Atheists are the Most Hated People?
By Christoph56
@Christoph56 (1504)
December 7, 2012 1:53am CST
There are all sorts of polls showing how people don't like atheists... in an American poll asking which group "does not at all agree with my vision of American Society", Atheists scored the top, at nearly 40% of the vote, under that, in order, is muslims, homosexuals, hispanics, christians, immigrants, and Jews.
The same goes with parents saying, "I would not approve if my child married this person", where Atheists were the least liked at 47%, followed by Muslims, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Christian and White.
There have also been polls and studies showing that people believe, on average, that Atheists are less trustworthy then rapists.
Atheists over horrible criminals? Really?
But at the same time, Countries with higher percentages of atheists, are some of the most peaceful countries in the world, like Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, etc... while the most religious are ones like Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Armenia, Iraq, etc....
Or, the percentage of people in prison... about 16% of Americans are non-religious (the lowest possible percentage being 2% calling themselves complete Atheists) but the percentage of Atheists in prison is only 0.2%.
There are also many sets of statistic showing that religious groups have higher rates of violence and child abuse, around a 200% increase, then non-religious groups.
So, why are atheists disliked and not trusted? What is so horrible? What have they done to you that's so horrific?
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10 responses
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
7 Dec 12
People feel in a country that believes in the existence of God the Creator of the universe with negative feelings toward atheists, because from their perspective atheists did not feel the presence of their Creator , they did not look around them to see His creatures and reflect on the universe and accuracy masterminding him so as not to hit the planets together and destroy it , or as Almighty said :
[21.33] It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit."
[36.40] The sun shall not outstrip the moon, nor shall the night outstrip the day. Each is floating in an orbit. "
I ask God to guide all atheists to him . Amen .
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Dec 12
Well, there are problems between science and religion. Like, you say that the universe was so well masterminded that the planets don't hit eachother... but they do... planets hit planets, asteroids hit us, great extinctions have happened... there has been loads of these things happening for billions of years.
So, no, I don't think it took a creator to put it together, it doesn't make sense. I go through science, and science never has a point where it shows with any kind of proof that God did anything. The points you bring up really push me away from believing in a God.
But the question is, why is it a bad thing? Why can't we just see eachother as equals, with a different opinion?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Dec 12
and YET, with all that planet hitting going on, man is here, the earth is hospitable and we'd not have a moon if planets didn't collide. 

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Dec 12
We COULD get along just fine, if some atheists would read and follow the first amendment,
which states not only that the government make no law establishing a religion, but also make no law prohibiting the free exercsie of religion either.
Seems to me, the founders did not want religion messed with by government AT ALL. Leave the religious folks alone, and we'll happily allow you to live as you wish. Point out please, where Christians have forced anyone to attend church or forced them at the point of a sword to accept Christ. Atheists are allowed to make their claims that God does not exist in the public forum, and yet want to silence the claims of the religious, that God does exist, from the public forum. Go practice in your homes and churches, we're told, but atheists get free reign in the schools and in the public debate. Maybe, just maybe the atheists are the ones forcing their beliefs on society?....if we are said to be forcing atheists merely by speaking (or symbolism), maybe atheists, to be fair, then need to stop with the speaking (or symbolism) against our beliefs and forcing us to not believe? Sound ridiculous, it is...cause no one really believes that just by viewing a nativity scene, or seeing crosses on hilltops really forces ANYONE to believe anything. It is a matter of freedom of speech and freedom of expression guaranteed to BOTH parties that is at stake.

@robspeakman (1700)
7 Dec 12
The vast Majority of Atheists tend to have liberal views, we are not controlled by unproven religious teachings. We do not judge Gay folk, A persons colour is unimportant. Which God they pray to is also irrelevant. This is what the religious leaders and some of the more sheep like followers do not like - They are afraid that we will corrupt the nation.
The UK is a secular country and we have fair abortion laws, we are about to vote on Gay Marriage.
The Scout movement is also about to scrap the pledge to serve GOD in response to the growing number of Atheist Children wishing to join the Scouts.
Thanks to our secular view, we do not allow creationist teachings to be taught as an alternative to science.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
7 Dec 12
I had also read that through those polls, it was atheists that were the most accepting of all religions equally. We don't see a difference between Christians and Jews and Muslims just because of their religions, we see them as individual people.
And I'm totally behind you on not having creationist teachings in public schools, and to not have things like a pledge to serve God for the scouts. It's really limiting it down to singular groups that way, why not make it for everyone?
I think that keeping the push in this direction will work out better for all of us in the end :)
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Dec 12
As for the scouts, atheists are FREE to start their OWN group for young men and boys...just like the original Boy Scouts were started as a way to impart religious faith in future leaders, why insist THEY change their charter for YOU who do not believe in that charter? Why NOT just start a group of your own? I contend it is because deep down, the 'atheist group' cannot abide any belief in God whatsoever. You contend you're accepting of persons of faith, yet want to 'change' them.
@robspeakman (1700)
7 Dec 12
Why start their own group - That create divisions in society.
In the UK, whilst respecting religion - we are also removing some of the antiquated religious rituals in everyday life

