Companies spying on Facebook
By hexebella
@hexebella (1136)
December 18, 2012 10:39am CST
3 years back during my holiday in the US, there was news about an employee who got fired because the company saw her picture posted in FB partying drinking alcohol, I don't remember the rest of the story. Few months back, one of my colleague got a warning letter from the HR because she posted a on her FB wall using the word "b*&ch" referring to another colleague whom she had a quarrel. Do you agree that your FB activity will be monitored by the company where you are working?
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16 responses
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
19 Dec 12
That depends of the nature of company. If the company's nature of business is for example, education, then such photos and words really are not allowable, I mean has to be monitored and called attention to. Because education deals with young people and educating students to be good citizens of the society in the future. and it is difficult to be seen like an employee or a teacher will post a photo of her drunk, with a lot of drawn marks on the face, with dripping saliva.. and really in a very awkward position. Or an employee saying "bit ch" on another employee, it is just too weird. If the nature of company is NGO or something to do with an organization for rehabilitation for example, then it is very odd to have photos and words of those kinds. So I think yes the company needs to monitor the FB activity if the nature of business they are running deals with formation of people. Role modeling, integrity and credibility of the company.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
My FB page has nothing to do with my employer and my social life is completely my business. If I don't perform at work they can kick me out but they don't have the right to kick me for my private online activities. After my duty hours, the company has no more right over me, I did not sell my life to them, I only sell my services.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
18 Dec 12
Well, Facebook is an online site, which means that you have to be careful with it. I wouldn't say I agree to my boss or employer spying on me there, but I do realize that it could happen, there are many cases like this all over the world after all. So people really should think about what they post there! I certainly do, not just because of my current employer but also for future employers, family and friends etc. Not everything needs to be put online anyway, if you ask me :)
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@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
yeah, it depends on the individual, so I think it would be best to keep the privacy settings on 'friends only' so the public won't see your activity online and ensure that the people we connect to are really our friends.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
19 Dec 12
" Do you agree that your FB activity will be monitored by the company where you are working? "
Nope because they will never know of my Facebook in the first place. I only give my family and friends my real email address. The one I give everyone else does not have a Facebook connected.
They certainly don't have a right prying into my personal business, but I have to say that this thing about companies and FB snooping has been known for a while. When you tell them about your FB , you ought to know that you're inviting trouble.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
19 Dec 12
Plus I'd never ever log onto any sites at a work place. They can snoop on those too. I'd just play a game.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
That's the best thing to do, to be extra careful coz we can't trust our colleagues and FB is a personal business.....our professional community should not know about our personal activities online, we do not know who are our enemies in the workplace, other's should not be tactless and be very careful with their moves online.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
19 Dec 12
It depends on how you define spying. If you invite your boss at work to be a friend on facebook, and then you write something horrible about someone else on your FB page, that's not spying. You invited that person to see your FB page.
If you invite a co-worker to be friends on FB, and then write something bad about someone else, and that friend starts gossip around work that you said something bad about a co-worker on your FB page, that's not spying either. That's gossip.
A lot of people hate this, but the fact is, when you work for a company, you represent that company. How you act outside of work, reflects on the people who hired you, whether you like it or not. You should be decent and mature outside of work, as much as when you are at work.
Second, shut up. Some people just need to shut up. Keep your mouth closed. You'll be better off in the long run, if you just shut your mouth.
If you don't have something nice to say, shut up! Do everyone a favor and keep your whiny complainy self quiet.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
Whether spying, prying, looking, browsing, researching, concern is that employers are using FB page of the employees to get unauthorized information. In our CV's we are putting character references, or companies are requesting for these to check on the background of the applicant. FB was set up by the individual not to impressed their employers but to socialize with their friends online especially if they are separated by distance and employers has nothing to do with that.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Dec 12
You do realize that FaceBook is a public forum? If you want something "private", you should keep it "Private".
The moment you post, say, write, blog, or scribble in the dirt in your back yard, you are doing something that is public.
Instead of complaining about what other people do with the information you say, how about you just not say it?
If I don't want people to know that I don't like Bob at work, the best way for me to keep that from getting out is to not say it.
