Do you think our system created a lot of lazy individuals?
By kingparker
@kingparker (9673)
United States
November 27, 2012 8:26pm CST
I don't know if my discussion will offend a lot of people. From what I saw in daily life, some people rather beg than actually going out there to look for a real job to sustain themselves. Some people rather wait for government to help them, usually food stamp, or charity aid. I am not accusing them, but some of them rather live this way, and take full advantage of it. While for others, they have to work 24/7 and pay large amount of taxes to help those out. Somehow, do you think that is the loophole of our system? To help out those who don't wanna work?
11 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
21 Jan 13
that is a little bit true now a days,and because of the support of government some people stay on where they are,they will just not work and always ask for the support of the government,the best thing here is the government should give them a task and will pay them.
@crossbones27 (50232)
• Mojave, California
16 Dec 12
Do you think they are waiting for the government to help them or do you think employers are just not owning up to their end of the bargain? I mean employers really have nothing to fall back on the way the government does, but if employers could make sure everyone was getting paid a living wage then people would not have to pay extra taxes to the government. I am just saying did the private sector ever think they might be the cause for the problem of half of poverty on what they pay in wages. Now I know there is some companies that just financially can't do this but many can and they choose not to. You can't fix the problem unless you look at all angles of the problem. Is not just government and lazy people. The private sector needs to do their fare share to.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
29 Nov 12
What is just as disturbing is the number of people who want to get a government job. This is seen by many people as achieving true success. A few years ago a co worker was talking about their son who was graduating from college with an accounting degree and was considering two different positions - one was with a smaller accounting firm but offered very good potential as it was a growing firm and he would be in on the ground floor. The other position was with the State doing audits of state agencies. Pay was about the same but the state offered more in benefits but not much in terms of advancement. My co worker was hoping he would take the state job because it would be guaranteed employment. It seems that today people are willing to trade future success, advancement and achievement for security. We are losing the risk takers and the dreamers.
@suzzy3 (8341)
29 Nov 12
I think a lot of us wonder the same thing as you.In some cases people are down on their luck,no fault of their own.Job goes cannot pay the rent,then end up homeless.I think you mean the ones that work the system.We have more than out fare share of them around here.They sit and moan about the welfare system,the people don't realise they are better off than us and we work out fingers to the bone.I wish someone would pay my mortgage,poll tax.ect.They have no intention of getting a job they have one kid after another,then go down and get the money.But not anymore they are capping the amount of money they can get.In actual fact it matches my husbands salary and he works for 60 hours a week most weeks.Then they get there rent paid as well.Still to generous I say.It is to stop anyone from getting pregnant then receiving a free flat and money.Then moving the boyfriend in a few nights of the week.What a life eh.We seem to have developed a breed of people who expect something for nothing ,they seem to think it is their right.Most of them have never paid a penny in tax but expect to be kept for nothing.

@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
15 Dec 12
I don't think it created a lot of lazy individuals in a sense, but it created a lot of individuals who are stuck and unable to get out of the slump they are in. I don't think it is a loophole as the system is there to help those when they fall down on their luck, but I think these people aren't getting the opportunity to work for whatever reason an employer wants to come up with.
I do dislike beggars who aren't actually homeless though. Seriously, they can at least try to find a job or go to school to get one.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
28 Nov 12
In my country, I see the same tendency. Sometimes beggars earn more money than some unlucky people who work really dedicatedly, but have just little salaries. Some of them say "they are not going to be bossed around for some little change". They expect us to pay for them, they think they deserve it, and it's our job to pay them... some even harass people at supermarkets, there's one who always follows my mother to her car, last time a beggar stopped begging for money in front of the building I live... the government should do something about this...
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Nov 12
I agree. I had a politician stop by before the elections....and I told him. Our country gives so much away that its turned so many into helpless cripples because they can stay home and have as much as someone that works...and that...should not be. If you don't want to don't deserved computers or cell phones or big tv's....and here they are giving computers to some free....cell phones...that is just wrong. It's better for someone to builds their self esteem...the problem also lies in the fact that too many times its generation after another in the same family getting the same benefits!
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
28 Nov 12
I would suppose that for every person dreaming of being wealthy and successful, there's another person just dreaming of getting by. For every person willing to get up at 5 a.m. and break their back to work for a living, there's another person who just wants to sit on the sofa, play video games and smoke pot all day.
