Questions about mylot

December 27, 2012 3:37pm CST
Hey guys im new here so i have a couple of questions id like you to answer them for me if you could. 1- So the cashout is $10 right ? And right now i have 0.8 $, the question is how do they increase and how much ? 2- today in the afternoon i tryed to post a discussion but i couldnt it kept givin me error somthing like "please try again .. Thankyou" .. Why is that ?!
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5 responses
• United States
27 Dec 12
welcome to mylot I hoor you enjoy it here and have fun. try not to worry so much about how much you will make just sit back relax and have fun soon enough you will see your earnings going up. mylot is a fun site where you make a lot of friends.Good luck to you and good to have you join mylot
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
27 Dec 12
I was not in time for Christmas so maybe I can be early to wish you a Happy new Year!
• United States
27 Dec 12
well at Christmas I wasn't on here but I am back even if I have to use my kindle fire but thank you and happy New year to you to
• Australia
28 Dec 12
Yeah i relized its a really cool site and very fun and entertaining, but i was just wondering :D
• Indonesia
28 Dec 12
I am new too. First of all we are here to make some money right, but I realized now the money is just the effect to what we are doing. I feel hard too to make money on mylot because my English is not god enough. I just tried to respond someone post, and rarely make post.
• Indonesia
28 Dec 12
:) just relax guys, we are here to have fun and make money, also we can share and get knowledge from here.
• Australia
28 Dec 12
Are you kidding me you have 74 posts maybe not much bit certenly alot more than me
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
28 Dec 12
Friend this is depend upon our activity we cant say how much earning on daily basis some time I joined mylot more time but earn less cents but some time I joined mylot less time but gives more quality based responses and started only one or two discussions comment back on all then received good cents. Depend upon our overall activity..Last day also the problem of posting I think some glitch about mylot. May be renovation or addition something so the site is not working properly but few hours only.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
28 Dec 12
Hello and welcome! first minimum is $ 10 but make them you'll need time. to create discussions to answer discussions. to write quality rather than quantity. and the other which is to follow the rules and guidelines of the site. can also win by tasks that are on the board. success and hopefully delight!
• Australia
28 Dec 12
Interesting !!
@Hence27 (450)
• India
28 Dec 12
Hi just wait and watch.Post quality content and start discussions as per your interest and try to add comments to those discussions. If you remain active in mylot and participate more,you will be able to earn more. And that problems too happened with me.It's just server problem.So try to be active here and see your earnings grow.
• Australia
28 Dec 12
So excited to be active :P lol i sound stupid xP