Does the news make it worse?

Local news - tell the news have a special
@ctryhnny (3460)
United States
December 17, 2012 6:42am CST
I've been watching the news this morning something I rarely do. I'm finding that the sad music, pictures and interviews with family's makes it so much harder to watch/hear. I don't know why they can't just read the news and have a special, which I know they will do to, with all the pictures, interviews and sad music that they can fit into it. Are you watching all the sadness that is going on on all the channels? Do you think it's a bit much? I know their talking about stronger gun laws mixed in with all the sadness.
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12 responses
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
17 Dec 12
stronger emotions mean attachment and attention to certain media of expression. i remember that during christmas, sad songs instead of happy ones are topping the charts because of the loneliness of those who recently broke-up or spending the holidays alone. there is a certain attraction to sadness by people. the emotion is easily exploitable by pictures, music, and films. this is what the media is doing now.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
I guess they think the sadder it is the more people will watch...which to me is ridiculous.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Dec 12
Yeah it does make it sad.I really can't take much for watching the news like that. It really gets me so depressed. I have already cried quit a bit from just the few things I have watched and read online.It is just too much. And besides I think the media needs to back off and leave that small town and let the families grieve their losses.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
Yes, as usual the media does need to back off. I wouldn't want my grief shown all over tv.
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• United States
17 Dec 12
Neither would I. And once the world starts to go back to their own every day lives then it will hit these families very hard as they start to move forward with their lives as well. The sooner they are able to start coping the better it will be for them.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
That's the problem with media. They don't give people a chance to grieve in their own way. ONce they are gone I think it all becomes new to them and they grieve all over again.
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@surekharathi (14146)
• India
28 Dec 12
I hate news because they shows the same new many times and something put their own mind and shows. I like only TV comedy program or serial..
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
17 Dec 12
Yes. It really do saddened me specially if the news is too bad. Now, I understand my Korean boss why she is not trying to watch a news on tv. She already told me that watching news on tv makes her so stressful that's why she opted not too. Come what may she said.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
I seldom watch tv news because of course it's always bad news or it wouldn't be news!
@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
17 Dec 12
I avoid reading further news about that event. It's very sad and the more they are talking about it, the more depressing it feels. I think media sometimes are inconsiderate, they're not thinking of the hurt they will cause to the families of reminding them again and again of what happened.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
I think the media is also already thinking about a movie...the same way they did with Columbine. It's disgraceful and I'm not watching or listening to any more news on this. I don't want to see and hear these people grieving. I've seen enough.
• Philippines
17 Dec 12
we have the right to know, to be able to come up with our own opinion to things that matters in our society. but sometimes the media would just sensationalize a thing so that people would not stop asking and would not stop watching them. and sometimes they go beyond what is necessary. they earn money when people watch them. for me it is enough that i knew what happened out there, i already have my own personal opinion about it which may differ from the others, and i have stopped watching it after i got what i wanted.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
17 Dec 12
The media is out to make themselves a name and by bothering all those grieving people it makes their station get high ratings.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 12
I don't watch the news or read the papers solely for that purpose, it's all full of doom and gloom, not a day goes by that we hear about murders, atrocities, recession, mass unemployment, homeless and cruelty, there's only so much we can take, before it starts affecting us. I know shutting off may not be the right answer, but I suffer with depression and find it hard to cope with it, but I struggle through, hearing about suffering and grief all the time just makes everything twice as bad.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Dec 12
Hi ctryhnny, I can only watch it for a little while, then I have to take a break. I watched part of the church service last night and that was very moving. It has to be very difficult for those who lost loved ones as the news talks of nothing else. I do think that it is a bit much. Blessings.
• United States
18 Dec 12
Watching too much news programming such as that can have a negative psychological impact. This has been well-documented. Anxiety rates increase, and one's overall mood is disturbed by watching televised news (see, for instance: I have been avoiding the news on television for the most part since the shootings. I don't want to keep seeing that, nor do I want for my boyfriend to keep watching that sort of stuff. It isn't psychologically healthy. There are plenty of television channels that do not have that stuff on. There is also the option of turning off the television--an option that I often choose.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
17 Dec 12
Yes, the news makes it worse. It's focusing on something negative in our country and for every negative news report you can find ten worthier news reports that focus on all the positive things that happen in our country. It also keeps people mad, upset, and angry at these types of crimes occurring in our beloved country. It was the other day when I told my Mom, why can't they just tell the news instead of giving us a play by play account of what happened? Yes it is important that these things be discussed, but when it's raw like this people are angrier than what they are at working on prevention and being pro-active in these situations.
• Romania
18 Dec 12
I am from Romania, and yes news on TV channels are sad here too. I believe everywhere on the globe news are pretty grim. TV news informs only about the evil acts that take place around the country, and they rarely notify the population about the good things that other people do. I only read news that I am interested in, and I search them on the internet (politics, world events...).
18 Dec 12
It's the problem with all media nowadays, and the worst is it with TV: in the newspapers you can see pictures and read emotional text, but it doesn't have to make you really sad or depressed. But TV can use emotional videos, even music (on local channels there always is music form movie Titanic) and they can play how truly sad the moderators are for very long time. To me the objectivity in a media is already lost and they are playing only on a string of money. I hope one day it'll be serious again. Until that time I'll stuck on my newspapers...