I don't buy much into the people who actually want to put percentages on these things, with things like "only very few are lazy" or "most are lazy," etc. And, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting it's 50/50. But it's logical that there are many people who are lazy and feel justified in their laziness because they can be taken care of.
Granted, it's difficult in some areas. My brother, before starting his own business, fell on really hard times. He and his fiance were living in a camper, neither employed, and they applied for food stamps (or whatever they call that card now). They got them, but they were taken away after 2 weeks. So even if they wanted to mooch off of government, they couldn't. Their records indicated that she was receiving unemployment only a few months prior, and even though it had run out, they didn't consider them to be "needy." Go figure.
On the flip-side of that coin, though, I know a guy who lives right up the street who gets SS checks every month for $1,200, $360/month in food stamps, medical assistance, etc, and he works under the table in construction and makes probably $500/700 a week. He's not "lazy"; he's just a crook who figures, hey, if the government's gonna give, why not take. (I suppose I could get into a racial thing, as some do suspect it's much easier for minorities to get assistance, but I'll resist that urge.)
And I know plenty of lazy people who continuously fill out job applications for offers ten-times above their skill level, just so they can feign victimhood to keep collecting unemployment.
Yes. Some people do want to live as moochers.
One of things I found most amusing about that whole Occupy Wall Street (AKA Eat the Rich) movement was that many of those folks were barely in college, spending their parents' money and didn't have jobs.
WTF do they want? Rich people to pay for their livelihoods? I don't understand the beef from kids who aren't out there trying in the first place. I understand it perfectly from individuals who have tried and who have caught raw deals. I sympathize. But for those punks? Get a clue!
There are loopholes somewhere. It seems that too many undeserving people do collect a lot of assistance, and what's worse is that I don't see any efforts being made to push people towards employment. Instead, it's more spending and more entitlements and a bigger sense of compassion.
Not the case everywhere, of course, but the lazy bums are plenty. Anyone to deny that must live in a bubble.
@flamez3r0 (319)
• Puerto Rico
28 Nov 12
Hello :). The answer to this is probably more opinion than fact, but you see, unemployment is an useful tool to force those who work to comply to the conditions of whatever they are asked to do. I have seen many managers telling employees "if you don't like it you are free to quit, there are a lot of people who would do your job". However, before entering into that we have to define laziness. For example, my parents used to tell me that I should get a "good" job, which specifically meant a job that wasn't physical (like farming or constructions) nor mind numbing (like in factories or fast food). But as the world progressed only jobs in service or extremely physical are left, with older people not retiring until they can't move at all and machines replacing repetitive tasks. But in my mind there's still the voice of my parents judging my "bad" jobs, even if they are the only ones left. Some people, when they go out of their colleges or their school, find this and decide that they are going to wait until a better job appears, which usually never happens. So in the end people either become a disappointment to their parents or end up living from the government :P.
@god_is_good (683)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
It is very unfortunate that what you have said is true to some people who just depend on others for their sustenance, rather than sweat it out. There are a lot of factors why these things happen. There is the government who made such a program that will only make things worst for those who are beggars or lazy individuals. I am for those who make a way to work for a living. I admire them no matter what they do legally. We can be a contributor or a creator of jobs for others. May you find something that will work for you and that of others. No matter what happens out there, it's still in our hands the kind of life we want to enjoy. Good day.
@Phoenixheart1 (18)
• Bulgaria
28 Nov 12
I guess you are speaking about the US or UK, right? As a resident of a country on the Balkans I don't see things this way. I work as an M&A analyst which is a very well paid job in my country and I still get some $3 per hour. The minimum wage here is $160 per month. When people get laid off they get only a one-month notice but most times there is none because they threaten to fire you for disciplinary reasons if you don't resign yourself. There is no severance, and you get unemployment benefits for only six months. There are no food stamps or anything of this kind if you are unemployed. So.... yeah. You get squat if you are lazy and don't look for a job. On the other hand unemployment is already over 12% and for every job on the most popular job websites there are more than 50 people applying for every spot so getting a job is a real challenge. Waiting for the government won't get you anywhere. Oh yeah, even if you work 24/7, it can be still tough to make ends meet. Also forget about things like Christmas bonuses or 13th salary. Welcome to the jungle.