Does it annoy you?

Valdosta, Georgia
December 11, 2012 6:56pm CST
Have you ever had someone come into your home and call your pets annoying? Does it get on your nerves or upset you when this happens? My dogs are very affectionate and love to be shown attention. I know not all people like that but my dogs are my babies so it bothers me when its said that they are annoying. I know to some people they are just animals but not to me... Even if I felt like something annoyed me in someone else's house I would never say it, I would keep it to myself so I wasn't being rude...It is their house after all! Has anyone ever said anything about your pet? Did it annoy you too when they said it?
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41 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
17 Dec 12
I've been asked to put the dog outside!! I have done so in order not to be rude!~! My little one likes to grab the attention of anyone who comes too and he is very cute and jumps up on people. I've had people say to me that pets don't belong inside. How do you respond to that sort of remark??
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
1 Jan 13
Next time, I'll try to do that.
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Honestly I would say some people belong outside too!
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@celticeagle (171942)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Dec 12
If someone comes into my home and has a problem with anything in it they can leave. It is my home not theres. If they don't like my animals that is their problem. I would ignore them and hope that they leave soon. If I was in someone elses home and something there bothered me I would either put up with it or leave. I have never had anyone say anything about my animals. I think most people I have in my home have better sensibilities and manners.
@celticeagle (171942)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Dec 12
Ya, apparently not. The only thing that bothers me is PEOPLE.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
I agree with you. I don't think its right to go to someone's house and talk about anything they have there. I would do the same thing, either deal with it or go home. Not much bothers me though, especially animals I love them! I thought this guy was more respectful than that, apparently not.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Dec 12
Oh probably, but I don't let it bother me. It's your dogs' home, not theirs anyway.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
Yeah I know it should not bother me but it does when it happens every time they come over. I feel like saying, why don't you go home if you cannot stand my dogs?
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• Chile
10 Jan 13
year,i agree with this point!
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Thank goodness nobody dared say that about my pet. But I have one friend who, every time she visits with her boyfriend, i have to take my dog out of the house because her boyfriend is just too scared of lovely and tiny shih tzu. It's funny! This reminded me of the very first time we moved into our new house. A neighbor came (and we didn't even invite him) checked out our house and said the meanest thing! He said that he likes the design of the other house better than ours. He went on complaining and nobody even asked for his opinion! How dare he speak ill of our house when his is half the size of mine and people could hardly even move inside! That was very rude of him.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
To me it would be different if the person was truly scared then I would put my dogs in the bedroom. My grandmas allergic so we put the dogs up for her. But to just be rude and call them annoying is so terrible to me! That was rude of that guy! I dont understand people like that.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
27 Dec 12
Our pet is very calm and never bark or annoy on anyone but at night time he start barking or annoying. I feel bad if anyone is coming in our home and our pet is annoying on them.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
Well my pet is my baby and it will always be that way no matter who likes it or not. They can leave if they don't like it...
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
27 Dec 12
hi, i actually never experience that,i loved pet and i always have pet at home such as dog,fish and turtle,and there are many friends of mine who also been there but no one of them annoy,instead they were amazed especially to my turtle and my fishes.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Your lucky that you have never been through that, it is really very rude.
@ElicBxn (63785)
• United States
12 Dec 12
I've had a lot of complaints about my cats... well, guess what - they live here!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
Exactly how I feel too. If they don't like it they can just leave...
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Dec 12
Hi Hon, I've had dogs and I've had cats. No one ever said anything to me but you can count on me opening my mouth if they did. I'm like you, I would NEVER say anything like that to anyone. As far as I'm concerned, if they don't like dogs or cats, why come visit me? They KNOW I have them, so meet me somewhere for coffee, or invite me to your house, but don't come to my house complaining...ugh. Yes, it would annoy me completely.
• United States
12 Dec 12
I agree with you. Pets are family, period. I can understand if they have allergies or whatever to them, so you put them away for the time being which is understandable. But to come over and say something like that is pretty rude.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
They kind of mumbled it under their breath so I didn't want to make a huge deal of it. I pretended like I didn't hear it until my husband gets home. He can talk to his friend about it because I don't want to...He is not here to see me, my husbands friend comes here to see my cousin but I just would not say such a thing in someone else's house! I just think that's wrong and rude. That is how I feel too, ask her to see you somewhere else. Go out or something, don't come here if that is how you feel about my babies!
