Christmas Blue

December 4, 2012 9:00am CST
Hello Lotters, I guess this explains the feeling, not sure though. I have watch something about the regards on people who are depressed this holiday season.most because of the people who died before christmas who happened to be their love ones. they were other causes, but mine is somewhat related to financial thing and i guess now i realized why i was depressed and not mood for xmas, just like last year. makes me realized to that this holiday season is nothing but too much spending. i'd probably have soup only this xmas eve.
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13 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Dec 12
Many people get depressed at Christmas time because they have been brainwashed to think it is all about giving and receiving gifts. It is little more than a commercial exercise to many people. The ones who get real joy from Christmas despite their financial circumstances are the ones who celebrate it as the birthday of Jesus. He is the greatest gift ever given or received if you are a believer. My mother told me about their Christmas days during the Depression in the 1920s and 1930s--in fact, they never had much even when finances improved. They looked forward to Christmas because their dad (my grandfather) might bring home an orange they could enjoy. Their mother would cook up some hard candy if there was enough sugar (some years there wasn't) and they would read the story of the nativity. Grandpa would play his guitar, Grandma would play the piano--or later, when they had to sell it, a harmonica--and they would sing and the children would stage plays for their parents. These days that type of Christmas would make people feel sorry for them but to them, it was the best day of the year. There was love, laughter, happiness, and joy. That's what people are missing these days and why they get so depressed during this season. (I heard this morning that there was a typhoon in the Philippines and hope you are all okay!)
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
4 Dec 12
Hi dragon! I agree with your statement. Christmas should not be measured by material things. This should be a reminder for us that we should be thankful and happy that God gave us his only son to redeem us from sin. That alone is the greatest gift we should be thankful of. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Dragon54u, that is true indeed people are so rushed in going to the stores and purchasing foods and toys to give his xmas as an obligation. well, am happy still we still have that old christmas tree but also christmas light. but we bought some because they are almost more than a decade. the typhoon has not reach my place but a lot in visayas and mindanao.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
6 Dec 12
Don't feel depressed even if you are not financially good this Christmas season, Letran. What is important is that you get to enjoy it with your family, even without so much cost. I used to be that way too. The 13th month pay and some bonus would sometimes be not enough to cover the expenses for the foods to be prepared, gifts to everyone , so much so that i am not able to buy some things for myself. That depresses me. But not anymore, because i learned to control my budget. I only give gift to my godchild, my daughter and my husband. I only spend on foods for Christmas that is within my budget. I leave the others to my husband to finance. Besides, i just think that Christmas means remembering and honoring Jesus as well as it's the birthday of our daughter. It's not a time to spend and spend when one has not enough money, anyway.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello simplyd, What I love about this event is the food, so many food that i rarely eat these days except vegetables. well, if am single having the 13th month pay is really nice and allows me to save more. I wanted to control my earning and start saving them before my relatives comes home this april next year.
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
11 Dec 12
Yes, the 13th month pay is so enjoyable for single employees. But for married ones, the 13th month is sometimes used to buffer some needed expenses, Letran. Wow, so you will be having a reunion on April next year. Yes, better be prepared for it.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Dec 12
Hi Letran! You are not alone in your feelings of depression about the holiday season. This happens to be very common, especially for people who are having financial difficulties and other issues. When you see others so happy and spending money and enjoying themselves it is very difficult to not feel badly. I kind of get that same feeling and know others that do also. As much as I love the holidays, I hate them if that makes any sense. I can't afford to enjoy them the way I want to because of serious financial problems and family issues. And it hasn't been the best year either heathwise for me or my mom. I also get depressed around New Year's because I'm already worrying about how the next year might be! I keep hoping it will be better but.....Try to enjoy the holidays anyway. Enjoy your friends and family and make the best of it!
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Opal26, thank you for this kind of this situation. a lot of people even with the middle class is struggling to earn a living and pay the debt in full or bills on time. you don't have to spent much and then allow yourself to be sure that you can spent enough to buy simple gifts to your family.
@wittynet (4421)
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
Hello, Letran! I was about to post the same discussion. Yes. I strongly agree with you. I have been working for more than 6 months now, after a six month vacation, but I haven't saved anything yet.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello wittynet, that's alright you always have the opportunity to save. the best thing for saving is how you would be able to spend it, make sure that you use it well and if it's needed and not merely want. there's always next year and this is what i want to make sure that i get to save and earn at least enough to have interest in my debit account.
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
I do also experiencing the christmas blue, because our plan to move in our new house (actually my partners house) is not within our reach. The 13th month that we are expecting to pay for the move in fee and to open a checking account is not enough. We are still lacking of Php 12,000+ for us be able to pay for it. My partner was so frustrated with what comes out to be his 13th month pay. So I think this Christmas will be the most saddest celebration we will have. And aside from those fees and checking expenses we still have no budget for gift giving to our family. It was a year of hard time, the decision regarding money was tight right now. But still we are praying that everything will be okay and we still be able to make our Christmas a joyous one. ^_^
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello ofzhernandez, Wow that's a lot of expenses there to boot, reminds of my brother who is still paying for their balance when the house was sold to them. well, you still have a home that's what is important right now. you don't have to make sure that every one gives them but at least simple within the members of the family.
