When is something going to be did to stop these mothers from abusing the system?
@myscreen_name (64)
United States
December 22, 2012 4:39pm CST
I know I will ruffle some feathers here.But am I the only one that is sick and tired of mothers popping out kids left and right,knowing good and well that they can't support them?I saw a woman at the store using wic and foodstamps.She had three kids with her and was pregnant with a fourth.The saying goes 'If you can't feed em don't breed em'Condoms are free,the health department gives them out all day.The problem is these women KNOW that the more kids they have,the more they get.I think that it should be mandatory that women with several kids receiving government assistance get on birth control.If they decide not to and want to pop out another mouth they can't feed,cut off their benefits.If you don't agree with what I said,what do you suggest is done about the situation?
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5 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Dec 12
So how you going to deal with a government that has the power to force someone to take medication? And are you really comfortable with a government strong enough to enforce a mandatory limit on children? China does it, and last I heard they killed millions during the 'cultural revolution' whilst exercising that power.
Here's my suggestion, limit welfare so much it is no longer comfortable to be on, limit the length of time you can collect it. If there are consequences to poor decisions, sooner or later people start making better decisions. Don't want to see a bunch of homeless kids...lots of folks wouldn't like that. So, if you can't support them they go live with someone who can and who wants them bad enough to be responsible. We take kids and put them in foster homes now on the whim of government (DHS) say so....
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@myscreen_name (64)
• United States
22 Dec 12
In all honesty I would have no problem with the government limiting the amount of kids a mother can have if she isn't able to take care of them.I may be grasping at straws with this one,but something needs to be done about It.I do agree that they should limit welfare,not increase it everytime they have a child.This probably will never happen but one can dream.
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@myscreen_name (64)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Aida did you even read my entire post before replying?I never said things don't happen of course people get laid off,of course men walk out.I have no problem with women who honestly need help getting it,my problem is with women who are constantly popping babies out when they are already in a bad situation.How hard is it to walk into your local health department to get bith control?That is impossible,but they sure can walk in there to sign up for medicaid and wic everytime they get pregnant.i know PLENTY of women who are living comfortably off of assistance.Like i said in another post I know a woman who has 5 kids,she gets cash aid,food stamps(gets so much that she sells about $250),wic,,and lives in a big nice house(on housing)goes from church to church asking for money to pay bills she has never worked a day in her life.If that isn't living comfortably then what is?I loled @ your comment about 'they should pay with cash' that makes no sense.Nobody cares about people using credit cards because when they get the bill in the mail guess who will have to pay it?My whole post was about women abusing the system,not ones who have fallen on their faces and need help..You don't care where your tex dollars go?Makes sense to me.I saw a woman at the store with multiple kids she had 3 carts full of food.They were all in designer clothes and she was constantly whipping out the iphone.Why not take that money and buy food?She obviously gets the things she wants,she just wants others to feed her.That is what irks me,let others who need the assistance get it.Something needs to be done about this..plain and simple.Like I said earlier,women who are on medicaid and pregnant(and alooooot are) have access to birth control,after they give birth they are switched over to sobra which gives them birth control for free(they will even tie their tubes for free)Why aren't they taking advantage of it?They sure have no problem waltzing back up to the health department to get back on medicaid and wic when they are pregnant again a few months later.
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@ladybugmagic (3978)
• United States
25 Dec 12
I am in CA and know people, personally, who are sufferring, with multiple kids, and not on state aid.
You are making a blanket statement.
The percentage of people who do this is minimal, but still needs to be addressed.

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
22 Dec 12
I agree. when I lived in the usa. I knew a lady with 4 kids that more cash and food stamps than I did, working 12 hour days at a casino. Seems alittle unfair to me. It does need to stop there.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Dec 12
I guess its in other states than where I live because people here that get welfare assistance are only getting like $500 per MONTH!!! Who can live WELL off of that with multiple children?? I am on Food Stamps, and we get $355 for 3 children and 2 adults to eat off of for the entire month! Can anyone here really eat well with 5 people in a house on that?!? My guess is No.
I have never been on welfare but I know people that are and they do not get good money at all and they live in neighborhoods where they need 6 locks on their door or they might get shot!! Meanwhile they have children living there too! I don't see how people are saying their making good money on welfare, $500 per month to me is not what I could live on... My electric bill BY ITSELF is usually $200-$250, that's not including water, phone, sewer, clothes for my kids, etc...
@myscreen_name (64)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Right.I know a woman who has been on housing and every other type of assistance since her kids were born(they are now in their late 20s)there are people who are disabled and could really use the help..makes me angry that it is given out to people who just refuse to work.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
23 Dec 12
I agree with debrakcarey above about not forcing people to take medication, etc.(unless they are violent, etc.) and about limiting welfare. I can recall two instances that bothered me about welfare from a long time ago, way before the recent recession. One was when Lyndon Johnson was president and had put in his Great Society plan and I saw a news spot on TV about a guy in Chicago who was on welfare and had just bought a brand new Cadillac and several other things(I don't know how many kids he had sired but I'm guessing it was a lot); my sister who was a school teacher and not on welfare remarked how she wished she could afford they things he could from living on welfare. They other was more recent and featured a couple who were both receiving government benefits because of mental problems, had three young children and who listed cable TV as one of their top three necessities of things they had to have. At the time I didn't consider cable to be a necessity(I still don't even though I have it) and I had a comfortable income.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Dec 12
I don't know this woman's situation so I won't judge her. For all I know she could easily have been abandoned by her husband and had to use the resources available to her to feed her kids. You also don't have to be destitute to qualify for WIC.
The laws are way too lax and in favor of the deadbeats. I'm not for abortion, but personal responsibility-from both the man and the woman.
@myscreen_name (64)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Yes,mistakes happen.But i think we can all agree having kids 3 years in a row with no job is not a mistake.Alot of men will duck and dodge child support,and most of the time when they do pay they have a low wage job and the mother doesn't even get $80 a month out of them.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Yeah I still have issues with Newt even though my politics have changed. Not happy with the current laws concerning child support because there are too many outs for them. My ex claims disability and gets SSI. They tell me it's welfare so the kids weren't entitled to anything. But he gets to buy a house. Go figure that one too!
@myscreen_name (64)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Irish was he already on childsupport when he started receving ssi and disability,or did you try to file afterwards?

@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
24 Dec 12
Good discussion!
I wrote my govenor about this topic. I said when they are pregnant they get WIC and food stamps.
When the baby is born the woman drops off WIC but her children she has gets WIC to 5 years of age.
So I wrote asking why the government is doubledipping to pay WIC and Food Stamps to women.
Well, let me tell you my letter never did get to the Govenors eyes.
Whoever read the letter sent me an email stating my letter was being dispatched to the appropriate offices of my questions.
I got a email from both offices WIC and Food Stamps stating they are seperate programs (like I did not know that) and I guess there is no care or concern how much each program is giving out to anyone.
That was my sign nothing is working!
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
24 Dec 12
Here is another GREAT SIGN the country is going down the drain. wish everyone would watch it.
Simply amazed me!