My Best Friend and My Boyfriend

December 5, 2012 7:25am CST
I have been best friends with this guy for almost three years and at the time, we were really close to the point that he became an inspiration and he boosted me to be the best of what I could be. He is 8 years younger than me. Everything was going fine but suddenly, there came a time I began having butterflies in my stomach and feeling this heart-melting sensation when we were together which I began to fear. It appeared that our worlds only consisted of only the two of us and I couldn't focus on things without seeing him at least twice a week. It was like he was a battery that gives me the strength I need to do things and I couldn't help it. I was so scared for the both of us because, I didn't want him to focus only on me and on the things I do. I was afraid of what I was becoming... a greedy girl who only wants him to myself. I want him to see the world and enjoy the things which at his age was enjoyable for other kids. I needed to leave our friendship. I needed to leave him. It was painful but I did it. Though I promised myself and I couldn't deny that he would always be part of my heart, a special part of my life. A gift from God given to save me from the darkness which enveloped me before he came. We became acquaintances after that, only nodding at each other like no connection or relationship happened between us. It's still painful I admit but I don't regret what I did because both of us are still holding on to his promise - "Be the best and I'll be the best for you." In my heart, I still long for his company and the moments we had together that nobody could replace. When I see him, my heart still skips a beat and I long for him too much when I see him, it's still painful seeing him but not being able to be with him. He was the fairy tale which came true in my life. Not a happy ending for us but it was how it should be. I have a boyfriend right now and I love him. My (former) best friend will always be my soulmate but my boyfriend is the reality I want to have in my life permanently.
1 response
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
8 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well it was really heart touching to hear about your story and i was moved the way u had written it. I cannot believe that u sacrificed him so that u both are not distracted in your lives and seriously hats off to you, i know it would have been very hard to do this but u did this despite knowing that he holds a special place in your heart. I know it must be equally painful to him also. Now since u are in a new relationship, do not leave contact with him and stay in touch with him and be the best friends as u were then. What say?
• Philippines
20 Dec 12
well, I'm still in contact with his parents and younger sister but not with him. In facebook, we like each other's pictures and statuses but that's how far our communication can go. I still miss him but that's just how things are supposed to be right now. Thanks for reading my very long discussion. :)