What Is The Point Of The President Of The United States?

December 22, 2012 3:11pm CST
DON'T point out the obvious that he is just figurehead - This post is more than an obvious question, So I don't need an obvious answer. So back to the main point... As I get older I become more and more interested in the wider World. I never thought that World politics would interest me, but it does. Now, I have no idea what the President of the USA's job actually is. For the past two years we have had primaries and then the election. The political campaigning is said to have cost over $2 Billion dollars to be, what the Americans and political experts claim the most powerful job in the World. yeah? - get over yourselves - The role is pointless. So much time and so much money spent to get a job that actually has no power. Let me try to explain from a UK point of view. When we have elections in the UK, the party that wins the election and becomes the Government for 4 or 5 years also has power to make changes.... and why not? They are the government. The Government in the UK can make economic decisions AND IMPLEMENT THEM They can make changes to every aspect of society without having to barter, beg and negociate with other parties to make a change. In the UK, if a change is going to affect laws and ethics, then yes Voting and agreement does need to be met. I honestly don't see the point of a President or political parties if every decision is voted on. This does seem relevant with the World watching as Obama flies off to Hawaii without averting the threat of a Fiscal Cliff Can a President not make the decision to about averting the Fiscal whatsit? Why can't he just say "OK B|TCHES! - This is what is happening, live with it and I will see you after Christmas... LATERZ" Why should a President ask permission from a senate to appoint someone into his Government? Do you see my point?
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11 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Dec 12
Because we want one. Having a President is what made America unique. While you lot were trying to rule over us with an iron fist, through royal power and uber taxation and violence, our simple folk, bereft of blue blood, got together and decided to do things a different way. Now having a President is, like your queen, just what it is. And a few hundred years a few wars and a lot of big moves later, this is why folks from the UK start America-based discussions and Americans don't even remember the UK is an actual thing unless someone brings it up.
• United States
23 Dec 12
Yeah. I give you guys credit for some awesome music. Led Zeppelin, the Stones, The Who, Queen, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath -- y'all did well in the rock department. So credit to the UK for taking rock to a new level. But I'm sure they'd all credit America for making them rich and famous. I suppose Wales or the slave part of Ireland would make great tour stops, though. You don't need dollars and cents with pounds and pence. Oh, and I don't want to be an ingrate here. Y'all receive full credit for my current favorite commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfrGaTV217g Instant classic.
23 Dec 12
Slave part of Ireland? Not sure I know what that means
23 Dec 12
That isn't very nice is it? We let you butcher our language. We let you take a children's game and rename it baseball. We let you think you're important. We invent everything so you do not "tax" yourself. Now now, play nice
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
22 Dec 12
I see the problem with the usa president is he is a puppet. He is told what he can do and even say. All wrong to me. He is always saying I ll see what I can do.. he says that because he knows he has to ask and get permission from some where else. The usa needs a president with some big pelotas as we see here in mexico. ( balls if you didnt get that one) Merry xmas everyone at mylot. God bless america.
@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
If the prsident is a puppet, he must be Kermit the frog in Sesame Street.
1 person likes this
• Mexico
22 Dec 12
Its a nice way to say it here.......
22 Dec 12
So Pelotas is Balls? I have learnt today
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@urbandekay (18278)
23 Dec 12
Well, for the person elected to the post the point is to earn a lot of money and enjoy the use of power? all the best, urbbn
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
6 Jan 13
I see your point. I think congress is a waste of time actually. The president could have let this go over the cliff if he so chose. And I do agree that he should have power enough to override all the senate and congress and say that his plan is going into effect. But it is system where they have to have a majority vote. So in essence, the president is just someone that gets all the heat or praise for that matter, that congress causes or creates. The difference here I guess is that the two parties are both completely opposite. There is no middle ground like it used to be. Thats why nothing seems to get done here in this country as fast as it should. Look, if it were up to the republicans, we would still be living like they did back in the roaring twenties. LOL. We do need to move forward and we should be moving forward much faster then we are now.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
22 Dec 12
It was set up so no branch of our government can go unchecked. However, it has many drawbacks and this being one of them. There are Americans on here who will try to say well he has this power or he has that power, but seriously no president can get anything done without voting on it. The party system makes the president position pretty much pointless. We also have really "loud" people here who all have personal agendas which makes it hard to implement anything because you can buy off some of the people needing to vote. I wish the president could say exactly what you put in quotations but then you have idiots here who would moan, complain, and start buying more weapons, etc. and such because they are throwing hissy fits. Most Americans are overly arrogant about this country but alas the president doesn't have the most powerful position in the world. If he did, something might get done here.