@urbandekay (18278)
7 Dec 12
How are these statistics affected by those that report they have found religion in prison, either genuinely or as a ruse?
Do a higher proportion of atheists come from any particular social/economic group?
What would a similar survey in say Netherlands reveal?
What of that atheistic country, Russia, war like or peaceful?
What of Tibet, religious and peaceful?
all the best, urban
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
9 Dec 12
They have said, "There is no God". Therefore it makes one wonder on what do they base their values. I couldn't help but note that the countries you noted as most religious are predominately Muslim.

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
10 Dec 12
Thank you for setting me straight on the religious preferences of those in the mentioned countries. For the record book, there are true Christians, and there are those who simply profess to be Christians. It is their religion of preference to be checked on the census form. A true Christian does not hate anyone. We are commanded to even love our enemies.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
9 Dec 12
Well, I'm an atheist, and I base my values on whats around me, and whats good. My family and friends are very valuable, the work I do is valuable, helping people out is valuable... I really think that our values are generally based more on our society, then on religion.
And, the majority religion of the countries I mentioned is actually Christian. Iraq is 95% Muslim, and Nigeria is split, 50% Muslim and 48% are Christian, but then Armenia is 95% Christian, Ghana is 68% Christian, and Kenya is 83% Christian...

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Dec 12
Perhaps a lot of religious people aren't quite as tolerant in their souls as the face they put on in public.
For all the stuff I hear about atheists waging "war" on religion, I see it in reverse (in the context of what religious people claim the "war" to be, obviously).
Claiming science is some atheist tool to intentionally discredit religion (you can't make this sh1t up) and attempting to "match" it with Biblical teachings for the populous; pushing harder and harder to make a personal deity part of a public society -- it's as if religious people view atheism--not a belief; the DISbelief in deities--as a competing religion that threatens their lives.
Granted, there are some extremely militant atheists whose actions make them just as dogmatic and nutso as some of the radical religious people. But that's not "atheism"; that's some people who take things too far. Just as I'm sure Christians would tell me that the Phelps' aren't representative of religion; they're over the nest.
I think it also has to do with a lot of religious people believing that morality comes only with following the word. We don't need to get into the hypocrisy and the shortcomings here. Suffice it to say that religions have a long and arduous history of distrusting those whose beliefs differ. So it stands to reason that someone with no belief would stand out as worse than immoral, but rather soulless altogether.
Where are the bad atheists? One example a lot of religious people have cited to me is the whole Soviet push of yesteryear, claiming atheism was behind it. But that's like hearing a bang in the kitchen, not finding the source on the first look, and instantly leaping to the conclusion that it's a ghost. Makes a great TV show, but that's about it.
It wasn't "atheism" being pushed; it was the state's total and complete control over a person's mind, body and soul. They didn't want people to simply drop their belief in a deity, but also to hit their knees for the earthly rulers. Atheism had nothing to do with it.
So, truthfully, I have no idea why atheists are so hated.
I do not subscribe to the belief in a deity. Does that really make me a bad person?
If so, that must mean that the person thinking I'm bad obviously subscribes to the believe that I should suffer for all eternity and my entire family should be smote for generations simply because I do not believe what they believe.
And I'm the bad person? I'm immoral? I want to warp your children's minds?
Oh, for Pete's sake. It's 2012. If not now, when?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
7 Dec 12
Science is not atheism tool, quite the contrary, in my opinion, with science we discover the power of God and His good masterminding , the fact that Islam has encouraged us to seek knowledge , has coincided with modern scientific discoveries mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah
I do not agree on a belief in the divinity "
Of course this is your choice and you bear as a result of your choice if it good or bad .. But I think the tendency for the presence of the God of human encroachment, we find that people who did not reach them heavenly messages made ??for themselves gods , so ask him in time of need and to pray for them to help them ( by their belief ) .. Is not it? "
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Dec 12
Here's a question for you; if an atheist can be moral without religion, can a Christian be moral with religion?
