**I Want To Feed The Birds But...**
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
United States
December 8, 2012 10:06am CST
A few days ago I was looking out the window and thought to myself...hmmm, I have this nice wide ledge to feed the birds with and thought I'd try it. It's going to be really, really cold soon and I wanted to help out a little.
Ok, so I went shopping yesterday and bought some wild bird seed. It is a big mix of everything and should feed different types of birds.
I live in an apartment on the second floor...high enough for the birds to see it, right? I put the food on my window ledge which is about 5" wide. This I figured is wide enough for them to perch on and feed all they want with room for more than one at a time.
I put the seed in a little pile so they can see it instead of spreading it out over the entire ledge. Not one little bird came yesterday and no one is here today.
I don't stare out the window or sit there waiting for them because I don't want to scare them off. I do not have any cats at the moment either so that's not the reason.
Any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong that you can think of? 

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10 responses
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
8 Dec 12
You're not doing anything wrong, unless the seed isn't appropriate for the type birds you have in your area. It takes time for the birds to discover the food and start coming to the window. When they discover the seed and the word gets out to the bird population your window sill will be well stocked with birds!
I bought a bird feeder a few days ago but have been too busy to get it hung, thank you for reminding me about it as I will go outside shortly and get it hung. I already have a spot with an eye bolt installed so all I have to do is to hang it. The bird will love it, as well as my cats. All my cats are inside cats, so it will be like "kitty TV" to them.
Also, if you cook bacon, crumble bread into the grease and set it out for the birds. It gives them extra warmth during the cold winter months. A neighbor did that for years and years, and she would have tons of birds around her place every morning waiting for their "breakfast".

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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
9 Dec 12
When I get my video camera I promise I will do some nature videoing for you from my part of the world...okay, it's just California but as I say about my home..."you get a perfectly normal animal and give it some of the water from our well and they go a bit 'odd'!!!"
I could keep you rolling on the floor for hours laughing until you ache at the escapades of our domesticated animals...and that isn't to even talk about the wild animals that drink out of the water pot that I have outside for the outside cats...and the wild critters.
I love all the wild critters we have but am really partial to the chipmunks and tree squirrels. We had one a while back that couldn't climb a tree to save his life! He would race for the tree and run head first into it. If he did manage to get to one of the lower branches suddenly he would lose his footing and be hanging onto the bottom part of the branch like a possum. I convinced the neighbor to park his golf cart under the tree because the cart had a top on it and the squirrel could land on the top and not get hurt. The raccoons are great too. We had one that would show up about 4 p.m. and sit and watch tv until we went to bed. We would fix him a dinner plate and he would sit and eat and watch tv. Every once in awhile he would be really transfixed by something on the screen and he would feel around for the next morsel...and nine times out of ten he would grab a foot, stuff it in his mouth and bite the daylights out of it!!! We'd be watching him more than the tv and of course we got such a laugh out of watching him.
Before anyone gets upset about our feeding junk to the raccoon, we kept raw fruit and veggies just for him. Also we caught fish out of the lake and would also cut that up for him. Twice a month he would get dessert, his favorite goodies. A half a doughnut and a small scoop of ice cream.
I have found more solace and fun in watching the animals than watching tv. Last year I would get to feed one of the deer by hand. She was sooo sweet and would reach through the fence with her nose and give my hand a "kiss" when we were finished with the food. I made her special breads that didn't have the excessive salts and other bad ingredients...she loved it. I also stocked up on carrots, corn, and alfalfa pellets for her too. Unfortunately she left one day and didn't return. She was an older deer so it is possible that she passed away.
Anyhow, I will make a video of the area and all the critters we share our space with...when I get the camera.

@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
I'm pretty sure the seed is fine for these birds. I'm going to give it a few days and see what happens. I sure hope they eventually come around. I know what you're talking about though and it makes me laugh...when word gets around. This happened at my daughters house. She didn't have any birds for the longest time under this one tree. Then all of a sudden there were tons of them and she can't keep enough food out, lol!
I will try the bacon and bread. I'll get some bacon the next time I go shopping. I don't eat it, or at least it's far and in between when I do eat it, but for the birdies, I'll buy some. I really wish I could use a bird feeder but can't, darn it.
I never let my cats outside either when I had them...I worried too much. 

@allknowing (142112)
• India
10 Dec 12
@Loverbear My life is centred round birds that visit us every single day. Yes. A video camera helps one capture images. I have several of them which I have uploaded on youtube. I have a link in my box below which you might like to watch.
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
7 Mar 13

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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
7 Mar 13
Thanks sugar!
I live in an apartment on the second floor...thus, the ledge. I wish I had my own little house because I KNOW I would get them to come around then, lol! I was just trying to get them to feed off my ledge here but it just isn't going to happen anymore.........how sad. 

