Do you find it harder to spend cash or use debit/credit?

@saundyl (9783)
December 2, 2012 1:51pm CST
I personally find it harder to part with cash than I find it to use a debit card or credit card. With a debit or credit card...I don't see the money physically leave my hand so "plastic" purchases don't end up with the second guessing i do with cash purchases. This also goes for something like a gift card. I dont see the money come off it so its easy to use it. A paper certificate for a certain amount that i hand over and dont get back is sometimes harder. Is this odd to have an easier time using plastic than cash? How do you find your habits?
14 responses
• India
21 Mar 13
It is easier to use a debit card. I do not have cash reserves. So I find it very convenient to use a debit card. With payments in cash, first one has to withdraw cash from the ATM for spending and then use it. With debit card, some effort of withdrawing funds is saved. With credit card, again, one has to go to the Bank to deposit check for offsetting the credit purchase. For me it is debit card.........
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
I'm finding lately with tracking my spending with my debit card that I'm less likely to even have cash and I'm careful what i spend because i'm holding myself accountable now.
• India
26 Mar 13
The fear of overspending and losing track of one's bank balance is more common with the use of credit card (I think). I use my credit card sparingly, because one has to to set off the debt eventually. There is also the added obligation of paying the interest if one misses the time limit of making payment for the credit card.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
24 Mar 13
Hi Saundyl, I do not like to spend money. I like to wear out my shoes until the water can sip in from the bottom. It is a habit of mine to use things until they are old and worn out. I guess it does not matter how I use money in term of cash or credit card, I just think about the value of the items I have, or will possess.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
Everything has value.
• United States
24 Jan 13
I use my debit card, but only if I know I'm going to earn money to pay for what I'm buying.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
I hate going into debt to purchase things.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
3 Dec 12
Hi for me since all my money is depoit in my bank it easyer for me to use my debit card and i do have the check book with me so it get recorded right away credit cards I do not have at this time. I hardly ever see cash any more less I need it to do laundrey OK have a great day.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
But does it bother you to spend money that way..would you prefer cash?
@cluelle (132)
• Canada
3 Dec 12
I enjoy having cash on hand... it feels good to be "spendthrift", but I do spend more that way; it's much too easy. When I use debit, I think more about the consequences of withdrawals - the fees and all that. I've only overdrawn once, but it was only four dollars.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
Oh wow. I have an account thats a month fee regardless of how much i use it or dont use it.
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
Same thing with me. Whenever I think of buying something which I think is a little expensive, even though I have the cash to pay for the item, I regret spending it so I just use my credit card instead haha. But the awful part is that whenever my statement bill arrives, it gives me a great pain seeing the amount I owe to the credit card company. I always tell myself I should have just paid in cash. This is always the thing happening to me but I can't avoid it. Maybe it's already a part of me to always use my credit card though I have the cash.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
25 Mar 13
I have found in the last four months I've changed a bit - i started tracking my spending. I no longer have cash anymore and because I'm holding myself accountable for what I'm spending I've been alot more careful with my purchases via debit. I rarely ever use my credit card.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
2 Dec 12
I'm exactly the same way. I never have cash on me I always use my debit card. My bank rounds out the dollar amount and puts it in my savings account so I'm saving when I buy something.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
3 Dec 12
Oh thats really cool..mine doesnt do that
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
2 Dec 12
It's not odd at all..not having to physically part with cash makes it seem like you have an inexhaustible supply of purchasing power,which is where the danger of credit card debt comes consumer site I read recommends you change your mindset about cards,and instead of thinking of them as "Credit" cards where it might appear there's a bonus or advantage to using them,but instead to consider them as DEBT that's what you're putting yourself into if you haven't the ability to keep up with repayments..
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
I really dislike debt. I understand there are times you may need to do it for business or say a new home but...going into debt for something trivial like a meal out drives me crazy! You;re right using credit or debit does feel more...inexhaustible.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
2 Dec 12
For me it's the same really. I feel I use cards more, but mostly because I forget to go to the ATM to take out cash very often. So it's more a matter of convenience than anything else. I spend the same amount of money no matter how I pay. At least I think so, maybe I should actually make some kinds of checks regarding this to see if I am right?
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
3 Dec 12
I honestly dont know if theres a way to check or not. i just know how i feel about cash vs plastic!
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Dec 12
I have an equally hard time with both. I hate spending money! I love to save money so either way its tough for me unless its something that is really NEEDED.
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• China
3 Dec 12
Well actually I find that it is quite convenience for me to use the credit card,I do not like to carry much money in my wallet at all and as you well know actually all the money is a little dirty because it has be touched by so many people. By when you take your credit card more often than cash then there is one thing your should pay attention,that is you should take care of your amount because sometimes you do not know what you had pay out clearly.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
i personally think in the long run debit and credit cards get dirty too...they are handled by you and everyone you hand it too...i dont think ive ever seen anyone wipe down their credit card. I carry some cash...there are places here that dont take debit...or the power goes out or internet goes out and cash is the only thing accepted.
• United States
2 Dec 12
Since I get paid by direct deposit or check, I rarely have cash. When I do have it, I have a difficult time parting with it. I wonder if I will need it later and I also pay more attention to the actual price of whatever I paid for. I am pretty conscious with my debit and credit cards too, but I don't generally get the feeling that I am "parting" with money...unless it is a purchase of over $50.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
That makes sense. I get paid by cheque however i give myself a "Cash allowance" of $50 per pay cheque for places that dont take debit or credit.
• St. Peters, Missouri
2 Dec 12
Debit card, without a doubt. I used to think that using a debit card would curb my spending because everything would be written down and I could track exactly what I was spending. This is true, but ya gotta use that information for it to help! I've been told I have the fastest debit card in the west.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
LOL. I've been making an effort lately to write down everything i spend be it debit cash or credit. if it leaves my account or pocket it has to get written down. Hoping i can find the "leaky" habit that costs me more than i thought
• Bulgaria
3 Dec 12
It is all about accepting the technological progress. The ancients must have found it difficult to switch from trading raw materials and products to trading with money, but that s the way it is. Debit/credit cards can be very insecure and susceptible to frauds, but if you are careful, it will be all right. Virtual transactions save time and make things easy. Cash will soon be an obsolete, if the world doesn't end this month :D
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
Debit cards have been around over half my long as ive had a bank account without my parents names on...ive had a debit card. Cash will always be needed in some form....power goes out computers break...and people still want to buy things. ps....i doubt the world is really going to end....if the Mayan calendar was right it should have ended a year and a half ago because its not based off a calendar that took leap years into account