Money Is All We Need?

United States
November 30, 2012 8:46pm CST
Hello mylotters I know most of us work hard. We work a full time job and then work online to make some extra cash. Some of us just work from home and work on several sites to make ends meet. A money is just a piece of paper that we give significance to. Yet we work ourselves sometimes near death to get that piece of paper. There have to be a special meaning that piece of paper have to use that keeps us driven. So what does having money means to you? What drives you every morning or every night to get up and go to work? For me money is just a means to get the things I want and need so that me and my boyfreind can survive. So money to me means survival after all isn't survival part of everyones makeup?
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24 responses
@whiteream (8567)
• United States
3 Dec 15
It means getting the bills paid and having food on the table. Once in a blue moon I may go out and get something special for myself but that rare. We need money to live and it keeps getting harder and harder to make money.
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• Chandigarh, India
3 Dec 15
yeah true, everybody needs to pay the bills.
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• United States
21 Dec 15
Hello! Yes we need money in our day to day life! Everything have a price code on it. Maybe one day we will have to pay for air? Lol just kidding! But it seems that way right? Bills need to be paid and food need to be eaten. I'm thankful for the internet providing us a way to earn additional income! These extra dollars come in handy. I'm currently working on my business. So I work only two days now in my security job. Needless to say money is tight! I have to spend wisely! Be well! Chat later! Francesca
• United States
21 Jan 16
@rocky1980 Absolutely pay your dues to society!
23 Jan 13
Money is very important after healthy. And to find the easy way in life is one of blessings.
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• United States
2 Mar 16
Hello! Yes money is important in life. If you want to stay healthy you have to have some money to take care of expenses. However money does not make you happy! And there are somethings money can't buy such as true love. Money is what you make of it!
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
22 Jan 13
hi, it because money is center of living here in the world that is why money is all we need to survive and live life longer,without money we can not eat healthy food,we can not buy clothes for our daily needs,we can not go to hospital for free and have a good i could say money is all we need.
• United States
7 Apr 13
Yes certainly we do need money for a lot of things. This is why many people consider money to be all that we need. However I do think some things we shouldn't need money for. For instance Schools and hospitals I think these institutions should be free for everyone. I think it's a pity when people say they can't go to college because they don't have the money. Many students have a huge debt from student loans alone. We need education so that we can get a good job everyone should be able to get an education. Another institution we shouldn't have to pay for is hospital care. We all should be given a fair chance at life. How many people have lost their life because they couldn't afford the best care? Money is a piece of paper that dictates every aspect of our life when it shouldn't. So my message to you is don't give money more value than you need to.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
5 Dec 12
Well for one thing, we do need money to buy food. We all have to eat. We do live in a modern world and we all have bills of some sort. So we have to pay our bills. Essentially we mainly need that piece of paper to survive. Without it, we have nothing. Not in this world anyway.
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• United States
17 Feb 13
Hello Inertia Yes indeed money is needed for survival. Food shelter clothes and personal care items are example of things we need money for. When we head to work and we clock in it gives us a piece of mind. For instance knowing each hour we spend at work will help pay for something. We are here at a time where the cost of living keeps going up. In the 1940's it was the norm for the husband to work and the wife to stay home. Now days the household needs two paycheck. With both parents working babysitters and daycares are raising our children. When we are with our children we are too tired to really get to know our children. Our children are learning life lessons from their peers. The children are our future. One day they will be our doctors and our nurse. In other to ensure our survival we have to start with our children. So next time you have some time off besure to spend time preserving our future.
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@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
2 Dec 12
Money is necessary for survival...It may or may not come directly from you but its the way of the world...the issue is that so so many people have a tendacy of trying to live wwwwwwaaaaayyyy beyond their needs... There are so so many people who have so much less than even I have and are so happy with their lives...I often think about those who have less than me and I filled so blessed.. Life is easy it really does not really take a lot of money to be happy... what makes us happy is to be able to take care of ourselves and our families,,, to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and to have the other things that we are just use to here in the world...
• United States
3 Feb 13
Hello bjc66bjc You are absolutely correct we don't need a lot of money to survive. We just need a roof over our head, the clothes on our back, some food to eat, and a few toys here and there. Why is it that so many people are not happpy just to have the simple things in life? We need to have the best car or we need to buy the biggest house down the block. The reason for this is because we lack self love and we think these material things will give us the happiness that we deserve. Happiness only comes when you trully love and accept yourself. Accept your faults and your weaknesses. Accept that making your dreams a reality is going to take some time. Accept your inner beauty will shine over everything else. For only then will you have peace and tranquility. In other to survive this life we need peace and love. And no other love is greater then self love. Love yourself enough to change and not let you fanancial gain define who you are. Love yourself enough to survive.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Money is a very essential thing when it comes to life... good life. We just needed it everywhere we go. Life would be miserable without it. But definitely it is not that all we need. Not a lot of money but enough for a day to day living is better with so much wealth and yet you are not satisfied and you don't live a happy life. I want to money to buy me food, to have a house, a car and to help others but I don't want money to rule my life as others did. People kill each other for money, money is not evil but desiring more of it is..!
