I Feels Some Peoples want to wipe off religions from world...do you feels same?

@Tushavi (2077)
Karachi, Pakistan
December 21, 2012 5:29am CST
hi to all well, I am doing lot of researching before starting a discussion here on mylot, I agree sometimes my discussion are boring & not worthy, but sometimes I also start serious kind of discussions & the following discussion is one of them, When I have to find something I usually check "Yahoo Answer" But I feels Yahoo Answer supports the peoples who are against the every religion of world, likes I read a question "If Jesus Returns how you recognize him that he is real?" The best answer is kind of sick & bad I feels they support the peoples who makes fun off religions, its similar that I read question about Our Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H & also the best answer is sick & insulting...I also look around & feels there are huge group of peoples who want to spread a Message Against every religion of world & want to wipe off religions from the world...they called it "Discipline,Humanity & so many names" But I also know these kind of peoples cruel by nature they actually against the Humanity, they cares Money & Wealth More than anything & they do everything for sake of money & fake respect...right now I feels greed of peoples increasing day by day??? but why??? because of the Propaganda "No Money No Honey" as a Mulsim I agree MONEY & WEALTH is very Important for humans...but that not means without a Ferrari & without a BMW's we don't survive...I guess we survive more happily if these things aren't on world...I'm so sorry If some peoples from this bad group offense by me...But I write what I feels...have a nice day...
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18 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Dec 12
Yes, there is a growing movement that wants to destroy every religion, good and bad. They hate any kind of religion. They think that religion is the cause of all our problems. This movement will keep on getting stronger and stronger. I agree that religion has done much harm to mankind but that is false religion. True religion has done much good. However most people have a problem distinguishing the good from the bad and so are against all religion. In this group that wants to destroy all religion are those that hate God and want to remove him from the earth. There are interesting times ahead!
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
22 Dec 12
well said, hopefulmam
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• Nigeria
22 Dec 12
Bible prophecies are coming true, it spoke about a time when the authorities will wipe out false religion from the face of this earth and then will proceed to do the same to true religion, that is when God will act and bring an end to human government and Satan Himself. Am only surprised that such movement has already started. As Atheists continue to grow, they will start a revolt against religion and the Government will lend a helping hand. That is certain.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
22 Dec 12
I think that atheists are those who want it , want to have all the people like them, they see in religions a restriction of their liberty, as I think.
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• United States
22 Dec 12
Right. Because atheists follow a manual that holds fidelity to a god as the ultimate sin, so we must all reconvert believers. You folks need to look in the mirror. You're projecting religious principles onto atheism.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
22 Dec 12
I said that because I saw many atheists on facebook and on other sites Directing insults (in their belief ) to God and prophets , And I feel that they want that all people to be atheists and disbelief with God .
1 person likes this
22 Dec 12
Again - You are posting anti Atheists posts and generalisations of people who don't think like you. The halfwits on Facebook do not reflect society - Open your eyes
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Dec 12
It's funny to me, this whole religious business and what constitutes someone trying to remove it. Using belief and non-belief as an example: I was watching the NFL Sunday show last week, and Ben Roethlisberger was there speaking about his child. He said something to the effect of, if you can see a child born and not believe in God, something's wrong with you. That seems to be fine with everyone in America. I'm sure there were a few trolls who took to the blogs in outrage, but it's just part of our culture -- "believe in god or something's wrong with you." Non-believers like myself are used to hearing "god" and "you should believe" and "he believes in you" and "he is so great" and "it's so evident," etc, etc -- it's something I hear every single day of my life. But according to religious people, that's just their free expression. Which I do not disagree with. I don't claim there's a war on non-believers, at least in America. However, if someone sat in that same chair on NFL Sunday and said: "If you believe in a god, something's wrong with you," there would have been widespread outrage! There would be 20 posts on this site alone about people trying to take religion AWAY from the masses. The player's jersey would be boycotted. He'd be flayed on every sporting show in the nation. He'd be an outcast in his own locker room, as religion is huge in the NFL. So why is praising a god and insisting everyone should believe, etc, considered nothing more than free expression, but someone saying there are no gods is supposedly a "war" on religion or an attempt to take religion away from everyone? It's only people of a particular religion who feign persecution over these things. And it's odd. If you truly believe in your religion, it shouldn't matter if others don't. So why the tears when someone wants their view that there is no god to have equal footing? The above response was written in direct response to your headline. As to the content of your post, I'm not entirely sure I grasp what you're getting at, so I won't rant on it.
