Poor Khuay!!!!

@Loverbear (4918)
United States
December 24, 2012 2:17am CST
Wednesday I was getting ready for my last two classes for the semester when a fighter jet flew over. I live close to a Naval Air Station and the darned jets LOVE to fly low over the house. I knew it bothered me a lot, but I never realized how much it terrified Khuay! As the jet went zipping over the house at about 2500 feet, making a lot of racket, I heard an unholy shriek!!! I found Khuay in the hallway, cowering and shaking in total terror! I picked up the poor guy and cradled him in my arms and holding him as close as I could without squishing him. He shook like an earthquake! I had to hold him for 20 minutes and talk to him softly before he finally started to relax a bit...all his muscles were tense like a steel beam! He finally settled down, with his face nestled in the crook of my arm, and tried to get out a small purr. I wished like crazy I could hold him forever, but I had to get to class, but at least he had been comforted to the point of relaxing. When I finally couldn't wait any longer I gently set him down on the floor and he raced for his favorite secure hiding spot....under my waterbed. I checked him just before I left for school and he had curled up and gone to sleep, which was a good thing as he could totally relax and escape the horrible noise that terrified him. I am so thankful that I am going to be home during the next semester (January through May) so that I can be there for him. Do you have a similar problem with your animals? Do they scream in absolute terror over a horrible noise like a jet or fireworks? With fireworks at least you can give them a tranquilizer, but with the jets flying over I never know when they are going to fly over the house so I can't tranquilize the poor guy... any suggestions for future episodes? I wish I had a better secure place for the poor guy to hide in and feel secure and safe...
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5 responses
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
24 Dec 12
I wish I had some advice, my cats were never bothered by jets when Bergstrom was an Air Force Base and they did training by flying over/near the house. I guess some cats are just more high strung than others, but even Scamp didn't pay much attention to things outside, only if they came inside.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
24 Dec 12
All I can do for Khuay is to be there to comfort him and reassure him that the horrible noise is going to go away. I wish I had a basement for him to hide in, where the noise is muffled more. I just couldn't believe how he shrieked at the sound of the jet flying over. Also, not knowing when the jets are going to fly over eliminates the possibility of tranquilizing him...and of course I don't want to tranquilize him anyhow. It isn't good for the critters to continually use medications on them. I also think that Khuay is much more sensitive to sounds than any of the other house mates of the four legged variety. Of course he is also more sensitive to my moods and needs too. I just am happy that I am going to be home to reassure the poor guy when he is terrorized by the jets flying over.
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@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
24 Dec 12
Poor baby, yeah, you don't want to medicate critters, and it would make Khuay so much less fun the rest of the time!
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
25 Dec 12
I am afraid I have nothing to help you. Under your waterbed sounds like the best place possible, with maybe an article of your clothing or a towel you have used. My cats seem to be impervious to noise. I was afraid of airplanes for years and years because we lived under a flight pattern, and a plane crashed in the field behind our house. I can really sympathize with Khuay.
• United States
24 Dec 12
Poor Khuay... My cats are not fond of really loud noises with which they are unfamiliar. However, they have seemed to adapt fairly well to most of the "usual" noise. They see that their Daddy and I are generally calm about the noises, so they recognize that there is no imminent threat--no matter how annoying the noise may be (or how much it is likely damaging our hearing; however, that is another matter).
• St. Peters, Missouri
24 Dec 12
None of my cats are bothered by anything to this extreme! I'm glad you were able to help Khuay relax. It's so important for our pets to feel safe. It's good Khuay has a secure hiding spot. Cats need this. But since the problem has to do with noise, being in this spot won't help him get away from the "threat". Is there any place in the house that is at least a little more quiet? Sometimes in a basement in an inner room or closet? I did some quick research into possible things we can do. There are lots of things out there, but they all seemed to be more appropriate for an ongoing issue. Although one talked about a desensitizing program that might show promise. Maybe try asking your vet? I have 3 cats - two adults and a kitten. Although the kitten is completely unphased, both my adult cats freak out when they hear the doorbell. The ears go back, they go into that crouch position, and then race upstairs. It's always amazed me that they can run so quickly and crouch/cringe at the same time! Right now I'm dealing with regular issues with my female adult cat and male kitten. My poor little girl is always in a state. She's begun pulling out her hair along the rear of her back. It's not uncommon for her to lay near me anytime I park someplace. She's learned that there are certain places in the house that have been designated as no play fighting zones. I allow absolutely no rough housing on my bed or on our couch. When I'm in these locations, she stays close.
• Bucharest, Romania
25 Dec 12
Thank you., i like !