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@bryanwmc (1051)
• Malaysia
12 Dec 12
i have 3 cats and as far as i am concerned , whoever visits my home and remarks about them in a bad light, i will hint that they have an option not to visit in pets are here to stay and my home is every way their home as well since all 3 of them grew up here ,and there is no way i will intentionally keep them in a room or put them another place just so somebody who doesn't like cats come visiting..just like i am not going to lock up my kid in her room just because some one who can't stand children say they want to visit me at my place.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
Yeah if something is said again I will tell them they don't have to come over anymore. My dogs are part of my family and that is the way it will stay. Your right, our pets live here just like we do. I totally agree with you, we would not lock up our kids so why do that to our pets? It's not right.
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@dee777 (1417)
• South Africa
13 Dec 12
Well said! I will never understand how people cannot like pets.... I cannot imagine my house without them.
@allknowing (141546)
• India
12 Dec 12
I know what you mean. Not all are fond of animals and I take care of that when Preiti my pet wants attention from them as well. I keep her away from them. In your case they could have been polite and mentioned about their lack of interest in animals.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
Yeah, I don't understand why they come over if they cannot stand them so much and I think its rude personally for someone to say something like this about them! If they told me they don't like animals I would put them in my room but they never said anything until they called them annoying!
2 people like this
12 Dec 12
yes that really annoys me! my dogs are chihuahua's and they are very very energetic and small and jumpy, and just want to give kisses and get cuddles. they go mad with excitment when someone comes into the house, and someone once called my dogs "things" .. i was very angry and ended up having a huge argument with the person and they left!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
It annoys me too! My dogs love attention and like to give out love all the time! But their my babies so I don't care who likes it or who doesn't... This is my house and if they don't like it they can leave!
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17 Dec 12
exactly! i mean don't get me wrong, i know some people do let their dogs run riot, and some peoples dogs are extremely badly behaved no matter what, even if there is no one in the house apart from the owners and they still get on like that, but my dogs are little angels when no one is here, they just get excited to see new people. plus some breeds are known for being hyper active and mine unfortunately are those breeds haha!!
• United States
12 Dec 12
I am a dog and cat lover, Loving. I can't have a dog in the house and can't have a cat, period. When I lived by myself I had a dog and a few stray cats that I adopted. I loved them so much. I loved the hugs and kisses I got. One if my cats would sample my iced tea right out if my glass. I didn't toss it out and go Ewwwwwwwwww. My dog and cats were my children. When my cat Pinky had premature kittens I did CPR on them to try and revive them but they didn't live. I was do devastated by that and hurt for her loss. She got killed crossing the road. They came and went as they pleased because they were homeless cats that I took in. I miss having cats and digs in the house, but we aren't allowed to have any in the home.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
I love dogs, they are amazing animals to me. I am afraid of cats as silly as that sounds. With dogs you know when their mad because they growl or their back hair stands up. With cats, you can't really tell their annoyed until they snap and claw you! Lol. But I would never go to someone's house and say that I am not a cat person! That is rude!! Yeah my dogs are my second children, their my babies. I love them SO much! It's kind of funny but my one dog does not like him either. When he comes here she growls and watches him like a hawk! She is a good judge of character so I watch him now too when hes here...
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
12 Dec 12
They would out my front door before they could finish their sentence. I had a ex friend come over, and my one female cat is a princess, she will throw her ball, and expect you to play. She will climb on your lap and lay down. She sat how irritating she was and gross how she was sitting on her, or her ball touched her. I never went out with her that day, and she was out of my front door so fast. It would annoy me, and I would put up with it, they would be gone in no time. I have gone to people's houses, and had animals sit on me on time a cow kicking me, but never said anything.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
I understand because that is what I felt like doing! If something like that is said again they will be told not to come here again. Yeah I would never be rude like that and say anything about someone else's home or anything they have in it. I was taught better than that!
