Who would want to work in America? Look what the tax payers are paying...
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
December 10, 2012 5:57pm CST
Check out this video and tell me we don't have a problem with welfare.
Just look at the benefits when stacked and at the amount of money you are able to earn. A single Mom with two children is better off in a low paying job and receiving welfare benefits than working for for much more money. In Pennsylvania a single Mom with 2 children and working at a $29,000 job has the same disposable income as a single Mom making $69,000 at a job. What is the incentive to work and trying to advance?
Finally the government is spending $60,000 for each family below the poverty level We could end the poverty problem by giving each household below the poverty level $60,000 and they would be better off than they are now. Maybe we have too many people who are not in poverty but are benefiting from the government spending on poverty. These are all the people who are paid to handle the welfare programs. The same people who spend much of their time and effort trying to get people on welfare and keeping them in the system.
Rather than try to fix the system should we scrap the whole thing and come up with a system that encourages work and rewards those who work and advance? What is too bad is we have many people who are comfortable with benefits they now receive and not having to work. Should we provide for these people in poverty but make it uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in a sense that we don't provide things that go beyond the basics. Require such things as drug testing and community service.
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6 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
11 Dec 12
My mother works at BK as a manager, clears a little over 30k a year, and she can't get assistance from anyone for everything, whether private or public. However, if she were only a minimum wage employee, she'd be able to get food stamps, housing assistance, medical assistance, and bigger EITC dollars.
It's true what you say: People are better off making less money. I know that for a fact, because my cousin, Barbara, also works at BK -- my mother hired her. She has reduced rent, health assistance, the new and approved food stamp credit card, and she gets a huge chunk back on taxes, all she paid in (per income) and more.
Effectively, she is making more than my mother. She is able to actually save most of the money she earns from a paycheck and use her debit and her assistance credit to live.
The people who are in the worst situations financially are catered to so much that they're doing better than people who actually careers that 10 or 20 years ago would have made them middle class. (Cost of living is what I'm focusing on, if anyone wants to argue that.)
Scrap it. Blow it up. Boom goes the dynamite.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
11 Dec 12
I am involved in several local charities that help the less fortunate. Since the heads of the different groups meet and exchange information the needs of the less fortunate are met, with no government help, and those who try to game the system are caught. For example this group found out that several families were going around to different churches and charities each month and asking for extra help. Once they started saying that you could only get help once every three months these people were very upset. We were expecting them to live on the help form the government or worse yet thy might have to get a job. In another case a group that provided Holidays meals and gifts to families received several requests for help from families that were already receiving help form local businesses. They were very upset when they were told that they were already being taken care of. Their response was we are entitled to it. This is the problem we have created an entitlement (mentality) society.
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@skyandgrassplot (1497)
• China
11 Dec 12
Well as a outsider,I do not know whether my answer is right or not but as for me,I think working in America is better than many countries of the world,such as me,so many workers in my countries under a great deal of pressure,we all have a low pay job but have to face the high commodity prices,and the high tax as well.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
12 Dec 12
I agree that this has become a real problem. The welfare programs need to be completely revamped and should include work incentives and possibly training so that people can re enter the workforce and become productive citizens. Our government, however seems to think it is better to keeppeople tied to the system, and add more even though as a nation we are already struggling and failing to pay our bills. Something has to be done, but it is unlikely that it will happen. Too many people - both government officials and recipients do not want changes made.....unless of course it means spending more on the program and increasing benefits. Until this changes the program likely will stay much the same.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
11 Dec 12
It is my personal opinion that people will never be motivated to work if welfare is still maintained at this rate. I gather that there will be an unfortunate majority that loathes work and find ways to exploit the system. Especially, when he/she sees that his/her peers or neighbors doing and getting away with it.
Revamping is a necessary but it is not going to be easy when the lawmakers in office are not on the same platform to agree with one another. Even your country's Chief-of-Staff, is already facing so much opposition with his own implementations, what's more at the levels below him. So for this system to go through changes is similar to climbing Mt Everest.
Sometimes I wonder how governments do not consider implementing another form of taxation which could benefit the individual working class to motivate people to work. The model takes that the amount taxed are being kept aside for each involved working individual like a savings account which could be used for purchases for houses, investment products, insurances, and eventually retirement. On the versatile side, a certain percentage could be used for their child's future financial needs like education or finances for business start-ups.
