Toy guns, video games, and shootings... where did all this start from?

United States
December 18, 2012 8:20pm CST
You have to wonder where all this violence started with guns. When I was younger, I remember playing with toy guns, cap guns, toy bows and arrows, etc... Never did I even ONCE in my whole entire life think it would be okay, nor did I want to, kill or harm anyone in any way, shape, or form. I don't blame toy guns. I blame video games. The Connecticut shooter was an avid gamer from reports. There's been other reports of gamers that committed murders like this and otherwise. Video games that monopolize on shooting up a bunch of "enemies" are not something that should fall into the wrong hands. Not everyone who buys these games are mentally stable. And there's a lot of these types of video games that are g-rated that shouldn't be! If you ask me, I'll say over and over again... get rid of the violent video games, get rid of a lot of violence in the future. Nothing in a video game is reality. No consequences to actions, no one is forever killed. You get an "extra life". Unfortunately, that's not reality.
1 response
• United States
19 Dec 12
People who play videogames do not always go out and hurt people. It's just easy to scapegoat games because it's an interactive medium. You obviously just listen to the media without actually knowing anything about the medium except what you hear reported to you. Did you know that the so-called "media" can't even keep their stories straight on what Adam Lonza was supposedly playing. You're just someone who thinks that violent videogames make people violent, and I do agree that mentally unstable people shouldn't play them, but playing the blame game is stupid. It's also been shown in studies that violent videogames do not make people violent. It's not having moderation in anything that's bad, including videogames.