In other words, you make the point (very well) that atheists are maligned unfairly. But is the counter not true as well, you don't want all atheists judged on the merits of the minority that act the fool, but then turn around and blanket blame all the Christians and religion in general for the evils of those who DID NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL TEACHINGS OF their founders, in other words...that acted foolishly.
And as Samar points out, religion has been responsible for preserving old knowledge and encouraging the finding of new knowledge. Consider the 'Golden Age' of the Muslim kingdoms that encourage scientific thought and invention, the Monks of Ireland spending countless hours copying ancient manuscripts, the Catholics founding of universities and hospitals.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Dec 12
"...but then turn around and blanket blame all the Christians and religion in general for the evils of those who DID NOT FOLLOW THE ACTUAL TEACHINGS OF their founders"
Blatantly untrue.
In fact, I'm happier when religious people don't explicitly follow every principle laid down by their religion. I'm thrilled when a religious person doesn't believe those of differing opinions deserve to burn in hell, or when a religious person admits that maybe homosexuals aren't an abomination just choosing to live a certain lifestyle, or when they admit women can and should teach. And on and on.
To the people who want to strictly adhere to the entirety of the religion, interpreting their scripture literally, I do not believe this person is moral, because I do not believe scripture to be moral as it stands. It only resembles morality when the context is changed, when individuals choose to use certain parts.
As for the great contributions of the "Muslim" world, the contributions would have been far greater had religion not gotten in the way. Baghdad was ground zero for intellectualism for a few hundred years. Much advancement in mathematics, medicine, biology, etc. People felt free to live and discover without fear of damnation. That's rare throughout world history! But is this "Golden Age" attributed to Islam? Seriously? It was ruined by people like al-Ghazali, whose philosophical works about math being evil began to take over the landscape. And we get what we have today.
In Islamic culture--and maybe samar can speak to this--al-Ghazali's influence in STOPPING scientific progress has earned him the title of the man who saved Islam.
But for the rest of this stuff you keep bringing up, I'm just gonna have to come out and say it. So what? What is this point you keep trying to make to me? I swear I'm not trying to be rude; I just really don't care.
I'm not one of those loony atheists saying that religion is pure evil and is only evil and has never brought about anything but evil! I just say I don't care. I say that we didn't--and don't--need it. I say it shouldn't be publicly endorsed by government. And it shouldn't be taken literally.
And if you can show me where I've ever lumped all religious people together without qualifying it, I'll revise it instantly with a qualification.

@qw86289as (39)
• China
9 Dec 12
Don'thate,but most atheists,don'tbelieve in doing good things, do bad karma,so they do more for yourself about it.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
9 Dec 12
You're saying, that the people in the most peaceful nations in the world, who are the rarest in prison, and commit less violence and child abuse, have bad karma?
That really doesn't make sense...
Also, Atheist groups also do things like giving to charities and helping people. I also do that, because I see helping others as a very good thing.
So.... how don't we believe in doing good things?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
10 Dec 12
Seven states in the United States have constitutional provisions in place that bar atheists from public office and in the state of Arkansas an atheist can not be a witness in a trial.
de omnibus dubitandum
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
11 Dec 12
Hi Christoph, I guess I am in the minority because I see no reason to hate atheists. Those that I know are good people and most just mind their own business. My youngest son's best friend is an atheist, and he is a born again Christian. His friend was best man at his wedding which was held at a Christian church.I am not an atheist myself, but believe that everyone should respect the views of others. Blessings.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
7 Dec 12
So, why are atheists disliked and not trusted? What is so horrible? What have they done to you that's so horrific?
These are funny questions. When I watch the news and someone not muslim looking is the culprit to a crime or something similar, his religion or none of it is let known so how do they (the people who answer the poll) judge who is more horrible?
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
8 Dec 12
I don't have anything against atheist. However when I came across them, they would like to debate always and they seemed arrogant. They would insist that there is no God. One time, I came across this atheist and said, "I do not believe in the God you are saying!" And she thought that all that happen to her are her own efforts and she did not need to thank anybody nor God. I find her arrogant in some ways. I hope atheists would realize that there is God who created them and everything in this world.
Thanks for this discussion.
God Bless