There's something wrong when we as a human being, can't keep are big loud mouths shut, and then whine and cry when what we should not have said, comes around to bite us.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Dec 12
BTW, I am speaking from experience myself. There have been several times in which I have said something that later came back to bite me, which is why I simply don't say such things now.
Instead of screaming about companies doing due diligence in learning about their employees, I simply don't say, write, post, blog about stuff I don't want getting back to my company. I don't say it at all.
Amazingly, not a single thing that I never spoke, ever made it back to my company or co-workers and caused me a problem. Not once. Never happened yet in my life.
Oddly, I also have never had a problem with my company "snooping" on me... because there's nothing for them to find.
I often find that the people who complain most about others "snooping" are the ones who say stuff they shouldn't be.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Dec 12
Unfortunately, when you make your private affairs public this kind of stuff happens. It is very easy to find out what someone is doing and what they are all about... The person puts all of their business on facebook and WONDERS why everyone knows their private moments in life. Hmmm...I wonder!
Now, do I think its right that bosses do this? NOPE! But can they get away with it? Of course. Just like I don't think its fair that these companies are all doing credit reports before hiring people too... It is ridiculous to me.
But with the whole facebook thing, if people would STOP posting their private affairs ALL over facebook there would be nothing the boss could do.
I don't see why people have to announce their EVERY move on there anyway... What is the point of that? If you want everything in your life to be PUBLIC knowledge try going for acting or singing where they get no privacy in their lives at all. Me personally, I don't like everyone knowing my business on facebook, some things are meant to be private and personal...

@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
People differs from each other and I get dismayed at times when I saw my friends posting what they are doing and what they have taken during breakfast, dinner, or lunch....every little thing they are posting, there were some that they are using FB as an outlet to release the tension and pressures from different sources....well I Have no right to tell them what they should do or post, in the first place it's their own page....but companies to pry on their employees private affairs is not acceptable, in the first place, the employees only sells their services to their employees and not their private lives, that's the way I see it.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
18 Dec 12
I very much agree with you, very well put! I guess a lot of people just want attention so badly, they need to post about everything they do. But then they should also realize it could have a cost. But basically, if it is even remotely personal, it should never ever be on Facebook, under any circumstances, if you ask me :)
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@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
23 Dec 12
Is Facebook private? If some one's Facebook account can be accessed by his/her friends and relatives, then it is no longer private as what that person posted can be shared out by his/her friends and relatives. To write anything negative about his/her company or colleague in one's Facebook account is indeed naive and thoughtless. Did not the person who wrote that consider the consequence if it is made public?
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
It would depend on the person's privacy settings.... I believe the FB page of an individual privately belongs to that person not to the employer, an individual's private life includes family, friends and relatives and professional life is employer should not go to my private circle (family, friends and relatives) to check on me who I dated last night or who in my workplace pissed me off that I call the person names......
@peavey (16936)
• United States
18 Dec 12
I don't think it can be called spying because posts are not secret. If you don't want your boss reading your posts, don't make them public.
We should all be cautious about what we post on a public site (and that includes myLot) because anyone can read it. With Facebook, you can specify who can read your posts so it's up to the individual to protect him/herself.
Company employees and employers have the same access as anyone else, so why wouldn't they read what one posts?
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
Spying in the sense that we do not know that they are looking on it. Even the privacy setting was specified, they could be connected to some of our connections. Well the best way is to set the privacy settings to "friends only"
They can read the posts if they want to, but they don't have the right to use it against the person, this what believe.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
22 Dec 12
It comes down to a question of ethics. Is it ethical for employees to post what goes on at work about other company employees? I don't think so. If you are going to post what goes on about work you are opening yourself and others involved up to negativity.
A company has an ethical obligation and a moral responsibility to hire the best people and to look after them as well as to look after their own reputation.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
It's the same thing when you get upset and release all your tension by pouring it out to your friends but instead of face to face, it was FB page which is more accessible. I've worked in different companies in the past in different industries, but hospitality jobs are the most pressured and most tension an employee could ever experience. I am talking about the second scenario on my initial post as the I have no idea which industry the first scenario is involved in. However, my main concern is that no one has ever the right to interfere whatever one does in his/her social media page as it belongs to them personally, this is what I believe in.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
19 Dec 12
i'm surprised the way some people are so lax with their facebook.
first would be making it friends only,and never adding people from work.
then you got people admitting they smoke pot on facebook..
i ain't judging,but you'd think they wouldn't post that in public..