The advantage of this is that those who are willing to work will have their future taken care of. And, since more will be willing to enter into the workforce, the government will be able to reduce the annual income tax rate.
There is a disadvantage of this model and it has to do with individual disposable income. With the current inflation, people will find it hard to afford certain goods one of it being luxury goods and travel even.
But, I feel that people should start consider more about their personal future and the importance of savings which is already difficult and unsuccessful with the current system.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
11 Dec 12
I think lowering taxes will not solve anything especially when there is a lack of numbers on the current workforce. You have to remember that the current welfare schemes cannot be terminated overnight and the people will be willing to return back to work. I hate to say this but I feel that the abusers of the system is being underplayed by the lawmakers. It isn't easy for them (lawmakers) as well since there are genuine cases inside the system.
Like I've said earlier, I feel that the government should try to motivate and find ways to reward the industrious. The welfare system should be fine tuned along with it especially in the area of scrutiny and moderation. It should not be abolished because it really is a good system.
Also, I believe it is a fact that majority of the people hate paying taxes and even if the government is to lower down the tax rates, there will still be a good number that will find ways to evade. With my mentioned model, I felt that the government could still maintain their needed coffer and could make taxation easier to accept by the masses.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Dec 12
With a flat rate on all income (including welfare benefits) would be taxed at the same rate. Then the more you make the more you pay. This way every American is paying for the basic services paid for by the tax money. The way things are now the low income people pay nothing for the basic services but use them more than the rich. Many of the lower income people now pay no federal income taxes and in many cases they pay no taxes and get moeny back from the government for not earning enough to pay taxes. That is fair as our President wants us to believe to take from those who have it and give it to those who don't have it. When the government takes money it is by threat of force.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Dec 12
Welcome to the USSA.
And not a word was said when Obama effectively quashed the Welfare Reform of Gingrich/Clinton years.
We should dump the system we have and start fresh. Lots of good ideas posted here, but they would never get past Congress. We need politicians who have some backbone, and we seem to be able to only elect those who are spineless. I think we need to start the reformation by giving THEM a paycut. 

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
13 Dec 12
The Founding Fathers did not get paid for their service in setting up this country. President Truman said it best when he refused a government pension, and refused offers from busienss saying that they did not want Harry Truman but the Office of the President and that belongs to the American people and is not for sale. Maybe more political leaders should follow in President Truman's footsteps.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Dec 12
And Obama is considerably richer now than in 2008, yet the American people rejected Romney, a man who took no salary from the state of MA, and no salary for managing the Olympics, and promised not to take a salary from the American people if elected president. Obama rails against the rich, but has no problem using their money to campaign, and has no problem earning 'enough money' for himself. I ask, at what point is HE earning enough? LOL
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
14 Dec 12
Poor people do get a lot in some situations. However, it really helps if you have kids. As a single male with no kids, as a single person with no kids, the government expects I can get by one $600 a month or something ridiculous.
The other thing you tend to forget that with little no actual income despite getting large amounts of government assistance these people will never be able to get home loans, the only car loan they'll get will be at 20% interest from a shady car place that sells cars at twice their value. They might get a lot of freebies. But they are shunned by the financial institutions that allow people to retire and have real benefits. If they didn't have government medical benefits half their paycheck would go to insurance.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
14 Dec 12
I see what you are saying, and you make a good point.
But can WE afford to give a free ride to everyone who asks for it? IF we were to take care of every need of all of those who asked, where would that put us financially. We are poised now to go over the cliff so to speak, and yet our government (current) does not want to say no for fear of being voted out by those who have grown accustomed to the government solving all their problems. Obama seems to have won this election BECAUSE he won't say no.
I am of the opinion, we have to do some serious cutting or soon NO ONE, not even the very obviously needy like the elderly and disabled will be getting the help they need. It has come down to a matter of priorities. I am also of the opinion this situation could have been avoided IF liberals had not insisted for a generation that it was the government's duty to take care of everyone.
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
16 Dec 12
We could easily afford it if it were managed better. There are far more than enough resources to go around in this country. It's really an issue of what kind of society we want to live in. Every society since society existed has had a poor or slave class. Arguing that everyone can work and do well is like arguing that you can rich people but no poor people, when you simply cannot have one relative without the other.
In actually we are cut throat barbarians, interested only in ourselves. Why in the fattest nation in the world do we have people, children even, who don't get enough to eat?