Cash back from EBT?!?? SERIOUSLY???

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
December 3, 2012 3:27pm CST
Ok, so this morning I was at the grocery store picking up a few things and this woman in front of me bought NOTHING, all she did was CASH OUT $170 from her EBT card. CASH. There is so much wrong with this, right?! First of all, I didn't even know you could DO that. Secondly, since it appears you can do that, isn't that a problem? People might be using all their EBT to buy whatever they want instead of food?! Anybody else out here in internet land think this is a problem? Anybody who actually uses EBT ever DONE this? Why would you do this? Gosh, I am pretty much done with seeing how people abuse the system and get away with things - and they claim they have no money for food, yeah right. You have no money for food because you are using it for other things instead of what it was given to you for!! I thought it was the beginning of the end when I started seeing signs at FAST FOOD places and GAS STATIONS that said 'now accepting EBT'. Sheesh.
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15 responses
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
3 Dec 12
Yes. The EBT contrary to popular belief, is a more broad program than food stamps. The food stamp program was of course limited to only purchasing food. However the EBT includes non-food benefits, which as you have discovered includes cash-back withdrawals. This was intended by the government, when they created the program. In short, technically speaking, they are not abusing the system, since they are using it the way it was meant to be used. Instead, this is a result of our wonderful elected officials who care so much for the non-working, that they'll tax us working people, to be "caring" toward the non-working. Congrats America on another election of "caring" politicians.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
3 Dec 12
Oh I have been many times. I went broke in 2007, and I have never once, to this day, earned more than $20,000 in a single year. The key is "work". You go out and get a job. I got a job at Wendy's. I hated it. Hated every day I worked there. But... I worked. So I had money to pay my bills, and feed myself. The problem is, every year, even though I only make $20,000 at most, I lose 15% of that income. It goes to... people like this, who don't work. Who exactly did you think was paying for these programs? Politicians? lol. Rich people? LOL. No, the working poor people like me, are the ones who have to pay the taxes so other people can sit on their butt at home, and collect EBT money.
1 person likes this
3 Dec 12
I really, really hope you're ever down on your luck with no safety net...
3 Dec 12
1.) In order to get EBT money, you have to have dependents living at home and participate in job search programs. 2.) A tiny fraction of your total tax goes towards welfare. I'd link, but mylot won't let me. 3.) Since rich people make more and pay higher income tax, yes, thy do pay more for these programs.
• United States
4 Dec 12
yea,i see people at the store do it all the time. i think technically stores aren't supposed to allow that,but some of them do anyway. you think that's bad..i've heard of people who've reported their cards lost-and share them with or sell it to a friend when they get a new one.
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Dec 12
Your card is deactivated when you lose it. So they cant work that great with a deactivated card.
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• United States
9 Dec 12
hmm..i don't know if they do that with the SNAP cards here,but..if they do,that sounds like a double scam.wouldn't surprise me with some of our locals.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
4 Dec 12
You cant get cash back out of money that is given to your family for food. There are some families that get financial assistance, Which is likely less then they could get from child support but it might be the only way for them to get help.. I find interesting that you are very mad at this girl and you dont know the facts behind this. Also I dont think there is anyhing wrong with poor people having a few snacks. The money a family gets for food is also a part of their budget, so if is been a while and maybe mom clipped a few extra coupons then if the kids are surprised with some chips to eat while they watch a show or do their homework then that should not be looked at as wrong. Fast food places should not be able to take the EBT either. Its only for food thats not taxed.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Dec 12
hi mommyboo bu t its wrong to assume all p eople who get EBT are crooks. We got help when my son lost his job and we werre evicted and made homeless. I paid into the systm and w orked my butt off til I was 80 and I needed my social securtiy and ss i for a place to live as I could not ex ist on the streets with other homeless as I w as a diabetic and partly handicapped so I got ssi to go with my so ial security so I had a place to live. this is not where I would ever have wanted to live but I had no choice. So no I d o not apologize for whatever help I have got as I worked far longet than most people do. I know a lot of decent women who have to have food stamps to feed their children and they did work but were laid off.I hate it when people lump all under the popular talk of welfare fraud. those people who need it and ar e not crooks do not deserve that criticism' at all.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Dec 12
I am tired of hearing about this. Its just another tactic to separate the people. The sneaky business happens all over the place. The sad part is that the lower class people tend to be making most of their efforts to make it and then the rich people are doing it just to pad their belts and buy bigger houses. Stuff they dont need.
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4 Dec 12
As I'm from the UK I wasn't sure what an EBT card was,but some responses here have put me straight. If this is designated solely for food/sustenance then this completely rails against its intended purpose. I can't totally blame the woman for exploiting this loophole although it is ethically,and even morally, corrupt. The US Government needs to address and disable this loophole ASAP.The US,and world, economy is very sick at the moment and it's recovery will be hampered as long as people like this are bleeding it dry. Furthermore, it reflects badly on genuine EBT users. We have a massive scrounge culture here in the UK and obviously it exists there too.In fact, this is less of a loophole than a gaping manhole!
