All you need is ask...

@chiyosan (30184)
December 27, 2012 9:42am CST
In prayers, I always tell people who asks me about the difference in praying with the intercession of saints versus praying directly to God himself. I always tell them that we can/ or we should just actually pray directly to God. I did not mean to offend the Catholics who believes in the powers of saints and what they can do to help you with your prayer requests. But to shed light on this confusion, perhaps i can share what was told to us in our church regarding this... Praying to God is like asking for something from our parents. In this case we can say that God is our parent... and the saints are like our relatives, friends or other people. Say, we want something all we need to do as children of our parents is ask our parents for it, we always do that when we are children ourselves, asks for a new pair of shoes, toys, and so on... we ask our parents and tell them directly what we want. So that should be the same thing with our God, our father. All we need to do is ask - directly. and there is really no huge need to ask the saints, to help us with our prayers, for they are after all just like us. humans, made of flesh. Why ask others to help us ask our parents to give us our needs, when we know that God gave us the power to go to him directly as he consider us his children.
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1 response
• Marikina, Philippines
28 Dec 12
I ask the same question too in my mind, but you know what? When I asked my mom's permission if I can pray directly to God, she got angry with me. This is what happened to me. She invited us to pray the rosary, but when I told her that if I can pray with God directly, she thought that I was blasphemy Mama Mary! Rosary is so important and still I can't get it because what is so wrong if we pray directly to God huh? Same with the saints. I mean it is so nice if we pray directly to God. There is nothing wrong if we pray to the saints or whatever- but it still good if we pray directly to God. I am not against with those saints or with Blessed Virgin mother-- but what is so wrong if we pray directly to God? I mean can we just pray directly to him? This is for me and this is what I feel.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
thanks introvertshy for your response. i believe that we all have different views, most catholics have grown to praying with the intercession of the saints, and of mama mary, praying the rosary was and will always be part off the catholic christian belief. I'd say though that as a child who grew up in a catholic parents who never knew how to pray the rosary, never memorized the Lord's Prayer and the Apostle creed.. i'd think this made everything so much easier to be a born again christian and turned away from praying the rosary altogether. this was how i am... so far i felt my relationship with God has been better, reading the bible, praying directly... i think im at where i think i can be best at. =)