• United States
24 Dec 12
"And rob, of course you can have your own moral code you can follow, but what right do you have to tell me what to do ?" Maybe you're posting on the wrong response here, iuliuxd, because I don't see where anyone in this response is trying to tell anyone what to do. The discussion Rob and I were having is talking about a religious-based court ruling telling other people what they can't do, not the other way around. But, of course, since it sides with religion, I highly doubt you find issue with that. That is what it is. We all know the rules of the game in that regard -- promotion of what you believe = truth and freedom, promotion of anything different = Satan. But Merry Christmas.
• United States
22 Dec 12
It most certainly is not fair. And the reason, I'd walk out on a solid limb to suggest, is that the folks in charge of making the decision are primarily religious. Religious people never seem to get the point that insisting there is a god is the same as insisting there isn't. Like it or not, religious people, "god" is not the default position. It's actually the other way around. So it is pushing religion on people to exercise it freely. And while I don't stand in the way of that, they also shouldn't stand in the way of equal footing. Per the example I used: Different takes on "If you don't believe in God, there's something wrong with you" fly over my ears on a daily basis. Literally. But to just reverse that, to say "If you DO believe in God, something's wrong with you" is something considered negative, bigoted, oppressive, and fascist. The "free expression" done by religious people and religious groups is not only promoting their god, it's the explicit and deliberate promotion of their god. I admit, I'm shocked that the UK sided with religion to spite non-religion. I thought America was the only nation out there operating like the Vatican.
22 Dec 12
The court ruling was a surprise and I suspect it was down to the beliefs of the judge rather than some form of religious decree. I also suspect that political correctness played it's part in the original ruling. I think the biggest insult I find from some parts of all religious factions is a belief that someone that has no religious beliefs can not have any morals.
@pahak627 (5022)
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
Religion is already part of one's life. I guess every person has his own religion and it can't be easily taken out from us and should be respected.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
30 Dec 12
Hi pahak you are absolutely right religion s already a part of this world in every corner so it is not easy to wipe it off at any cost .
@cessybear (223)
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
Well, I think they are only trying to be scientific. We cannot expect them to say that the real religion is this... that. The whole world relies to them and they have to be unbiased, and be scientific.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
22 Dec 12
Thats right, in fact wiping out religion might be the best thing that can happen to this world, at least we will be rid of one evil that is caused by religious extremists....
• Philippines
24 Dec 12
I agree! That would be much better! Because disciples of Christ dis not even have a religion. There's not even a word "religion" in the Bible. Though other versions replaced the word "superstitious" with "religious". :D
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
24 Dec 12
I guess you 2 are just trying to be scientific.
@robspeakman (1700)
21 Dec 12
Not wipe it out, but limit it's influence in a 21st century society. Religion has had thousands of years to make this a peaceful World, but ironically - religion has fueled war, hate and discrimination. You had your chance, ley someone else have a go. Religion is a belief without proof - It should never have a say in law and politics
• United States
21 Dec 12
Totally true even though I was brought up as a Christian , religion as really made a lot of war and discrimination . I believe in a Gob but I dont walk around judging people and I dont follow certain unfair practice I see some religious people do .
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
22 Dec 12
Nobody should be forced to believe or not believe. Religion or the lack of it shouldn't be something that's dictated. How one believes should be a personal decision and not decided for them by some government. I'm a Christian, but I don't necessarily like how some people practice even my own faith and would hate to see someone along the lines of Rev. Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church dictating to me how I should practice my faith.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
22 Dec 12
I'm missing some of the points you're putting forward on this discussion... I looked up the question you posed that you found through Yahoo answers, but the highest rated response was in reference to a movie from 1955... so maybe that's different then what you had pulled up yesterday. Whats really funny to me about your post, though, is that you're seeing the lack of religion as the want for money and wealth, while at the same time, admitting that you as a Muslim also want wealth... and some of the richest businesses in America, are based through religion, because people of the faith pay whatever the leaders ask for, and they don't have to put that money through taxes. A great example in the US especially is the Mormon faith, where the members sign on to automatically withdraw 10-15% of their income to their church. This has made for massively rich leaders of these religions, where they try and buy out the people for their own needs. Isn't this evil? Isn't this showing how people's craving for wealth combined with the power of mass religion is a negative outcome? If people have their own faith, and believe in it themselves, I don't see a problem with that... if the religious are hating others because of their religion and trying to change others around, I see that as a problem.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
22 Dec 12
Interesting question. Actually, it is just a matter of time before the political elements of this world will turn on religious elements and completely erradicate them. This is prophesied in Revelation and it is because false religion has, as pointed out by several posters, been a force for division, hatred and strife through mankind's history.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
26 Dec 12
I think the religion is the part of the culture of a place, and it is hard to take it off. People need someone to follow and they follow the religion. There are very less people who would really want to sweep off the religion, and even if they try to do so, they will never be successful.
