He is Still In Touch With Me

@NailTech (6874)
United States
December 4, 2012 7:31pm CST
My friend who I started another discussion about is still in touch with me, as I knew he would be. He has always said himself he would always be a friend of mine and he has kept that promise even when we have disagreed. We share a special bond somehow even if we haven't met and just talked on the phone several+ times. He is very loyal when it comes to his friends. One thing I like about him. Do you have any friends that if you would tell them you are busy one time and can't talk now on the phone, they would NOT talk to you anymore??? I'm 49 and he is 55 so maybe that is an important fact to understand, first.
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7 responses
@deazil (4730)
• United States
6 Dec 12
I have a close friend like that. Once or twice one of us has called the other but the time was inconvenient for one of us. We both understand that we aren't sitting by the phone waiting for each other to call. When we do talk it's usually for 2-3 hours. He's 55, I'm 65. We've been friends for about 14 years. It would take a major incident for one of us to become angry with the other. I can't even think of anything that would cause that to happen. Because we have mutual trust and respect for each other. It's great to have a friend like that.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Dec 12
Hello, Mavic. Nice of you to drop in on me like this. You're lucky to have sisters. But some friends would not mind hearing of your troubles, as I know you are a good friend who listens to the troubles of others. And you do what you can to advise or cheer someone up.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Dec 12
Ok I don't like you doing such monologue so I will respond to this. Oh really, you were a close friend. Yes, it is nice to have friends that you know will be there in case you need someone to listen to your worries, pains, joys and problems. I have my sisters with me in times of troubles. so I am not really disturbing some friends regarding my life issues.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
5 Dec 12
Are you hoping that you and your friend will be more than just friends? It is good that you and your friend have a special bond. We do need loyal friends and it is good that you have such a loyal friend. Most of my friends do understand that if I say I am busy, they will understand and still be my friends. Wish you and your friend all the best.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
5 Dec 12
I doubt it will ever be, as he is in Calif and I'm way over on the other side of the country. Plus he has some issues that I probably wouldn't be able to tolerate, he did get some help for one of them which was use of pot for recreation and he still goes for meetings to keep away from it. He has such a bad memory that it would drive me bonkers to live with him, plus other things no doubt but everyone has something annoying about them I guess. The fact is I do have alittle feelings for him cause I can feel like I'm slightly jealous when he tells me about any gf he has at the moment, and when he broke up with his most recent gf I was actually happy about it. I now I shouldn't be, but...maybe I do have feelings even if I haven't even met him before and just keep in contact via phone, email and such. He says alot of times about how he would want me to visit and such in so many words, hinting about it I mean...and he almost came here to visit but his plans were cancelled at the last minute awhile ago.
@sriroshan (2585)
• India
5 Dec 12
Just having the friend is of no use, but one must know to maintain their friendship also. Like what your friend have the feeling about you and is concern about you same feeling and concern even you should have. In friendship what is more important is understanding each other in the better way.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
A good friend remains even though you may not have so much time to be with them all the time. A good friend understands you and the things that you need to do. I think that if someone would just stop talking to you because you were not able to give her some time, then she is not s real friend.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
5 Dec 12
Thank you, that is what I have known all along. There is not one person in this site that has lost a friend due to not being able to talk to one of their friend's cause they were busy no matter what the reason.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
6 Dec 12
I think we all have those type of friends whether we don;t personall know them. I know a lady I met on one of the freebie forms a few years back. She is in her late 40s but whenever I have an issue, even though she is on the other side of Canada, she is always there to help me.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
5 Dec 12
Yes you are friends for comfort.. friends for companionship. such a great and different kind of relationship. No age matters here. You are fortunate to have a friend in him. This song best suits your friendship: [i]I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad Carry you around when your arthritis is bad Oh all I wanna do is grow old with you I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches Build you a fire if the furnace breaks Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you [/i] http://www.lyricsfreak.com/a/adam+sandler/grow+old+with+you_20003919.html Friends are friends and sometimes, even if you were separated for such long time, when you meet, it is like you have seen just yesterday. spontaneity is there. Glad you found yours,
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
I have also a friend like that before. I treated him more than a friend and it seems like we are blood related. Even if we have not met before that almost everyday conversation through phone still we did not bother for we love to talk with each other. I am so longing for him from the very start that we have lost our communication.