**ZAP! ZAP!**OUCH! OUCH!** The Old Winter Electrical SHOCKS!

United States
November 27, 2012 5:19pm CST
All day long today I've been getting ZAPPED by touching just about anything here in my apartment and it's driving me CRAZY! I even tried rubbing the bottom of my socks with a dryer sheet to help stop it! I'm ready to tie them around my feet already. I have steam heat or heat that comes from a radiator and it's very warm. I've been here for 4 years and I just don't remember going through this last year or the years before. I always thought the steam would produce enough humidity to stop all the commotion with the electrical shocks but not this year. I don't know what else to do because I never had this problem. When I fixed my bed this morning I was hearing all the crackling as I put new sheets on and moved the comforter...geesh. Anybody got any suggestions on this as what to do about this annoying problem? Do you think if I got some of that static free stuff and sprayed it around the house on the rug it would work? I almost feel like I'm "Bewitched" and I can throw lightening from my fingers! .......if anyone doesn't know about the old tv program called "Bewitched" it was about a witch who was leading a normal life at home or so she tried.
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12 responses
@chrystalia (1208)
• Tucson, Arizona
28 Nov 12
well! A truly shocking development, Kash-- must be your electric personality coming out . Other than spraying the static stuff around, I can't think of anything you could try. It is odd that it's suddenly happening-- did you change fabric softener lately, or shampoo your carpets? It's so humid here in the winter I never have the problem myself, but I did in AZ-- I used to wear footies that had rubbery soles, and it seemed to help.
• United States
28 Nov 12
Soooo, you figured it out now..it IS my electric personality...just can't help myself, haha!! I am going to get those footies since you mentioned it! I have to go shopping later this week and that sounds like a pretty good idea. It certainly can't hurt much because they're not expensive so I'm not out much money. Did not change fabric softener, ohhhh, wait a minute, yes I did. I'm just bought those "snuggles" I think they're called. Do you think?? Did not shampoo the carpet but you got me thinking now..hmmmm.
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• Tucson, Arizona
28 Nov 12
well, I know down in AZ the only fabric softener I can use is downy--if I use anything else, especially in the winter, the results are hair raising . It might be the fabric softener change, you never know. I also noticed down there that dryer sheets don't work as well as liquid softener does...hmm...now you have ME thinking
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• United States
28 Nov 12
HAHAHAHAHA! You are toooo funny...hair raising! That's me right now, lol! I could go out into one of the punk bars and look completely at home, LOL!! And, give them a good zap too! What a pain in the neck if I had to use liquid Downy..ugh. I'd have to be running downstairs to the washers and try to figure out the timing on that one, but right now, with all this electricity in me I feel like super woman! I could do this!
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@allknowing (142645)
• India
28 Nov 12
Here is a link that can help you. This static electricity problem shows up when there is dryness everywhere. http://lifehacker.com/5851341/how-can-i-avoid-static-shocks-in-the-winter
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• United States
28 Nov 12
Wow, great link and thank you, but I'm still confused a bit. I thought wearing rubber soled shoes, like tennis shoes would help. And I do wear cotton socks, nothing else. I do not have any wool in the apartment as I'm allergic to it, nor do I wear wool sweaters, etc. It must be the dry air and I guess I'm going to have to invest in a humidifier but I really didn't want to. The steam on the walls would be pretty bad here as the rooms are small. I will try the static guard before anything just to see if that helps at all and maybe I can boil some water on the stove to add moisture. Thank you for your help!
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@allknowing (142645)
• India
28 Nov 12
It is not that bad here in our country but sometimes if we wear something silk it sticks and we feel the zap as you call it, around this time of the year. Hope you will find a way to zap the zap!
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• United States
28 Nov 12
I'm on a mission to zap the zap right now!
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
29 Nov 12
Really not sure what to tell you. Spraying your carpet might help but often wonder if it isn't more shoe related. I have an awful time with static electricity and wish there was something I could figure to use that would stop it. I can actually see blue sparks at times when I touch my car door handle or pick up one of the grandkids. I wear tennis shoes alot but even when wearing just socks in the house this happens. When I get gas for the car, I don't get back into the car while it's filling because of the amount of electricity that's in my body. I changed shampoo and that didn't matter. Changed hair conditioner and that didn't help either. I suppose one of these days, when I think about it and am out and about, I could stop in a carpet store and see if they recommend anything. Might not be a bad idea to spray my car floor mats too since they are carpeted. Good luck.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
30 Nov 12
Gloves help me alot when handling the door handle. I only get worried when I handle a gas nozzle. Don't know what that blue spark might do, ya know? Thanks for the info. I will store it in my pea brain.
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• United States
30 Nov 12
They also say that it happens when you're pumping gas and letting the nozzle do all the work while you get back into the car. The seat causes more friction as you're getting out and then you touch the nozzle which causes a lot of the problem. I can see that happening in the wintertime moreso than summer. And from what I understand, tennis shoes do absolutely nothing to stop it. Crazy. I think they also say to touch something else before touching the nozzle to break the static spark line.