• United States
27 Jan 13
Hello Leeandrew You made a good point here lee. If we just use money as a means to survive and not try to get an excessive amount life is good. Yes money is important to buy the necessities of life such as food and water. I know we want to buy little knick knacks here and there for entertainment purposes. That's fine money only becomes a problem when it becomes an obsession. For instance if we live and breath money and do anything to acquire it. Many people have die because of money. Many more will die because of it. Through out the years money has been exchange for many goods and services. These goods and services fill different aspects of our life. People judge us base on the goods and services we are able to acquire. I can remember as a child being tease because I didn't have good clothing. Being accepted and feeling like you belong is part of survival. So we may think that we need expensive clothing to survive. Understanding the role money have in our survival is just as important as aquiring millions of dollars. Survival is using what god gives you and using it to mutiply your happiness.
@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Money can do everything like buying foods, shelter and others. Money makes you happy when you receive it. We cannot buy money on relationships. We really need money and make ourselve proud. Just work hard for the money.
• United States
18 Dec 12
Hi cobalt. Indeed it makes us feel good when we work hard and are able to take care of ourselves and our family. I think especially for a men this is true. A man is mostly the provider and needs to take care of his family. If a man is unable to support his family he may become depress because he doesn't have enough money. Similarly many people feel depress and low on themselves when they don't have enough money. We need to work on our self esteem and realize money does not define who we are. Yes when we receive a lot of money we feel happy and proud of ourselves we should be. We need to put money in it's correct place. Money is needed to survive happiness is needed to live a happy fulfilling life. Take care have a good day and happy my lotting.
@chiwasaki (4694)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Money is really important. But everything does not revolve around money. It is true that money can't buy you happiness. I was working before in a company that provides a very good salary and benefits. After a year, I felt like I no longer enjoy my work. Its like I don't want to work any more. I am not really happy at all. Then I decided to leave the company. I have no work for three months. I gave up my high paying job because I am no longer happy. I guess for me, money is not everything.
• United States
26 Dec 12
Hi Chiwasaki You made a very good point money is important but it is not everything. I like the life example that you gave. That example shows what everybody wants which is a good paying job. The reason we want that is because we were taught that in school. When your in school all your teacher talks about is work hard so you can get a good job. The teacher never talk about getting a job that your happy with. All they are concern about is if the job have a good salary. Here you are with a good paying job and you leave it because your not happy. That's commendable not a lot of people would do that. I know a lot of people who are miserable at work and they stay because it pays the bills. What people don't realize is that you work for most of your life. So if your not happy with your job then that creates stress. Which will eventually effect your health in the long run. What I'm trying to say is that although we need money for survival it does'nt ensure our survival.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
2 Dec 12
Hi yes money for today is ssurvival we need it to pay the rent car insurance etc and for me it hard in my part of ny im in the country and there jsut part time retail jobs so for me I had to cut down on food for me since I work part time can not get food stamps make like $2.00 to much and can not cut back on hours or i will not ba able to pay bills and can not get rid of car no way to get around or to work with out a car they just have a small bus depart that bad no car no job ok have a good day.
• United States
1 Jan 13
Hello eagletrek Yes money is very important so that we can do our day to day activities. We do need it for rent and to pay our car insurance. Luckily I live in new york and we have 24 hour transportation. I pay about 104 dollars a month on metrocards. The MTA are still going to raise the fair on 2013. The thought of them raising the metrocard fair sickens me. It's like they don't care if you can afford it or not. For some people increase in metrocard fair means less food in the household. I'm sorry your money obstacle have lessen the amount of food you can in take. Part time jobs give you enough money to pay for somethings. Other things like expensive bills have to wait to be paid. In this dog eat dog world it's either you survive or you don't. May I suggest you find some other work online jobs to fill in the gap of the part time job. May this new year you gain financial freedom and have a wonderful life. Happy New Year.
@pahak627 (5022)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
I agree with you money is our means to survive. If we don't have money we can not survive. Maybe we'll be among those whom we can see begging. Pity for them. My earning from work makes us eat 3 times a day and maintain our household. No savings left.
• United States
23 Jan 13
Hi Pahak627 Yes money is a means to survival. Yeah sorry that your money is used mostly for bills and that you have nothing left for saving. There are a lot of people in your shoes. They attempt to fix their money problem by working a lot of hours. Yes you will have a lot of money but you won't have a lot of free time to enjoy your life. Some feel that is the price to pay so that you will "live the good life." So are the homeless people not living the good life? Of course not you quickly respond. That is not always the case happiness is a state of mind. If you choose to live the good life then you shall live the good life. Money is a state of illusion that man have created to diminish our state of mind. In closing don't let money diminish your state of mind. Because a beautiful mind is priceless.
