What are your plans for the coming year?

United States
December 22, 2012 8:00pm CST
Well, 2012 is finally winding to a close and 2013 is preparing to break free. This past year has been a lot of triumphs here in the United States, like the capture and execution of bin Laden and the death of Qaddafi, but a lot of missteps and tragedies, like the presidential election and the recent shooting at Sandy Hook elementary in CT. For me, it hasn't been the greatest year. I have fallen multiple times, which has resulted in a permanent limp; forcing me to finally come to terms with my walking issues. I gave up some jobs due to health issues, but haven't been able to find another. What I'm hoping for next year: I would hope to begin treatment at the local MS clinic. I would like to continue with my real estate licensing preparation and take the second half of the examination. My ultimate dream for next year is to finally get the oral surgery that I need-a former dentist left a something in the cavity where I have a post for a crown and I need to have it all removed and a bridge installed. It's only four years over due. I'm not going to hope for a job at this point-I'm old enough that I should have been a career by now, and that is what I believe I'll be doing by getting licensed to sell real estate. I'm also not going to hope for world peace, because I don't really think it's going to happen. I don't really gamble, so I doubt I'll be hitting it big. So there you have it-I'm a simple girl. I don't really want much-and if I do, I'm going to work for it. What are your plans for 2013?
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14 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
23 Dec 12
My plans are to do everything different than the way I did them in 2012. This year was a bad one health wise, and even business wise. I hope to turn things around in 2013. Happy new year yo you there.
• United States
24 Dec 12
I also hope that this year will NOT be a rerun either! I'm almost afraid to make plans anymore because something always comes along and ruins them. Let's make a toast that things turn around for BOTH of us, and Happy New Year to you too!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Dec 12
hi scorpiobabes well first I am going to finally get the blood work done, get an appt with the gastro doctor to get the darned colonoscopy done and then see m y own doctor for my diabetic checkup. then I am going to work on losing some more weight this coming year as even if I am old I w2ou ld love to be a slim old lady. lolI hope you can get your realtors license as it sounds like a neat career for you and I also hope your MS can be helped a lot.I know about falling as i have had two bad falls in the last five years.first one broke my shoulder, the second of all things my nose and left me with a damaged right knee. I have a balance problem and am now using a walker.
• United States
23 Dec 12
Good for you Hatley! I would love to be able to say that I'm definitely doing those things (going to the MS Center and the dentist), but as yet, I don't know. I did speak to the doctor who runs the MS Center and she told me that they have a sliding scale; I think it's probably geared towards people who actually HAVE insurance. But we'll see-I'm thinking of trying them on Monday. Jim wants me to get my real estate license, but it's so that HE can cut back on his hours. You take care of yourself and GET THAT DIABETIC CHECKUP!
@Anne18 (11029)
23 Dec 12
I have lots planned for 2013. I'm going to win a compition, have never won one before os going ot entre loads os I should have a chance of winning one somewhere in the 12 months. Reach my goal in mylot Read 52 books Do lots of cooking, going ot try and bake some new cake every week and a loaf of bread. Become very house proud and do loads of cleaning in my house as well as the houses that I clean. Be happy and have fun with my children and husband
• United States
23 Dec 12
You definitely have a lot planned for the coming year! I probably could read that many books-just need to get a library card for the local library and start reading. I'm a huge reader! I'm also cooking more, and trying new recipes. Since it's only the two of us, Jim gets to eat most of the recipes. I make notes on the recipes with any changes and that way I can repeat them for my boyfriend Jim. I'm just working on cleaning our apartment; we're not really allowed to do too much, but I'm going to try and search for furniture that I can repurpose into what we need. We need storage for food, our microwave, and additional cooking pans, and we need a table. Fortunately, I'm pretty creative and can visualize what it can become; I just need my boyfriend to carry it! So I guess this would count as a goal. Good luck with your goals for the new year!
• United States
30 Dec 12
If you check out Flylady.com (NOT AN AFFILIATE SITE!), there are lots of ideas about how to set up routines to keep your home clean. I love that site! Most of the recipes I've been picking up are on recipes.com, epicurious.com and through various frugal cooking links I have.
@Anne18 (11029)
24 Dec 12
We should swop some recipes. I have got some free books on my kindle. Am trying ot work out a cleaning chart so I get things done
@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Dec 12
For me 2013 will probably be another one like 2012. I have severe depression with panic attacks. I am basically allergic to stress. I live with my daughter and am helping her raise her son. He is 10 and has ODD. It is very hard sometimes. Anyway, I can't make many plans because I am committed here. I love write and am trying to find a site I can write for and make a honest and reasonable amount of money. We both live on Social Security so there isn't much extra to play with. I hope you are able to accomplish what you want to in the new year.