• United States
30 Nov 12
I am going to try to spray my carpet and see if that helps at all. Deazil gave me a link in her discussion which says to take 1 part softener and add it to 5 parts water and spray the floor. I was suppose to try that last night but I was too tired to mix it up. I also got some of that static spray to help get it out of my clothes. How crazy is this already. I went shopping today and got zapped I don't know how many times getting in and out of my daughters car. And it is getting me really aggravated, lol! I started touching the handle with just my jacket by pulling my hands back up into the sleeve. That seemed to help.
• Canada
2 Feb 13
Our house actually hasn't been too bad this winter, but Walmart is horrid for dryness. My daughters, boyfriend, and I went to get groceries the other day and the stupid shopping cart must have zapped me over a hundred times! My youngest was sitting in the cart, and when I went to get her out the second I touched her I zapped her or she zapped me (not sure which) and the poor kid got so upset and cried because it hurt and it scared the poor thing.
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• Canada
3 Feb 13
I will give it a try the next time we go to Walmart and seem to be getting zapped liked crazy!
• United States
2 Feb 13
That's awful!! Your poor little kid, that had to REALLY hurt! When I go to Walmart I use the wipes they have for germs and rub down the handle...I wonder if that stops it from getting to me there. It hasn't been tooo bad lately but the other day I got it good and that sure did hurt. I think it was Deazil who mentioned, but I might be wrong, that you can mix fabric softener with water and spray your rug in the house. That is suppose to help. I keep forgetting about that so I'll have to try it.
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• United States
3 Feb 13
Maybe you can hang your jacket or scarf over the metal cart handle to help and push it that way. I'm sure because you have wood floors is why you're not getting shocked all day...that's great!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
27 Nov 12
Our house is dry as a dessert during the winter and I don't do much other than live with it. I think it is strange that with steam heat you are having this problem, sometimes a humidifier works.
• United States
27 Nov 12
Hi Carm, I was trying hard not to get a humidifier because of how it wets the walls. My apartment is pretty small and I know it would streak probably and drip. I'm guessing of course because I never had to have one. I think it's strange too so that's why I'm looking for answers. It's probably me and some new found disease that they're always coming out with, haha! Sure, just take this pill and it will go away and then 10 years down the road you'll hear some lawyers saying to call us because the pill is deadly. I'm so sick of those commercials already. Geesh, I'm getting off the subject, lol!
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
28 Nov 12
Reading all this the only thing that comes to mind is - John Travolta. Why, you ask? Do you remember.... I got chills, they're multiplyin' And I'm losin' control Cause the power you're supplyin' It's electrifyin'! I absolutely loved that song. 1975. Anyway, now I can't get it out of my head. All I have to do is hear the word electrify and there's that song. When I read your discussion I thought to myself poor Kash. She's electrifying. And then I broke into a song and dance. Sorry. There's no hang-my-head-in-shame emoticon. I guess by now you've heard all the electricity jokes you can stand. I think somebody already said something about this, I can't remember. But when I used to work in electronics we used static mats to stand on and under our chairs. They prevent static electricity from going through you to the electronic components. They're a little thick but they may also be expensive. We also could get ESD shoes. I don't remember what it stands for. I never got any but other people did. But I did find something that sounds good and cheap. It's here www.momsbudget.com/cleaning/electricshock.html It sounds good. Hope it helps.
• United States
28 Nov 12
HaHa, yeh, good song! And good fun movie to watch! I also love John Travolta, he's one of my favs. I will check out that website and see what they say. So far this morning I'm not zapping myself and I can't figure out why. Really strange. I did use a different blanket last night so maybe it was that..dunno. No, can't afford to get all those mats and I'd have to put them everywhere. I'm sure they cost a pretty penny but it's probably a great idea if you can.
• United States
28 Nov 12
I just checked that website and what a super cool idea! I will definitely try that for sure. Maybe I'll do it tonight before I go to bed so the rug can dry overnight. Thanks Deaz!, you came through for me! Now I just hope it works although like I said, nothing is zapping me so far today, which is really weird after all that yesterday. Hmmm, I'm losing my powers.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
28 Nov 12
Maybe Darrin's been doing something to your nose while you're asleep and your "tweak" isn't working anymore. I did catch that at the beginning about Bewitched. But thinking of John Travolta generally distracts me from everything else. Did you know that Elizabeth Montgomery's (didn't she play Samantha?) father was a very good actor too? I've seen a lot of his movies because that's what I like - anything before 1950. Just a little trivia to go with all the comedy. It is kinda weird that you had all that static & now it's gone. Hmmm....
@GardenGerty (162760)
• United States
28 Nov 12
Static is worse when the air is really dry. Houseplants help. Letting some of your laundry dry on hangers is helpful. Putting electronic devices on rubber mats helps the static. It has been a dry year here.
