Why in the world should pregnancy cause morning sickness

@stary1 (6611)
United States
December 3, 2012 12:17pm CST
I don't get it...pregnancy is a natural phenomena yet it is said almost 80% of women suffer morning sickness. I understand it is due to hormonal changes..but why?? What purpose could it possibly serve???? I was extremely fortunate. I never had morning sickness. During my second pregnancy one morning I felt just a little queasy and wondered to myself..is this what morning sickness is like..and later found out I was pregnant. Poor Kate has a very severe case of morning sickness called Hyperemesis Gravidarum ..and she even had to be hospitalized. I just can't figure out why in the world something so natural, so wonderful and so necessary to human survival should also cause the majority of women to be nauseous and even vomit??? Any theories??? I know the hormonal explanation..I am curious as to why...
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10 responses
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
3 Dec 12
Why do any one throw up when something is going on in there body. no body knows really. Yes it is caused by the hormone change in the body so the body reacts different and in most all case all women get it at least once if not in all of there pregnancy. It serve no real reason to a pregnancy. But now it serves as symptom to being pregnant. In my first pregnancy I didn't have more sickness till I was 7 weeks and it only had it till 10 weeks pregnant and rest of the pregnancy it came and gone if I ate to fast which really isn't morning sickness but if you eat to fast the body just can't take it while pregnant since you are all mushed on the inside. With my second pregnancy I got hit a ten times more and the first Trimester I lived in the bathroom with my daughter still fallowing behind me because she was and is still small to the point she doesn't understand what is going on with mommy. I had to have medication to stop me from throwing up since nothing would stay down. To why it's hormones because you need the hormones to keep a pregnancy going when you don't have them going a pregnancy is unable to stay so you need all that stuff your body builds up for 20 something days so when that egg comes out and gets fertilized it with stays and then your hormones double every 48 as the cells grow and change into a little person over 40 weeks.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Dec 12
ShyBear88 I understand...but it all doesn't make sense. It should be part of a normal natural developemtnt our bodies are going through. This is as nature intended.. lol doesn't it seems as if the body is trying to get rid of the fetus with all the vomiting going on??
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
5 Dec 12
Not really nature doesn't intend for humans to have a host living in there body. A baby is a host feeding of a human body those the reason why our hormones get so effect. Nothing about human nature is ever normal at all or logical all of the time. The throwing up has nothing to do with getting read of a baby it's just telling you got something funny in your body which your affecting how your body is reacting. Not all women ever get sick while pregnant at all. It really just depends on the women and her body and of course the pregnancy because no 2 pregnancy are every the same. Yes a baby is and unwelcome thing in the human body thus the reason to the point of it's cycle only being about 40 weeks long till it's born because the body is like hey unwanted host get out. A baby feeds off of the mommy to grow like any other host does.
@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
5 Dec 12
Well this question made me ask my mom friends from all over the world. Let's see what they say?
• United States
3 Dec 12
I only was sick twice while pregnant-and once was my own fault. The first was probably nerves (two days before my wedding) and car sickness; the second because I decided to give into all of my cravings at once: salsa and chips, Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey Ice Cream and iced tea. (I fully endorse a boycott of that combination!) I'm not really sure WHY some women get morning sickness where others have no real problems. I know that I had more issues with what I ate the further along in my pregnancy, but I'm thinking it was because the baby grew rapidly and displaced a few things-I had to be careful not to eat too rapidly, or anything extremely acidic (orange juice or tomatoes).
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Dec 12
scorpiobabes Not sure yours was true morning sickness..but you reminded me I didn't have cravings either... I do enjoy eating binges now..lol fortunately they are rare, but afterward I take Tums...
• United States
4 Dec 12
I know it probably wasn't-just nerves and a bad food combination. Actually, my pregnancy was pretty easy-I did have a scare when I was about 7 months pregnant and fell backwards out of our van. Thank goodness nothing happened. But I seriously doubt I could ever do that again. I have binges too...NOT a good idea in my case!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
4 Dec 12
scorpiobabes ..Yikes..fallin out of a van could have been very serious..thank goodness you weren't hurt too badly!! Yea those binges can be fun in the monent...
