I get a kick out of commercials this time of year!

Brand new car - did you get one for Christmas?
@ctryhnny (3460)
United States
December 22, 2012 8:30am CST
They show husbands giving their wives brand new cars with big red bows on them or diamonds that cost more than I get in a year. We may not be in a recession (so they say) but really is there anyone out of this over 248,000 people on mylot that could afford to buy such huge gifts for their spouses or anyone else for that matter? Do you even know anyone who could afford such gifts or even for themselves? These commercials make me feel bad that I can't do more for my family, they make me mad to think there really are people who have that much money yet people are starving! Why doesn't Trump ever help anyone out since he has so much himself? Do these commercials disgust you as much as they do me?
3 responses
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
22 Dec 12
Ha! What they are not telling us is that the majority of people who have those cars and diamond rings have signed their name over to years of loans and interests. I know I am unable to buy any of those things right now as my present financial situation is rather insufficient. Well, all we can do is the best we can do. If we have food on the table and a roof over our head and we are safe and warm, who could ask for more? I think your family would be satisfied with that.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
24 Dec 12
I don't even drive so a car would be useless to me. Yes, I have food in my refrigerator, a roof over my head and am warm and toasty in the winter and yes I"m satisfied.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
22 Dec 12
Oh I know. There are people out there, but not a lot of them. I know a girl who's mom bought her a new Audi for her golden birthday (18th). It's a different world for those people who have so much money that they care to spend it on whatever. You would think that they wouldn't have these commercials, as clearly buying a CAR for a spouse on a holiday does not speak to the normal, working middle-class worker. All the commercialism around this time of year starts to get to me after a while...You can't escape it!
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
24 Dec 12
considering the cost of living here in the US I don't know how anyone can afford to buy a new car for themselves or anyone else.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
22 Dec 12
No, it doesn't disgust me. I'm glad there are people who can buy things like that. If not for them, we'd have a much harder time of it. Think of the auto workers that would be out of work, and the salesmen and the car companies themselves. Another reason I'm glad there are people who can buy things like that is that it gives me hope that I can make more, do more and be more if I want to. It's great to be a part of a free system where everyone has a chance, if he or she will only take it. I'm happy there are rich people in the world. If not for them, what would we do? It would be a pitiful world. At the same time, I don't envy them, neither am I bitter that they have it and I don't. Most of them have worked hard for it and continue to work hard for it. Do you think Trump is on a perpetual vacation? He spends a lot of time working and thinking and making things happen. It doesn't come automatically.