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@ladygator (3465)
• United States
4 Dec 12
Thank you for your non-biased approach to this. I wish more people would stop putting all these negative descriptions on all of the people that get assistance. No one really knows what each family is going through and its not any one elses place to determine what they should or shouldnt have. The government makes it so hard for the people that dont already have their "home" firmly built. They are faced with the biggest hurdle of making enough money. And then even being able get hired at a good job, which in most cases has a stack of applications. Then being able to afford childcare, housing, food, electricity, etc.........And with the income guidlines there isnt much room for going from qualifying for help to getting cut off assistance. Its like you need to start brining in an additonl 2000 to even make ends meet.
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3 Dec 12
As a previous poster said, it was probably from the cash side. Only families with small children can get this grant, and it's ridiculously small...475 for three people in my state. As for the "OMG, the gas station accepts EBT!" Broke people don't deserve an occasional munchy when on the go?
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
3 Dec 12
I don't think this person cash out on their food stamps. they also get cash assistance and that is what they did, took the cash off the card. At least that's how it works in my state, I am not sure how it may work in CA, but I am going to assume that it's pretty much the same every place
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Dec 12
Whut's an EBT card?
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3 Dec 12
It's the old food stamps program but onto a debit card, and can also be used to recieve other forms of aid from the state.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Dec 12
That's just crazy...
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
3 Dec 12
I don't think all stores allow it. We don't really like it when people do and ask them to hit ebt food, but most know. I think it should be an option, but that there should be a maximum per month. It should be like a $50.00 Maximum that you can withdraw. Some actually do need it for gas or for a bill that they need help paying for, even if they do get cash assistance too.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Dec 12
I don't know if this is the case everywhere, but I know that here, you have one card that is used for all of the different forms of public assistance or state issued assistance. For example, one person that I know gets both food stamps and he also gets K-Tap for his two children. The K-Tap money (or replacement child support) is applied to his EBT card on the same day as his food stamps are active. You can use that money like a debit card, but it can also be pulled out to have cash as well. I don't see any issue with something like that at all. Though if you don't know what you are seeing, it looks awful.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Dec 12
I know where I am some people get cash on their EBT cards as well as food stamps. It sounds like she gets cash from the state which is legal, they have to go to social services and be approved for that. Nothing wrong about it... Food stamps are a different thing, but using the same card for both things...
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
3 Dec 12
You are sooooo CUTE! Er... I mean... yes EBT is legal. *cough*....
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Dec 12
I am not sure if that was a compliment or not... Are you making fun of me or something? =(
• United States
19 Jan 13
I didn't even know, it was possible to do that. I would think, it wouldn't be possible. Most of the people I know, who get EBT can't do that. Besides, they really need the money to buy food. They all have school age children. I would think, there would be a law against going it.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
4 Dec 12
Maybe their cash assistance is on the same card as the food stamps.. Im not sure. Seems kinda strange to get cash.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
6 Dec 12
I am with you on this. The people bashing them are just big ignorant idiots!! It makes me so so mad. This is the number one thing that gets me heated. Like people that need help shouldn't be getting it or they need to live in a back alley somewhere. Well I have to get help right now because I am not able to work. Do I want to work yes. I am NOT able to work. And these stupid ignorant people that think that they know something really don't know. I wish that they would take time to get some understanding about what its like to be in place where they are hindered in life due to the amount of money they are or aren't able to make. I have even seen people say that people getting the food benefits should not be able to get pop and snacks... :/ Just when we would like to think that the stoning days are over..........
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Dec 12
it is and believe me for the few who commit fraud many are not deserving to be charged like that. also she did not e ven kno w this person and is already judging her as a crook;.this is unfair as sometimes people with small children need help and have to take what welfare offers or just go and starve. I ha te this stuff of always judgeing someone that did not e ven know.there are thousand s of decent people on food stamps and help because the job market is bottomed out. they all yhell get a job bu t when people have to contend with 200 people all for the same job most are not going to g et that job.
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• Libya
4 Dec 12
What is EBT card
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@shaggin (74036)
• United States
7 Dec 12
When my husband and I split up I got cash assistance, food stamps and medical assistance for a year for my kids and I. It wasent easy. We had $500 in food stamps which was plenty and medical bills were covered but for cash all we had was $400 for the month to pay bills and any necessities. I barely scrounged by each month. What you were seeing her drawing cash out on the ebt card is for cash assistance thats the money they can use for bills etc. Food stamps you cant get money from but its the same card that is used. The reason they allow some people to use ebt at resturants is for the homeless people to be able to go there and buy themselves food.