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• United States
28 Nov 12
Hi GG, I can't figure out why the air is so dry here with the steam heat. That's a puzzler to me so I thought maybe I'd put on a pot of hot water and let it steam the house a little. It's awful and really hurts and I'm afraid to even touch anything as I get zapped..ugh. I would have to buy a whole lot of rubber mats to cover all my electrical devices. I thought wearing rubber shoes or those socks with rubber soles would help but I'm not so sure now from what I'm reading. Hopefully, I will find the solution to this...otherwise, it's going to be a very long winter.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Nov 12
I hope there is a solution. I got new pj's and they are micro fiber. Well if I need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I can see the sparks before I even hit the lamp next to my bed! I hate them. My granddaughter stayed with me this weekend and she says...grandma why do you keep shocking me! LOL......anyway hopefully there is a solution.
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• United States
28 Nov 12
I really need to find a solution to this because I'm not the only one with this problem..geesh. Awww, your poor little granddaughter and I understand that. I was babysitting my little granddaughter just 2 days ago and kept shocking her..it was terrible. I'm going on a mission and hopefully will find some type of answer on the problem. So far, a humidifier seems to be the only way. I just didn't want to spend that kind of money at this time, nor do I want my walls all wet. I think for the moment, I'll try some boiled water on the stove and see if that helps bring in some moisture. It all deals with the moisture which doesn't make sense to me because I have steam heat..duh.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
28 Nov 12
I live in a very dry high desert climate here in N. M. and this is a persistent problem. I get it a lot in the car when I go to get out and sometimes when I get in if I scoot on the seat to adjust my coat in the Winter. Today I did that and got shocked through the leather gloves I had on. I have been shocked through leather coats before, too. And in the house I have had a few shocks from static electricity that left my hand tingling and almost numb. I assume that you have carpets. So if it really bothers you could try always wearing shoes that won't build up a charge with the carpet. Something I just thought of that I don't know if it would work or not is to put something down on the carpet where you walk that would not create a charge with what you have on your feet; maybe plastic or something. You can probably research that on line.
• United States
28 Nov 12
Hi stealthy, I'd have to put plastic down throughout the apartment which I actually think might cause more static. Do you know what I mean? If you read the link above you, they talk about static in the car and there is some good advice on that which may help. I can't believe you even got shocked through your gloves AND coats? OUCH!, that's awful. AND, your arm was left tingling and almost numb???? That's completely CRAZY! There has to be a solution to this so now I'm on a mission, lol!
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
28 Nov 12
i remember Bewitched when i was in my early 20s. I should as some people told me i looked like Elisabeth montgomery. anyway, i carry a dryer sheet in my pockets and every time i have to grab a door or something i rub it first.
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• United States
28 Nov 12
Hey, now that's a thought..a dryer sheet in my pocket. I was rubbing my socks with one but it helped only a little bit, but I didn't try it on my hands. I thought it was the rug. All I know is, I'm going nutty over this and it's everything I touch just about. Yeh, Bewitched was a fun show many years ago and that's how I feel, haha. Or either "Charmed" where they were all witches and would zap the demons, haha. I bet they didn't have this problem though, lol!
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
28 Nov 12
Before you invest in a humidifier, I suggest you buy a good quality dryer sheet, like Bounce. It does the trick for me. Also, I would buy the anti-static spray to use in certain circumstances. I spray it on my hairbrush when my hair gets staticy and it solves the problem.
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• United States
28 Nov 12
I do have good dryer sheets and normally use way over the amount suggested because I like my stuff soft and smelling nice. I don't think that's the problem. I think it might be my rug. Deazil above responded with a link which had a suggestion and I think I'm going to try it. You take a spray bottle, fill it with 1 part softener and 5 parts water and spray the floor. I'll see what happens. Things seem to have quieted down here today for some reason and I don't know why. I'm not getting zapped...strange.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
You got me laughing real hard! I really do not have any idea how to get rid of the static. I also get zapped every time I touch the upper edge of a car door. The first I experienced it, I thought it was just nothing, like a twisted nerve. But it has been happening to me for more than 20 years. so every time I open the door of the car, I make sure I only hold the handle of the car and nothing more.
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• Canada
2 Feb 13
True that! If you could use your "zapping abilities" to power your house then you wouldn't owe a thing on your power bill!
• United States
28 Nov 12
I know, sometimes I get really silly and that's how I feel right now. As far as your car goes, up above in the response from "allknowing" she gives a link to a good website which helps about static electricty. They give some tips on what to do when you get zapped in your car. Might be worth your time to read it..I found it very interesting although I do not wear any wool and have cotton socks on. I wish I could use this electricity to light my house..then I wouldn't have to pay the electric bill all winter.
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@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
3 Feb 13
Oh, PurpleTeddyBear! hahaha! If I could just have that much energy, I wouldn't turn off the airconditioning in our house EVER!
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