Ten Reasons Conservatism Helps Middle Class

@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
December 7, 2012 2:04pm CST
http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/12/07/10_explanations_of_how_conservatism_helps_the_middle_class/page/2 1. Supporting 2nd Amendment: why should only the elite be protected by bodyguards carrying guns? Seems to me EVERYONE should be allowed to protect themselves, their families and their property. 2. Low tax rates for EVERYONE: The more you tax the rich, the less they invest in the economy. Poor men do not write paychecks. 3. Government should live within its means: just like the average American family does. As a matter of fact, government deficits are actually much worse than a family overspending because the government is running up charges on YOUR credit card. AND yet, you have NO CHOICE in how all that money is spent, do you? 4. Smaller, limited government: not just because we believe that you can take care of yourself better than the government ever could, but because you can have big government OR low taxes on the middle class, but over the long haul, you can't have both. You're much better off spending your money on your own behalf as you see fit than you are having the government take your money, waste most of it and then spend what's left over on programs you may not agree with in the first place. 5. Clean water, clean air, clean soil and respecting nature; we also put humans above animals. We don't want farmers who've spent a lifetime tilling the soil so they'd have something to give to their kids driven out of business because a rare cockroach is found on their land. Plus, all those hidden costs that regulation imposes on the suppliers will be paid by YOU, the consumer. 6. Educational CHOICE: Conservatives believe in school choice because we don't think any child should be trapped in a failing public school. As we've seen in almost every other part of American life, giving people a choice of how to spend their money leads to better products, better prices and better customer service. Rich Americans already have the option of sending their children to a private school because they can pay for it, but YOU are stuck paying HIGHER TAXES and stuck putting up with inferior outcomes. 7. Tough on Criminals: It's all well and good to talk about someone's hard life, the responsibility of "society" or the best way to rehabilitate him, but if you're beaten, your property is stolen or someone you love is taken away from you by a criminal, our number one goal should be JUSTICE and secondarily PROTECTING the innocent. THAT is what the laws are suppose to be for. 8. Reform Medicare and Social Security: because that's the only way to save both programs. The government has promised 100 trillion dollars more in benefits than it has money to pay for and unless we take steps now to make both programs sustainable, eventually many Americans who’ve worked hard and played by the rules will be hit with large cuts to their benefits after they're retired when they can least afford it. 9. Cheap and clean energy: because that's one of the best ways to help middle class Americans put more money in their pockets. The less you pay to fill up your gas tank, heat your home and run your home appliances, the more money you'll have in your pocket at the end of the month. And I would add, it would make us SAFER to not OWE hostile countries our money for the oil they sell us. The best way to innovate, to find ways to use alternative energy is the supply/demand of a free market place. 10. Immigration Reform: it is unfair to those who immigrate LEGALLY to put law breakers ahead of them, it is unfair that Americans must go without jobs so that those who BREAK our LAWS can have jobs, it is unfair that we pay HIGHER TAXES to provide law BREAKERS with benefits from our social programs.
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3 responses
@francesca5 (1344)
8 Dec 12
two obvious points of debate here, the first is what is called the multiplier effect, which is why paying benefits is what is known as a financial stabiliser, as it means that in a recession the economy will contract less because of unemployment benefit, because poorer people have a greater propensity to consume giving them more money is beneficial to the economy. http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A7x9QX4IVsNQQGEAUBtLBQx.?p=multiplier%20effect%20benefits&fr2=sb-top&fr=crmas&rd=r1 and what about outsourcing, outsourcing is a perfect example of companies having money to spend and using it to maximise profit overseas, rather than helping the us economy. http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A7x9QX4IVsNQQGEAUBtLBQx.?p=multiplier%20effect%20benefits&fr2=sb-top&fr=crmas&rd=r1
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Dec 12
BUT the money given to poor people does NOT appear out of thin air, it must first be taken from someone else, unless of course you think it is a good thing for the FED to print money that is NOT BACKED by goods produced. Outsourcing works both ways, foreign countries BUY THINGS from us as well. And American's get cheaper goods as a result of outsourcing. Not that I am FOR outsourcing so much, but it is NOT the horrible culprit we are told it is all round.
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8 Dec 12
my mouse is misbehaving today, here is the link for the multiplier effect http://www.tutor2u.net/economics/revision-notes/as-macro-multiplier-accelerator.html and here is the link for outsourcing http://www.wisegeek.com/how-does-outsourcing-affect-the-us-economy.htm
8 Dec 12
i completely disagree with you. as you said in a discussion recently the lowest 50% of earners contribute a very small amount of income tax. therefore paying for the poor is mainly done by higher earners. but the benefits to society are enormous. crime is reduced, local economies are boosted, and its just the christian thing to do. if you don't help poor people out of taxes the burden of helping them falls on kind people, who do it for free, why should the burden of helping the poorest in society just fall on the kind.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
7 Dec 12
Where is the question?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
7 Dec 12
Do you agree or disagree, and why?
• Mojave, California
7 Dec 12
Rob I think you bring up a good point but I have to disagree with the rich part. The rich were talked about a lot. The poor on the other hand you are right. They like to not to mention the poor. That is the thing that always irritated me about Obama he always says build the country from the middle out. He always says middle class this and middle class that but I do not ever him mention poor people. I hear him say poverty from time to time but That is about it. I think I finally heard him use a line where he said build the country up from the middle out and the bottom up at one of his last campaign speeches. The poor only get mentioned when politicians are using them as a punching bag.
• Mojave, California
7 Dec 12
Adoniah- I guess you have never visited our lovely ghettos. I really do not think our safety net is that good either. People complain about all the people going on food stamps. It's only 4 dollars a day. I do not know about you but I think I would weigh about 90 pounds if I had to survive on that for a few months.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
10 Dec 12
Well this makes a lot of sense to me!! And actually, it's beyond me how there could be any which would argue with these points.. But most of all, I don't think most folks realize these are the positions and view of conservatives and republicans. Instead they hear the shrill claims that what they are for is doing away with social security, medicare (i.e. all the societal safety nets) and now women's rights! They are for the wealthy and "against" the poor. Rather than they are for jobs and free enterprise which creates jobs. Unfortunately the more people hear these claims as opposed to hearing the truth, the more is believed the smear campaign (and character assassination) rather than what republicans/conservatives reaLLy think!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Dec 12
We're on that slippery slope and picking up spead, about to go over the cliff. Frankly, I think we went over it already. How can it be that half the country think we'd be better off with socialism and government powerful enough to force us to buy insurance? What's next, forcing us to limit family size? Or forcing us to die when when we're no longer productive?