I am happy to see Donaire win but

@hotsummer (13837)
December 16, 2012 6:56am CST
it doesn't feel good seeing the other get beaten that bad. I wished the fight went on till the 12th round and Donaire winning by judges decision and not by seeing the opponent get beaten . So I am not happy seeing any one get beaten badly even if it is the opponent or our own countryman. So I just hope that Arce would not just physically okay but also be okay with the loss.
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2 responses
@anaknitatay (1335)
• Philippines
16 Dec 12
well, here is something for you hots, Doanire and Arce are said to be friends so I don't think Donaire would have done anything that would hurt a friend to that point. Right?
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
16 Dec 12
yes they are friends. But I don't want a friend that have that kind of punch. LOL.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
neither do I. hehehe it will be ard if we ever had a disagreement-- hard on my face!
@bLadeee (403)
• Philippines
16 Dec 12
Don't worry, every person should know how to accept his loss. In every game, there is always a winner and a loser. It's boxing, therefore you can't avoid to be beaten up after a round.