@ajk111 (2495)
22 Dec 12
i certainly agree that religion, for those that are honest and kind, is a worthwhile belief for them to grasp hold off, no matter which religion they follow. for me, and i apologise if this offends, religion would make this world a much more stable place if it was erased from everyones mind overnight. the amount of wars and deaths that can be directly attributed to religious belief's are shocking and even on mylot, the most heated of debates are usually based around religion. clearly this is only my personal opinion, but i find religion more of a catalyst for hatred rather than a peacekeeper.
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
30 Dec 12
Hi Tushavi Wiping off the religion system is good if it is done for real but if they are just wiping it off only for fun and statements purpose to humiliate certain religions then it is a very bad thing to do .
@rohanmona (159)
• India
21 Dec 12
Hello my dear friend, First let me tell you that religion doesn't play any role in making one a good human being. It is matter of ethics and morals. Religion and having faith is an individual right. You have your faith, let others have their own faith. Don't judge the person as good or bad because of their religion. Try to see the values they have. Religion is good and nice as long as it keeps you disciplined and righteous. But when it is teaching you something which is pure non sense, then it has to be better not given much importance. For example, inter caste marriages are not allowed. Come on, love is above all. What happens if a religious man is a criminal and a non-religious man is of good character, would you not allow your sister to marry later just because of religion. I am not against religion. I am against some stupid things people do because of religion like I mentioned. Still no offense, you have your own faith. I take good values irrespective where it comes from. I don't need religion or priest to tell me what is right or wrong. I have my self conscience. Any questions, feel free to ask my friend.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
24 Dec 12
what is a good man and what is a bad one ? We know that based on what ? If i kill 100 people is that a good thing or a bad thing ? And if it`s bad why, if it`s good why ?
• Australia
27 Mar 13
Hello Tushavi! To be very honest with you and no offence, I think the world would be much better if there was no religion. It causes way too many fights and I seem to hear more negative stories about different religions. Happy MyLotting. ~AussieGal~
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Dec 12
I do not mind having no religions... as long as we are still free to choose what Faith we want. Ever since The lord has departed from us, we have been left with one faith, started by the father of church, Peter himself and then men interpreted them into many different "beliefs" and formed soo many religions, and we do not even know how many others have not registered their "churches". The thing is, IMO, even if there were no religions, s long as you have faith and believe what was passed on to you, you should not worry that someone would want the religions wiped off. When you wipe off a religion, i believe this is only but a portion of what makes us human. There are still those that are within us, our values were taught to us... our beliefs passed on, our dignity intact if we do not do anything that is out of law, or against our conscience.
@urbandekay (18278)
21 Dec 12
Indeed they do, athiofascism is rife all the best, urban
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
21 Dec 12
I see what you are saying and I also notice it . I am not a person to follow anyone blindly but I believe in a higher power that create all of us . I think some people rather to be disrespectful than to just ignore something they dont agree with . I dont care what anyone believe but I dont want anyone to judge me either are try forcing me to go with what they think because I dont do that .
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Dec 12
It's not just religion these people are trying to remove but God Himself. I don't know that it's a money greed problem though. From what I've seen, it seems to be a hatred of God's laws. These people don't like the idea of being judged for their way of life. They want to do what they please whether God has said it's wrong or not, and not be judged for it. They want God totally out of their lives; but it's funny, when something bad happens to them, what is the first thing they say, "God, why did you allow this to happen?" I want to say to these people, "You kicked God out of you life, why should you expect His protection?"