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
people differs from each other, there are those who doesn't care much about privacy, there are people who's only outlet is FB, best thing is not to add people in the workplace, it would be dangerous with all these things happening, I didn't expect that companies would go that way is to be careful of who we are adding and what we are sharing online
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
18 Dec 12
That's why my facebook is set to private. I wouldn't want unwanted viewers to view what I have been doing or posting on facebook. I say to prevent such things like that that facebooks should be set to private and don't view your facebook at work. And maybe don't put coworkers on your facebook, because then word will get around the job and eventually everyone even your managers will hear about what you have posted on facebook. I used to have a friend who would rant about how much she hated her job and how much certain managers got on her nerves and she would call them b*&ches on there and stuff like that. She was even friends with some of her co-workers. This is why I say you shouldn't add co-workers on your facebook at all. Because you never know whatever you post on there it will most likely get around the job area. That is what happened to her and because of all the mean things she said about her job and about her managers, she got fired. Because they said she obviously did not like her job and they figured it just be best to let her go since she wasn't happy anyway. They basically fired her for what she posted on facebook.
This is the reason why I keep co-workers off my facebook.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
Uhh ohh, so these things are really happening have a point there, not to connect to colleagues on FB, much safer.....anyway they are not what we can call friends who would understand our feelings....colleagues can be your secret enemies, who're smart enough not to connect with your co-workers.
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
19 Dec 12
There is a recent rule in the US that a company is not allowed to ask its employees for their passwords to Facebook.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
I heard a similar story about this, there are companies asking for the FB passwords of their employees, that is really crazy....what do they have to do with the FB account of their employees? Good that the rule is implemented to keep the individual's privacy.
@kyle2krystel (2489)
• Japan
18 Dec 12
That's shockingly surprising that they or companies will fire you for not being a good person through social net and would monitor your social net activities. I never heard about this kind of stories but thank you for sharing. It's just kind of weird that even your social activity will be monitored and could get fired from company.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
I heard it from the news on TV, that was in 2009 during my holiday in the US, and few months back, my colleague got a warning letter from the HR as she expressed her anger towards our another colleague on her own FB wall, which supposedly belongs to her, we do not have freedom on our FB page........
@olliekobra1 (1825)
19 Dec 12
i am rearly against employees spying on facebook because i rearly do belive that its invading some ones privacy what gives these people the right to read your facebook page and then punish you for it. Thats just like your boss coming around house and reading your diary its so wrong.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
Yes! you got my issue........FB is a personal matter and individuals did not open their accounts in FB to impress employers but to socialize with their friends and families especially those separated by distance. Whatever emotion being posted speaks directly to the social community the way someone speaks to their friends and families and not to the employers. I don't see any logical reason that gives the employers authority to use FB against their employees.
@vidhyaprakash_2 (7116)
• India
19 Dec 12
Hi friend, some companies watching the employees activities during office time, because some of the workers will spend their office time with fb and social sites, don't do the work properly, the company have the rights to check them during office hours, but they don't have the rights to punish them based on their personal updates, if they update some ills about the company with their fb account, they can take action against them. But it is not a good thing to punish for their unofficial activities
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
Companies has no right to use private activities of their employees against them. In the first place, they do not their lives as long as the work is done properly, that's all their concern, whatever the employees' do outside work is none of their business. FB page is personal and private and has nothing to do with the work.
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
23 Jan 13
Companies shouldn't use FB to spy on their employees. I mean these employees are doing things on their own time and not on companies' time. What does it matter if the employee had been drinking? She's not drunk at work, is she? These companies should be sued for wrongful termination!
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
18 Dec 12
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well it is very shocking to hear such things and i think a company should never interrogate one's face book profile as it is like trespassing one's privacy and i think if that happens then i think almost all employees would be fired from a company. Who does not party, who does not drink, do does not post pics and who would not like to vent her ire on face book, at least some freedom should be left in this field.
What say?
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
18 Dec 12
I also feel bad about it coz it means that we do not have the freedom to express ourselves anymore. FB pages are our personal property and it is a social community not a professional circle.