• China
2 Dec 12
of course, money is all what we need. while, it is not all. Money is just a solid foundation, we should focus on other more important things besides money, like happiness, like family, They are the reason why we fight.
• United States
6 Jan 13
Hello Tonyparker Yes money is very important but it is not everything. They are far more important things such as family and happiness. But we need money to ensure our families well being. When we are able to surport ourselves and our family we are happy. Indeed money is needed for our survival. When we realize the true reason why we need money we are able to make better financial decisions. When we make better financial decisions we are able to become financially free. Free from debt, free to spend quality time with our love ones, and free to live. Money is just a foundation we build our life upon. Every penny add up to something. Wither it is a brand new tv or something more simple like a crayon. Money should never be taken out of context and be treated like a god. For it is when money is taken out of context that our souls die. While we need money to survive we need a sound mind to keep our soul alive.
@romzee (937)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Yes, money is very important in our existence here on earth. And as Clare Boothe Luce said "Money can't buy happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you're being miserable." We need money to buy all the necessities of living. To buy food, clothing, shelters, medicines and almost everything requires money. Money can't buy happiness, but neither can poverty. Then What's money? "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do." - Bob Dylan Money can't buy friends, but it can get you a better class of enemy. "Perhaps the most important use of money - It saves time. Life is so short, and there's so much to do, one can't afford to waste a minute; and just think how much you waste, for instance, in walking from place to place instead of going by bus and in going by bus instead of by taxi" - W. Somerset Maugham And here is one piece of advice from Warren Buffett about money : Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1. Have a nice day. Ciao!
• United States
26 Jan 13
Hello Romzee :) Thank you for your long response to my discussion. It appears you have given my discussion a lot of thought. I want you to know I enjoy reading your clever qoutes. Similarly many people given a lot of thought about money. For example, how will they earn this amount? How will they pay for that debt? Or how they know deep in their heart they will always live from pay check to pay check. Millions and millions of people from all over the world drag themselves out of bed so as to get ready for work. Well the rent is not going to pay itself we say silently to ourselves as we close the door behind ourselves. Money seems to have the power to make us do something we ordinarily would never do. What is it about that piece of paper that forces us out of bed when we know we want to lay back on our beds and fall asleep? If money is indeed needed for survival then why don't we stop when we have enough? It seems we can't never have enough money. There is always that extra dress or that extra car that we need to buy. We are a bottomless pit we always want more money. The truth be told when we finally found that internal peace we been searching for all our lives we all end up having the same network.
2 Dec 12
yah its true dat money means a lot but people have money and are not happy in life what about that? although it very important it shouldnt be always money on ur mind............................
• United States
23 Dec 12
Hi chrisaiks Yes you are absolutely correct although money is important it don't need to be on our mind all the time. That's true that having a lot of money doesn't mean that your're happy. You can be as miserable as can be. You need more then money to keep you happy and well. It's always good to be happy and optimistic towards life events. Having these coping skills will help you to deal with the most difficult situation in your life. After all life is about the way you deal with each situation. The better you are able to cope the better you are able to survive. Survival is not about the amount of money you have but the wealth of life to you.
@mynx25 (41)
• Philippines
2 Dec 12
Money is the root of all evil :) a lot of people to bad things just to have money,they steal,kill,kidnap,everything that is not good, we know that food is more important than money,dont love money,or give all of your time to get money,coz we know,time will come that the value of money will go to nothing. :) God bless.
• United States
1 Jan 13
Hello Mynx Money is not the root of all evil. Money is just credit we use so that we can buy the things we want. According to the dictionary "money is a medium that can be exchaged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market." Your right many people do evil things so that they can acquire money. It's the people who uses money in a negative way. For example many people have kill so that they can acquire a large sum of money. How can you put a price on someones life? Life is far more precious then any amount of money. Like life money is what you make of it. For instance you can use money in a positive way by giving it to charity. I agree that food is more important then money but you need money to buy food. What it comes down to is while we need money to survive in the end the amount of money that people have will be the same.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
1 Dec 12
The best things to have in life are happiness, good health and good luck. A person that is happy can enjoy life. Good health makes a person feel happy and poor health can make a person feel sad. It is lovely to have good luck in life. Money doesn't make a person happy but lots of money can get the person doing the things he or she loves doing. Having enough money to live on and a little bit left over is the best thing to have in the financial world. It can make a person miserable if he or she has money worries. It is shocking how much money is needed for the utility bills. If a person is married the happy marriage will be enjoyable and make the person happy. If the couple split up it can make both the people miserable. If a person keeps suffering bad luck he or she will feel sad. I know a lady whose house burned down with all her possessions and a few weeks later she was injured in a car crash. She feels very depressed and yet she is a rich lady. Events in life have harmed her happiness.
