Lucid Dreaming

@ivan88 (193)
December 12, 2012 7:35pm CST
I have started a while ago this interesting practice - Lucid Dreaming. There have been numerous books about it, but the ones that appeal to me the most are those of Carlos Castaneda. In my experiences of lucid dreaming, I have so far seen myself a few times, and I have made certain travelling and meetings in my dreams. However, it was hard to keep it up. This is a pretty hard one for me. Does anybody practice it? And if so, what improvement steps have you taken?
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2 responses
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
18 Dec 12
I've never heard of lucid dreaming but will definately check it out. It sounds like something that I would like to know more about. Thanks for the info on it.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
18 Dec 12
Yeah, I just read about it and since I don't dream or remember my dreams if I do I don't think it would do anything for me.
@ivan88 (193)
• Canada
30 Dec 12
That's an issue you can fix. For example, why don't you try, as you see a dream, to look at your own body? Your hands? Feet? Stuff like that. See if it will work.
• India
25 Apr 13
Lucid Dreaming is a phenomenon in which you are aware of your dream.The best way of achieve lucidity in a dream is to perform reality checks often and when you get used to it for example everytime you see any person immediately see if anyting is unnatural and this habit would flow into your dream and when you find you are dreaming make acknowledgements of what are you experiencing and do whatever you want to do fly,make fun.