22 Dec 12
The fact that he has won the Election should mean that he has power to make a change
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
22 Dec 12
That election was more like a popularity contest. Sort of like the ones people win in high school to become queen and king of the dance. He should have the power to make a change, but he doesn't. In fact if the majority of our congress decides they want to, they could all vote to overturn any bill the president vetoes or passes.
• United States
22 Dec 12
"The fact that he has won the Election should mean that he has power to make a change" No. Not a king. Not a dictator. The Commander-in-Chief, the head of the executive branch of government. The President has powers in that position, and he more weight and influence than other politicians, but he cannot (though he still does and others still have) rule as a dictator. The Woody Allens of the world want it, but that's now how it works.
• St. Peters, Missouri
23 Dec 12
The system we have is slow. It takes time for things to be done. This is a definite drawback to the US system. However, one of the things we hold dear is that although in most cases the majoririty decides, we don't ignore the minority. If the President were allowed to make all decisions, this would be one person that would represent every single person in the US. This would not allow for differences throughout the country. Many states have differing opinions on things because they have unique needs. Other groups of citizens have unique needs. The system we use forces representatives of all these competing factions to talk. So in the end, things get decided on not by one person, but by a group of people. The people represent a variety of viewpoints.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
22 Dec 12
He is not supposed to just be a figurehead...He is like a CEO. He must answer to his board, Congress, and his judicial branch. He is supposed to assist them in their jobs, but he is not supposed to do it for them our usurp them. In an emergency, he can engage the military, but before it gets too far, he MUST go before Congress and get their approval...Yeah, right. As Head of state, he is supposed to be well versed in diplomacy and hopefully, stop any major problems before they get started...He is absolutely not supposed to provoke them. He is supposed to uphold the laws of the country and the constitution... The obamderthal has not done well in any of these areas...Has he...
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Dec 12
I have no idea what the point of the current one is and I certainly don't want him having free reign to do as he pleases. He's bad enough as it is!
@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
22 Dec 12
In the Philippines, the president appoint only cabinet member if they to be replace or the cabinet resigns. Actually, former our former senator Mar Roxas was appointed as secretary of Department of transport communication and then transfer to Department of Interior Local Government or DILG. Its ok because President Noy Noy Aquino and Roxas are allies in their Liberal party. Even the former congressman appoint or Mayor in the city. It depends if they are qualify for the posts.
• United States
23 Dec 12
For the most part the us government is set up so that it is really hard to get anything done. This is on purpose. It prevents drastic sweeping changes at the hands of a few unless there really is broad support in all branches. The exception to this is in times of war. If we had to vote on every battle strategy, we would be overun while our troops await commands. One of the major roles of the president is the commander and chief of the military. This is the one area where the president really has absolute power. Everywhere else he simply has a lot of sway largely due to his ability to veto legislation. So no he is not simply a figurehead, but at least domesticly he is not an end all be all power that can dictate 100% what the country will do. This is a very good thing if you would consider the confusion that would result from drastic changes im domestic policy every 4 years.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
23 Dec 12
The president can do one thing without permission, he can declare war. No one can over ride his decision to do this, it's his alone. Any law he puts into affect can be over ruled by 2/3 vote of the congress. He better hope that any law that he wants to pass, the congress has to support his decision. In other words, they have to stand behind him and for a united front.