@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
8 Dec 12
I wonder if it's because it's next to the window, that puts them off. We used to put bird feeders up, but the damn squirrels used to pull them to bits, they'd break the feeder open, steal all the nuts and the feeder couldn't be used again, so we gave up. We also have a couple of cats around here, one managed to catch a magpie the other day and they are big birds, so smaller birds wouldn't stand a chance.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
I don't know Wolfie, I'm puzzled. I see them in the summer hanging on the side of the building close to my window, but I'm wondering if you are right, and it's the window..great.
I wish I could try a bird feeder but can't secure it to the ledge. Right now I'd be glad to see a squirrel, haha, just something.
When I had my cats I never let them outside. I was too afraid they would get hit by a car or get killed by a bigger cat or dog. But I don't have any at this time so I thought the birds would come around. I'm really sad now. 

@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
9 Dec 12
I am not positive, but I think it usually takes a few days for them to find a new source of food and "spread the word". Also would be good if you could offer a little water. I know there are also feeders that fit within the window that make the food stay together and visible. I would say to keep up the good work, they will eventually come.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
9 Dec 12
Yes, everyone here just about told me the same thing.
I don't think my windows are the type of windows you're talking about. They are just white metal and there is only one upper window and one lower window. They are not double windows as in some of the older homes or apartments. So I'm not sure what you're talking about as far as feeders that fit within the window unless it's for those type of windows.
I checked all the feeders and even birdhouses but there was nothing I could use as that would have been ideal.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
Oh how I would love it if they were starring into the house looking for their next meal. How funny is that one! I'd sure have the camera ready too, lol! And of course, I'd have to upload them here and share. 

@sunnykooluv (33)
• India
8 Dec 12
Place the feed at a time when the birds are around that place and are probably searching for food. Also try variations in feed and timing.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
I'm on the second floor here and on a side street. There is no specific time that the birds come around. I hardly ever see them now that it's winter and cold out. Today it's raining all day and I haven't seen one. I just bought a big bag and I really don't want to buy nothing else until this is gone. Thanks though for trying..I appreciate it.
@allknowing (142112)
• India
9 Dec 12
It will take for the birds to spot the feed. It would be better if you spread the feed rather than heap it up. Also a water source could do wonders. And last but the least watching might deter them from coming there.
I have created an environment for birds with fruit trees and a lot of greenery around. I have installed a bird bath. It is a joy to watch them in action. I have captured several images of them and uploaded video clips on youtube.

@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
9 Dec 12
Sorry, my computer is too slow to watch a video on youtube, but thanks anyways!
A few people here already told me it will take a few days. It's not really in a heap but is spread on in a pile. My ledge is only so big and I want to give them room to land.
I do not stand by the window and watch for them at all. I just go to check the seed to see if they have come to eat. I wouldn't stand there and scare them off, that would defeat my purpose. 

@allknowing (142112)
• India
9 Dec 12
This is one of the several videos I have created on birds that visit Solitaire. Hope you will like watching it. Do keep your speakers on:
Birds come in groups - as they say, birds of a feather flock together!
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
8 Dec 12
I have something like that here in mexico.. I toss seed on side of the big window. Doesnt take long for 20-30 birds to come and get it. last fall my brother brought a water fountain for them. In the afternoons .. they start taking baths in it. Its really neat to see. have a great day there.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
I wish I had a yard because that would be much more enjoyable. And, for sure I'd have a birdbath for them to play in. I would also have a bird feeder, but this is the best I can do in an apartment. At least I'm trying, lol!
@nitakb (21)
• United States
8 Dec 12
You are really sweet for wanting to do this.
From what you posted here you're not doing anything wrong. Though I would suggest a bird feeder of some sort, something that will allow them to perch upon and feed and is small enough for your window ledge. Birds are picky funny little creatures that will scout out their surroundings first for a threat before going in for the taking. This is probably why its taking time for them to appear. I'd probably spread the seeds out just a tad bit instead of in a little pile. In my experience of bird feeding I find that most birds come periodically through the day, (I set up a video camera and recorded it when I went out for the day)
Through its really about waiting for the birds to discover that there is available food out in the open.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
8 Dec 12
Thanks but they would knock the bird feeder over if they landed on it. I have no way to secure it to the ledge. I thought long and hard on this one and even looked around for something I could set on the ledge, but there's nothing that would be heavy enough.