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Jan 13
I don't know why this morning sickness will be available for some pregnant women but some don't have this phenomena. When I was pregnant, I didn't feel much more about it. I heard that if you often eat the seafood like shrimps, then you will have less possibilities to have morning sickness. Since I enjoy eating the seafood, so I wonder whether it was helpful for me not to feel vomiting when I was pregnant.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
31 Jan 13
youless I have never heard this but if I were pregnant I would eat shrimp just to be on the safe side.. partly because I love shrimp. I didn't have morming sickness either with my pregnancies..except one time I woke up and felt a little nauseous and thought to myself..I wonder if this is what morning sickness feels like. Well I didn't know it at the time, but I was pregnant and that was thankfully the end of any n=morning sickness..
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
3 Dec 12
how about the fact that every organ a woman has is being pushed asunder? mashed up inside and squeezed through something growing in a very small area? anything being crowded is going to have problems
• United States
4 Dec 12
That was my original reason, but my story (above) was funnier. I know what you mean-I was 8 months along and had to go to the obstetrician to figure out why my daughter was no longer kicking me. Turns out she grew so large that there was no way for her to kick me!
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
4 Dec 12
bunnybon7 But pregnancy is designed like that by nature..so I can't see why it should cause nausea and vomiting...
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
14 Mar 13
Well, the only thing I know why it has to happen is how hormones react to the changes we have in our bodies. That being said, whether we like it or not, since we are undergoing changes during pregnancy, it is almost inevitable not to feel nauseated. Although there are women who are lucky enough not to experience it.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
15 Mar 13
jenny1015 I wonder if it is luck or has a cause..I like the idea that nature is protecting the child ..somehow I would think that would make it easier to endure
@maurya83 (923)
• India
14 Mar 13
You said all things :) you know, its a natural phenomenon, you know its because of hormonal changes than why you are confused? :) They are just like some side effects of those so many changes through which nature prepares a woman's body to nurture a new life.. You haven't felt because your body has accepted those changes, but every woman has different body conditions. May be your friend's body conditions couldn't adopt the changes very well and she has to get hospitalized..
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
15 Mar 13
maurya83 Well it certainly seems 'unfair'..but then that is life..everyone has their own experiences...their good and bad times....
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 Dec 12
Morning sickness usually happens in early pregnancy around weeks 8 to 12. It is due to hormonal changes that happen in pregnancy. Hormones are responsible for mood changes too. I feel sorry for Kate and wonder which week of pregnancy she is in. Morning sickness is a way a lady knows she is pregnant. Years ago they didn't have home pregnancy test kits. I felt like I had evening sickness when I was in pregnancy weeks 8 to 12. I liked the middle stage of pregnancy much more. By 16 weeks pregnancy the body is more used to being pregnant and the hormones behave in a calmer way.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
14 Dec 12
maximax8 I understand the cause is hormonal..mine was a kind of phylosophical question of why..why should somethng designed by God/nature cause such distress in the body...We are such marvelous creations and so 'perfectly' made I'd think pregnancy should not cause morning sickness...
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Jan 13
I don't know why this morning sickness will be available for some pregnant women but some don't have this phenomena. When I was pregnant, I didn't feel much more about it. I heard that if you often eat the seafood like shrimps, then you will have less possibilities to have morning sickness. Since I enjoy eating the seafood, so I wonder whether it was helpful for me not to feel vomiting when I was pregnant.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
3 Dec 12
This is the body readjusting to the insertation of a parasite into it's systems. Some women have no problem, I had little or none with my son, but with both my daughters I was very sick.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Dec 12
savypat The incidence of morning sickness is so common this is why I wonder why. I didn't have any morning sickness except maybe very mild and just one day..and I have 2 girls so gender doesn't seem to come into play here. Kate Middleton has a very severe form and it is said that more severe form occurs usually when someone is carrying twins..wouldn't that be something!!
@0x002f (4)
3 Dec 12
It appears to be a defence mechanism, actually. The fetus can't process toxins, so the mother needs to stay as far away as possible from any potential source (so she gets sick around certain foods, or plants, or animals, etc.). You could read up on it on Wikipedia (just search 'morning sickness' and scroll down - there's a quite detailed explanation there.)
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
3 Dec 12
0x002f TY...I never heard that possibility....so you are saying the sickness is a protection for the fetus?? I will look it up