@siya573 (26)
• South Africa
12 Dec 12
That person heart is cold, pets are lovely...i have 2 dogs
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• Valdosta, Georgia
12 Dec 12
I know I agree with you. I love my dogs, their my second kids! =-)
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
12 Dec 12
I know my dogs are annoying as BLEEP and I seriously don't need anyone else to point it out.They are my Babies and I love them deeply. Widget is a Brug (brussels griffon/pug)and very up in your face kind of lovey and he loves everyone. He bounces like Tigger on crank when someone visits . Winston (Chihuahua)on the other hand screams when someone shows up and hides in my clothes . I know that is annoying but they are my Babies .
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Dec 12
I don't like dogs. If I am to visit a house where there are dogs, I let them know ahead of time that I am afraid of dogs. Sometimes they'll offer to put the dog away for my visit, like put it outside or lock it in a room. If they don't offer this then I probably would cancel the visit because I really am that afraid of dogs.. but I don't get mad about it or anything. I understand if you don't want to put your dog away.. it just means I won't visit. My sister in law always had dogs.. a couple of really big dogs. One of them was a St. Bernard which is the type of dog that bit me when I was a child, and the type of dog I am most afraid of. At first she knew to tie them up. I pretended to be fine with the dogs because I was a guest. Once she saw that I was okay with them, she stopped tying them up.. so I had to stop visiting. I have cats, one of my cats is annoying. He likes to jump on people's shoulders. I will often lock him up when I have visitors because he won't leave them alone and I wouldn't be a good hostess if I allowed my cat to bother my guests.. even though my cats are my babies as well. One time though a friend came to stay with me for a few days. I had a kitten at the time, and she knew about it. She also had cats so I expected her to be fine with my kitten, but she wasn't. She got so mad at my kitten, just for it being a typical kitten. It was playful, and she got mad at it. The kitten climbed on my sofa where she had her clothes laying out, so the kitten climbed all over her clothes and she threw a fit that the kitten was going to destroy her clothes! That made me mad!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I don't even mind putting my dogs up for someone when they come over. My grandmas allergic to animals so I put my dogs up all the time. This guy just plain does not like them because they always want attention... If he asked for me to put them up I gladly would have but I did not like that he was just rude and calling them names. This is my home and my dogs home. If someone didn't like my children should I lock them in their rooms too??? Hell no! So I won't do that with my dogs either unless there's a fear or an allergy...
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
3 Jan 13
I have had people say things that I don't like about my pets but I also see the other side. You know and love your pets but they may be a bit much for the visitor. I hvae a friend who has a dog that they let eat off their plates. I am not ok with that and I get annoyed when he comes to me and tries to paw my plate out of my hands. I don't say much because I know it's his home but it is annoying.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
If they were too much for him than he could have nicely asked for us to put the dogs up. They didn't have to be rude and call my babies names... Okay, licking off the plates is too much for me too. Lol.
@Octav1 (1419)
• Romania
17 Dec 12
If somebody said that about our dog, he would have been out the next second. You know there is a saying that once you got a dog, you can find out who are your real friends. I think it is true. Owning a dog made us realize who really care about us and who is only a fake friend. I don't think somebody could say our dog is annoying, because all the people that come to visit us are dog people or, at least, are people who understand our passion for dogs.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
That is what I should have done. He is not allowed back at our house now though because of it. I am no longer allowing anyone here if they cannot treat my house with respect!
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
I also have experienced that. We have an unexpected visitor, so we have not prepared to keep our dogs away from the door. Our dogs are staying indoors, and we already treat them like my little sisters. They even sleep with me when I was still single. Now that I'm married, they still sleep with my mom. And that visitor is never a dog lover so she shooed them and gave comments like why do we keep dogs indoors, they should be staying outdoors. I also got annoyed and just called my dogs and we stayed inside my room.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I don't blame you for being annoyed. I was annoyed too when this guy came in and complained about my dogs!
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
My pets belong to me and I love them very much. If people are afraid of dogs I put them in the cage (they go there themselves btw). When I have friends over and the dogs are too busy getting attention I just tell them "No! you go!!". That does it always. But I won't allow people telling me that my dogs are annoying. Our dogs are part of the family!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Dec 12
Yeah its different if there was a fear or something but there wasn't! He was just annoyed by them. Too bad for him. He doesn't have to come here if he feels that way about my babies...
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