How lazy can you get?

@911Ricki (13588)
December 24, 2012 6:28pm CST
I am sitting here online, when I hear knocking on the front door. I am downstairs, and can hear it. I didn't get it since the other 3 are sitting literally right beside the door. For 5 minutes knocking, I finally got irritated and go up to get it. My twit brother is sitting at my Dad's computer right infront of this door, he wouldn't get up to get it, pure laziness. I open it and here is his stupid girlfriend. I am like are you serious, I just shut the door and walked off.
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21 responses
@deazil (4730)
• United States
25 Dec 12
Ricki, how can you stand it???? I don't even live there and I can't stand it. I hope when you shut the door she was still standing outside of it. Like wilson, I wouldn't have answered it either. Living there would provoke me to some kind of violence. I know it. It must be your age that makes you so resilient. I'm old and cranky anyway. You're young so I guess you can bounce back easier. I'm just waiting for the day when you start a discussion saying "I DID IT! I got my own place!" And you can live in peace happily ever after. The End
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Dec 12
hi deazil I feel for ricki and if I had a lolt f moneyh I would gladly sen her some t get out an into a place of her my age I get upset when people do me like they do her wow.
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
25 Dec 12
Hi Hatley! I know. Difficult place to live. Can't wait to finally hear about it when she's able to get her own place. It will be like living in heaven, I bet.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Dec 12
Unless I thought that it might be someone important, I would have ignored it if I were you. Instead, I would have put some headphones on and listened to music or watched a movie. You will be in such a better position once you are out in your own place.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
I can pretty much guarantee it's not for me. The odd time I may get a parcel, but this late I would be shocked if it were for me. She stood there for 10 minutes and knocked.
3 people like this
• United States
25 Dec 12
I don't know which is sadder--your brother's behavior or the fact that his girlfriend actually stood there for that long knocking and will continue in the relationship after he ignored her like that.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
25 Dec 12
I really don't know what went on there, I sort of want to know. My brother is a pansy, and I couldn't see him dumping her. He would follow her around like a dog, while she acted like a fool. I noticed a little while ago he stopped going over constantly, yes he's in school but every weekend, every day he would go over, or she came here. They would be texting and calling, etc. The phone wouldn't be out of his hands, then now he is out with friends more, school, or at home for hours. She called the other day and he just sort of shrugged, and never called her back. Which is why I am assuming they are no more. Now she is showing up at our door, last weekend, he let her in and she was here maybe an hour. But he is lazy anyways, so him not answering the door is no shock even sitting in front of it.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Dec 12
Hi ricki thanks for the laugh as I pictured your brother ignoring the knock and the girl really getting irritated and you walking off while all the rest did not even budge. Did he finally g t up and let her in or did she leave? I feel a bit sorry for the girl.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
How lazy can I get? I can sleep or stay in bed the whole day doing nothing! Anyway, I am just like that when I am really, really tired. I dop lots of things and when I am physically tired, it is not only my body that is tired but also my mind. Sometimes, when I am online busy, I don't like to be disturbed too. Your brother maybe that lazy too to get up for he too is busy. I will feel annoyed with that too because he is nearer the door and yet, he ignored the knocking. Double the annoyance that upon opening the door, it is not for me. Anyway, don't feel so bad. It is holidays! It is the season to be jolly, falalalala. Merry Christmas.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
25 Dec 12
It doesn't matter if I am sitting at the computer or not and someone is knocking on the door, I get up and answer it. I'm sitting right here in the dining room. One thing I am not is lazy. My Uncle comes over sometimes and Mom can't hear him knocking even though she's sitting right there on the davenport. Sometimes she even hears things when they are not there. If my friend comes to the door, for darn sure I am going to get up and answer the door and let them in.
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@franseman (516)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
Now this sounds like a nice, cosy family!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
28 Dec 12
Personally if you ask me, this is beyond lazy and crazy too. If your brother cannot go answer the door for his own girlfriend, is she really wanting to be with someone like this? But in reality in life, things like this too often becomes the norm, and it makes you wonder how life becomes so unimportant at times.
@shaggin (71909)
• United States
27 Dec 12
Oh my gosh I really had to laugh at this. That is so crazy how lazy they are that they would be so close to the door and ignore the knocks until you wound up having to go down and open the door. Then to make it worse it was your brothers girlfriend. If I was her I would be like next time idiot open the door so I dont have to stand out here knocking for 5 minutes lol.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
27 Dec 12
Wow, that is really lazy! I wonder if your brother knew it was her and was ignoring her(I saw in one of your responses that you think it might be over between them.) or if he is really that lazy. Do you know if he let her in after that or if she started knocking again?
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
25 Dec 12
If there was no way it was for me, I would have just let them knock! I would figure that if it is for one of the others in the household, they can get up and get it or else maybe they aren't wanting to see anyone. Either way, if this was my situation, unless I thought it was for me, I would have let them knock. I think you give them to much credit calling it laziness!LOL! I think they were just terds that didn't care! And if you do want to call it laziness...then their laziness is their own choice...I am not going to do their work for them! Good for you for just closing the door and walking off!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Dec 12
Nice. Would love to see it in real time. I think the girlfriend would be pissed if she sees that your brother didn't bother to open the door. (I am assuming that she was under his invitation).
@mranjaan (136)
25 Dec 12
Dont ignore anybody. Whoever come at your door, in our eastern culture, that is our guest and we give the protocol him/her even he/she is our foe.
• China
25 Dec 12
I am also a,but I tried to get rid of this bad habit.It is just like a thief of time and make us lazy always.I am trying to find out some ways which can help me get through the task at hand. Wish you merry christmas,have a nice day.
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• Pakistan
25 Dec 12
I am really lazy too. I never go to open the door even if i am close to the door, i call my younger brother to do it. When i have to get a glass of water i call him him from another room to do so. He sometimes becomes really irritated but usually do my work almost every time. My parents also scolds me that i should do my work myself but i prefer my younger brother doing it.
@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
25 Dec 12
I'm guessing that's why he didn't answer the door.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
25 Dec 12
In our house it goes something like this "Your closer!" "No you are!" Then you end up having to assign someone to get the darned door and it turns into "That's not fair. I always have to do everything. You never ask her!" Fun times.
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
25 Dec 12
Believe it or not, there are such kind of people in all the families and they do such things only when they are at home (personal experience, my younger brother). Once they are far from family and living with others they behave just normal and they won't be lazy then. It's just that when they are with family, they know someone will do the work if they don't do it.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
25 Dec 12
LOL, I know you were pissed..I feel like I am sure you felt and I wasn't even there...What a jerk,,,your brother sound more and more like a knuckle head....
@hereandthere (45645)
• Philippines
25 Dec 12
same with the landline. the calls are 99% for my parents. but even if you put the cordless phone next to one them and it rang, but they're doing something like reading, texting, watching tv, etc sometimes they still won't pick it up.
@deiusz (193)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 12
why you dont closed the door back and let his girlfriend still in the door and you get back to your position and said that someone looking for him. HAHAHA... have you try that? sometime it worked. And the truth is that not for you right, not your guess.