• United States
30 Dec 12
I was talking to a friend today; she thinks that one of her daughters may be possibly autistic but her ex (her daughter's father) and his family refuse to get her tested. Is there any support system locally for autism that you can look into?
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Dec 12
I've heard about websites that pay for articles that members write-I think one of them is called Helium. Your daughter is fortunate to have you there to help support her-it sounds as if raising your grandson is quite stressful at times.
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@celticeagle (172057)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Dec 12
Yes, Helium has been around for a long time. Raising my grandson is very stressful. If you have read some of my discussion they reflect that. He has been physically abusive to his mother in the past. It isn't fun. Somedays are horrible.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
I still don't have plan with coming year. Because I still thinking to continue on what I have done this 2012
• United States
23 Dec 12
So what have you been doing this year that you're considering continuing? I don't really have too many plans-I'm afraid to make any, to be honest. I'm just so frustrated because every plan I have ends up falling apart lately.
• United States
30 Dec 12
Do you know what type of business you'll be starting? That's a wonderful goal and I wish you all the luck in the world! Keep me informed!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
My plan this year that I wanted to continue was to save money and someday I put up my own business. I don't have any plan for the next year that is coming. Because I set the plan to continue on saving money for the business. I don't know when will be the time for it but I am optimistic enough to make some.
• United States
24 Dec 12
Thanks for starting this discussion and I hope that you are able to see a happy and successful 2013! I will make some plans, but realize that things change and I am not able to control a lot of them. In January I will shift to a new job and a new country--Saudi Arabia. I have never been there before but I hope that things will go well for me there. After my first semester of teaching at the university there, I will look into a Master's degree program to start either online or in-person. Since it will be less expensive to travel once I am there, I plan to visit a few friends in nearby countries--U.A.E., Jordan, Afghanistan, and maybe India.
• United States
24 Dec 12
It sounds like you have a wonderful new year to look forward to! What subject do you teach?
• United States
30 Dec 12
That is awesome! Do you find it difficult at first, at least until your students begin to make the connection? If you ever come state side, it seems to be a growing field here. Are you packed and ready to go now?
• United States
24 Dec 12
That's what I am hoping! I like to think: hope for the best, prepare for the worst ;) I teach English to speakers of other languages (ESL/ESOL). It's a personally satisfying job for me and I love what I do! I am just so thankful that this opportunity came up since things at the non-profit I am currently working for are very insecure financially.
@GardenGerty (162382)
• United States
23 Dec 12
Work hard, earn money, pay off bills. That is about it for me. Not looking for a career, I do have a job, but may look for a different one, as I work a lot, but do not get enough hours and have no benefits. I am hoping to get some parts of my life organized. That is a hope every year.
• United States
23 Dec 12
I really want to find some sort of work soon because next January, I'll be forced to file for another forbearance for my student loans. In early 2010, when I wasn't in school, I first filed because I was only working part time-and they were at $35,000. The current amount I've got to pay back is just a shade over $53,000. That was a large reason for my trying to get my real estate license-I would be able to pay them back. The last couple of months, my school has been sending me invitations to come back and re enroll. Yeah, so I can run up another $25,000! I'd love to get my life organized. I'm starting to, but it seems that my boyfriend has other intentions. Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
• United States
30 Dec 12
Sounds like you have a plan for 2013 and have a head start on some of what you want to do already. Keep it up and get your real estate license. Congrats for getting through the first half of the examination for it. My plan for 2013 is to graduate with an Associate in Audio Recording Degree in the Spring. Then I'm going to re-locate to either Minneapolis or Michigan. I also want to get a pet after I get more permanently settled that where I am now. This is only temporary for me and I didn't want to have to uproot a pet and force it to another new home.
• United States
30 Dec 12
I know eventually I'll consider getting my real estate license, but I might wait until we're settled somewhere else. About 3 weeks ago, they caught a man that was pretending to be a client, and raping female agents! So I am SO glad that I didn't take the second test yet! That sounds exciting! Do you have anyone that you know in either area? What made you choose those two areas? I know that there are a lot of recording places in larger cities, but even places like Georgia, Arizona and Delaware have thriving record companies. Good luck!
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
24 Dec 12
I have some aspiring plsns to start my owen jewelry buiness in the coming year. i think it will be fun and enriching to do this. i have wanted to do it for such a long time and i am finally ina place where I feel comfortable to avchieve my goals.