• India
4 Dec 12
Hi LetranKnight. So not feel sad. Who said Christmas is all about having parties and buying gifts for everyone. It is about getting together with family, friends and loved ones. It is that time when everyone gets to share their personal experiences and have some fun. Though media projects these festivals in such a way that those who do not have those cool things yearn for them and those who know they can not afford them feel sad and disappointed. So forget all your sorrows this Christmas. And have a great time time with your family and friends. Have a nice day ... =SuperShames=
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello SuperShames, I don't want to watch any of these commercialized things about christmas to influence me. before I used to this kind of thinking that i must give gifts to every one. but it's different now, maybe when i have money again, that's the time that i can give gifts. but my nephews and niece are more demanding and have different needs and wants.
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• India
11 Dec 12
Hi letranKnights. Well that is a issue now. It is really hard to persuade these kids. And it also doesn't feel right to tell them directly that it is unforgettable for you. But may be you can think of other ways of entertaining them which could be cheap. It is after all the experience that matters right. And I am sure that kids would definitely appreciate that fact. Anyways have a nice day ..
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
4 Dec 12
people have high expectations at Christmas. Also, holidays tend to cause any family drama to rise up. For me, like you, the expense of Christmas is hard...I really don't always see the point of spending so much money.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello cutepenguin, Yah your right about that. As you get older you realize the true expense and how Christmas is promoted through these commercials that opted you to buy products for gift this christmas. Just like what I did last year i didn't bought presents and only kept a few dollars so that i can contact relatives in christmas.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
Whenever it's this time of the year, I always think about giving gifts and I feel bad and sad now because like the years before I will not be able to afford to again, but I try to keep my spirit up and look at the bright side of things. While I may not be able to give away presents to make people I care happy, I can think of other ways to make this season a happy one. Christmas is about giving joy and more importantly hope, and that is what I plan to do. In my own personal way, I plan to make this celebration joyous and give hope to people around me. I do hope that you also find a way to brighten up your mood and think of things that could make you happy and thankful. There are more reasons to be happy than be sad. Merry Christmas to you!
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello choybel, it's just a condition i guess with out realizing how others weren't so lucky i would always be this depressed. well, i haven't really fund a good reason to be looking forward on a joyous occassion but it seemed my family is. with the economic troubles we had recently i think people should remain caution with spending so much this christmas.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
4 Dec 12
To get your life in perspective, visit a shelter, a soup kitchen or even a street where the homeless gather. The very best way to gain is to give. Whatever you can give. So many are starving, cold and just thrown away. how can any of us complaine about our mood, when others are in such need. if you concern yourself with others you will have no energy to feel for yourself. Whatever you do accept my Blessings and if possible pass it on.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Savypat, I don't know if i can still have something to spare since i don't have much getting from my online hobbies.I know that am lucky to have what I have today, but some times i wish i could get rid of this darn feeling that am having now. right now, am reflecting myself again to the things i have compare to others who don't have stuff at all.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
I do not observe this holiday season for many years already. Thu I still give gifts to family members,relatives and loved ones especially the kids. This season is like any other ordinary days...but New Year is a different thing though.. Usually New Year is a season for family reunion- so it's one of the best time to spend with our dear and beloved ones. Happy New Year my dear brother
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Jaiho-sis, The only thing i enjoy in these holidays are more food and gifts. but I misses it most of the time, buying wrappers and gifts in secret, preparing them to buy toys months before december. I usually keep them in a drawer, then give them during the event. well, hope they visit before xmas.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
4 Dec 12
Hi LK! Material thing should not be the basis for us to be happy or not during this season. Personally, Christmas is my favorite season in a year. Not only because we get additional bonuses but the fact that this is the day that our Lord was born. I am happy most if my relatives will be coming to my house during this season. The whole year, I just can't find time to sit and relax and this time, I am glad we are being given that privilege. I'm sure, expenses will be higher but, still I am happy because I know I can make other people happy in my own little ways. Merry Christmas!
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Aries1973, I think the best description there is the birth of our lord Jesus christ and that defines christmas the most. not these spending way much money giving gifts and then telling them about santa claus as a tradition. well, right now i have no choice but to sit down and relax because of my colds. good luck in making people happy on your own little way.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
4 Dec 12
I have heard the same thing here.. here its because our economy is so bad, that many wont be able to have a xmas. its sad, especially for the kids. I try and help a few poor families here. wish I could do more.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello Mariaperalta, wow i would like to congratulate you in this kind of help you offered to the children. a lot of people are doing that now, specially those who suffered during the storm surges llike the one in sandy. don't worry your doing a very good job here. don't give it up. have a nice day.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
4 Dec 12
yes, You have to prepare many gifts for friends and buying plenty of stuff to celebrate Christmas, like Christmas tree, stuff for decoration, eating... All these will cost you much money. BuT anyway, Christmas is not just about spending, you can have fun on Christmas, such as having a reunion dinner, holding or attending parties, visiting friends. Enjoy Christmas, and you will be happy.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Hello betty1989, No i don't want to spend any more money making and buying gifts that doesn't really add up. right now, am very close to broke and don't have the capacity to buy anything, not to mention my charger finally gave in that i need to find a new replacement for it. I just wait for this month to pass by. have a nice day.