reaction. However, we can effect that original event, thereby effecting what happens in the chain.
Maybe because I prefer to believe so, but I just can't believe that every single event, every happening, every reaction I have (and therefore everything that happens after now), is pre-destined.