• United States
16 Dec 12
Hello maximax Yes you are absolutely correct while we need money for survival we need happines to stay alive. Money does not guarantee happiness and being happy does not guarantee that you have money. I like the example that you gave about the rich women who was not happy despite having a lot of money. Life is what you make of it. If you don't have control over your life you won't be happy despite how much money you have. If you don't have good life copping skills you won't be happy either. Happiness is also the key to survival. I think in other to have a balance life everything has to line up because everything in life affects each other. For example it won't matter how much money you have if you are ill. You will be too sick to enjoy life. Which in the end will make you depress. Like I said before money is needed in other to survive happiness and a good head on your sholder is needed to sustain you.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
It really boils down to that - necessity. Gone are the days where you can survive by just raising your own crops or livestock. Nowadays, that too requires money, and lots of it. Yeah, money isn't everything, but money is still the thing we need to survive.
• United States
9 Dec 12
Yeah back in the old days people were able to survive by having their own farms. These days life was a lot more affordable and you can spend more time home rasing your family. Now a days you need alot of money to survive. All these gadgets we have such as the Ipads, Iphones, laptops, and cameras makes the price of living go up for everyone. The reason rasing your own crops was a lot more affordable was because we didn't have these gadgets available. Now we work hard to keep up with the things we want and need. Oh if we all could go back to the simple life then money would simply mean survival. After all all that is important in the end is if we are happy.
• Marikina, Philippines
1 Dec 12
For me money is for survival. That is a reality. Money for survival for food, necessities, life, medicine, house and lot, and many to mention. Money can bring us happiness if we know how to apply it to other people like giving money for those poor people, for charity, giving money to the church or services and so, money is really for survival no matter what happen.
• United States
16 Dec 12
Hello introvertshy Indeed money is for survival. We use money to buy things like food, water, clothes, and to have a roof over our head. Many people use money for more things then needed other then survival. Like buying the new PS3 or going on a shopping spree. I too am guilty at using money to buy more things then needed then to survive. That's why we can never have to much money. We will always want to buy more and more things. We want to be happy so we buy nice things. But the thing is material things only give us temporary happiness. When our happiness fades away we buy some more material things hoping it will bring us some needed happiness. Next thing you know your in debt because you have a shopping addiction. Money instead of being a means of survival can be the means to your end if you use it the wrong way.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
1 Dec 12
Money means food, education, medical care, house a - Money means food, education, medical care, house and car to me.
Money means food on the table to me. Money means education for my children. Money means medical care when we are sick. Money also means that we can have a house to live in and a car to drive. Money is very important to me to having a 'proper' life. I don't fall in love with my job. It is just a way to earn money, just like when we are doing online jobs. The day when I have got the freedom to decide that I don't need to work anymore, I will quit my job happily. The money in my pension is piling up and it should be able to pay for my retirement when I reach 55 years old. My children are able to earn by themselves now. The car and house mortgages are being paid up soon. I have worked hard all my life so far. I hope I could enjoy my fruits soon.
• United States
6 Dec 12
Hello jkct02. Congratulations on working hard to get what you want. I too hope you get to enjoy your fruits soon also. Yes it's a fact of life that we don't really enjoy our work it just pays the mounting bills. Now a days the prices of everything keeps going up. So you have no choice but to try to match the prices. So you work harder to catch up. I'm from NY so over here is pretty expensive. Just buying the necessities of life can really cost you. Money really does separate people but the reality of life brings people together. And the reality is that we all need money to survive.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
Money is a means to buy things that are essential for us. However, let not money be a master rather let it be a servant. Have a nice day!
• United States
9 Dec 12
Hi edvc77 Yes some people make money mean more then what it acsually is. Some people make money their master and will do anything to get money. All money is is a piece of paper needed to buy essential stuff like food and water. All over the world money is translated into different amounts. Here in the Us it is in dollars. United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. What I don't understand is why If the US is so wealthy that there are so many homeless people living in the streets? Why can't we help one another stay afloat sort of speak? Instead we only look out for ourselves the strongest will survive and the weak will perish :-(. Some people say money is the root to all evil. But it is not so if we did indeed see money as our masters and our master wanted us to do good with the money. Then money would help a lot of people to survive.
@nani4ajay (108)
• India
1 Dec 12
What you said is right, money is just a means to survive, very simple to say, but do we say no if money comes more than the required for our survival?, the answer is no, money had lot of importance, money is to show status of a person, many people decide rich and poor by considering the money only, but not the qualities that a person have, money is used for luxuries, some people exploit it, used for the distractions of human kind, uses to harm innocent people. Thanks for this discussion.