• United States
24 Dec 12
Will you be selling someone else's creations, or creating your own pieces? That sounds like fun-how did you learn how to make it? Where will you be selling-at a store, or online, like the website etsy.com? I'm sure that you will do well. Best of luck in your venture!
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
23 Dec 12
Well for me,it would be to find a good job and earn better money to achieve my life goal.I also got a crush on someone and hope that we can have a result in the coming year.Life is so beautiful,so i hope dreams can come true,simple life is just so attractive to me.
• United States
30 Dec 12
Annie-that sounds like awesome fun! My goal was to get off the East Coast for a visit; I achieved that in 2006 and 2007. But what I really want to do is go visit the Grand Canyon and ride down into the base of the canyon on a donkey while taking pictures-it's something I've wanted to do since 1991! But some unexpected changes prevented me from making the trip in 1993-in 1992, I broke up with my then-fiance Rob; I was in a car accident that summer, and found I was pregnant and married the baby daddy. Now Jim wants to make that a reality for me-I told him I wanted to be married AT the canyon after a helicopter ride and he said whatever I want. I don't know when it will happen, but I'll do whatever it takes to make my trip to the Grand Canyon a reality!
• United States
23 Dec 12
What is your life goal? Good luck in forming a relationship with your crush. My dream has been over 20 years now-to go to the Grand Canyon, ride a donkey down while taking pictures, and then travel part of the original Route 66 to take pictures to create a coffee table book. I think I've got to get a job to pay for it, but I'm still hoping I can get there before I have to be tied to the donkey!
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• Canada
23 Dec 12
I live in Ontario, central Canada, and I have always wanted to go out West, to explore the Western Provinces and see the biggest Rodeo (in July). My husband's son was dropped in our lap right at the time when I had it all arranged to afford it and have 2 months to make the journey, whilst camping along the way to reduce costs of a motel nightly. Don't know if I could do the camping along the way bit now, but I am still determined to make the journey at least once in my lifetime. We'll see when I could afford it, although it would be much more difficult now with my full time farming operation, as I would have to hire someone that I trust to take care of all my animals while I was away....which would also limit the length of the journey, too. But I am optimistic! It WILL happen someday.
• Indonesia
29 Dec 12
Hello Scorpiobabes, 2013 is gonna be a hard year for me but Im ready to face it, I have several plans and goals that I want to reach in 2013. I want to complete my study next year, I missed 2X Exams in 2012, first because I was ill and the second one because I got accident on my way to attend the exam then I had to stay in bed for 3 months, Im going to work harder next year to catch what I missed in previous year. Next January I'll start my apprenticeship job, I try to build a career and settle my life. Im getting older and it's time to be serious with my life and no more wasting money. I want to buy some furnitures for my small house, I only have 1 bed, 1 old sewing machine, 1 set of sofa, so I want to save some money to buy table, bookshelf, cupboard, etc. I earn extra income from my craft business, my goal is to make at least $10/day or making a dozen of brooches to sell so in 4 months I can get the amount I need. It wont be easy, but Im glad I have several resellers who will resell my items. Sadly, with the limited free time I have I wont be able to set a goal for mylot. It's nice to be here, mylot and the people helped me to earn extra income but I cannot stay a lot here. I have a big hope 2013 is gonna be much better than 2012.
• United States
30 Dec 12
You sound determined to make it work and that is half of the battle! Good luck with your apprenticeship job and your exams. I guess you sell your brooches locally-have you ever considered going on etsy.com to sell there? You could be very successful there too. We'll miss you here at myLot-stop by when you get a moment and say hi!
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
My plan for year 2013 is to get a job. Earn money and save it for my kids. They growing up so they have a lot things to buy and my older son going to school this coming enrollment.
• United States
23 Dec 12
That's a good idea-and a selfless one too! Do you have any idea what type of job you're looking for? How old are your children-I'm thinking that your older son is just starting school? Good luck!
• Philippines
23 Dec 12
As far as my health is concern, in this coming 2013 i will stop my smoking habit. It runs in our family that my relatives are smoking. Hope i just stop it.
• United States
30 Dec 12
You can do it. Just take it a day at a time and see if you can get some family support. Good luck!
• India
23 Dec 12
next year in april i have my engg. entrabnce exam which i am preparing for known as jee main. i just want to give it my best shot. year 2012 has been a moderate year for me with ups and downs. i wish the next year goes wonderful.
• United States
23 Dec 12
What exactly is jee main? I'm sure that if you are determined and work hard, you will achieve it. And when you achieve it, everything will seem wonderful. Good luck!