What Do You Think Of A Mother Who...

@NailTech (6874)
United States
December 31, 2012 8:47pm CST
posted a picture of her young daughter of around 7 or 8 with total full blown make-up on. I'm talking the whole thing, it looked like a lot of mascara, eyeliner I think, some eye shadow and lipstick! She looked like she was 16 already even with the dark rimmed glasses she wears. It was so gross to me that a mother would allow that on a young child. I know times are different now but I still don't see that too often. She lives in the UK so maybe they are more lenient with that sort of thing there? I just see it as wanting the child to grow up too fast. I know she has older step sisters too so maybe she wants to imitate them? They do wear make-up, etc too as I have seen photos of them. She is not a close FB friend at all, but have known her through a MSN Group we used to be in. Rarely ever talks but she answered a post about me wishing everyone a Happy New Year there.
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17 responses
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
I think the times have changed a lot even since I was a kid. I remember dresing as young as 7, but never like that. More with friends as a joke, and play dolls sort of speaking. My friend's daughter is 10 and dating another boy in her class. Her mother goes well that's fine, and normal. When I was 10 I was not thinking of that, I think kids are growing up too fast, which is why it's normal to have kids so young, and have multiple partners by 16.
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@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
I guess those things are personal choice: dressing and wearing make up at age of seven or eight years and be in a relationship or dating at ten years of age.I am no more in calendar (age) but never experienced dating to any guy. Somehow I feel happy still and waiting for my destiny, that only God knows.
@quieley (316)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
as a child, specially 7, she is supposed to act as her age, dress as her age, and to be treated by her mother as her age. Her mother should be a good model to her since she still needs parental guidance. I wonder what will happen to her when she grows older.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Jan 13
This is the first time I have ever seen online a pic of a so called "friend's" child dressed up so normally in full make-up and looking like she was much older. I do wonder what she will be like when older and if she will even be pregant by before 16 perhaps. I just didn't say anything to the mom of course, it's their business. I have seen where some moms do this on purpose to have their kid compete in pageants and I always think that's wrong. they can still have pageants but as little girls and not with make-up, or a "sexy" dress. I started wearing just a little mascara at 10 and when I was 6 they actually sent me home from school cause my mom had dressed me this cute little dress with my middle showing--I mean nothing really sexy about that, the era then was the late 60's or very very early 70's, so...
@Jennlee3 (292)
• United Kingdom
1 Jan 13
I find the era of 'toddlers in tiaras' outrageous and disturbing. Young girls should be taught to value themselves, to strive for higher education, goals, passions, dreams, athletics, arts-whatever they are passionate about- not paraded around in make up and heels. There are two general reasons women wear makeup: 1. Enhancement for cosmetic purposes--ie. to look younger, cover a blemish, etc. 2. Enjoyment-ie. to make a fashion statement. Little girls don't possess either of the aforementioned reasons thus don't need makeup. They are naturally beautiful and should be taught about their inner worth rather than focus on their outer appearance. It's really a shame and I don't think these mother's mean to be intentionally damaging to their children, they probably just think it's all in good, girly fun but it's actually quite damaging to the girls psyche. They are causing a lot of self esteem issues and putting value on outer rather than outer beauty.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Jan 13
That was what I was thinking, that Toddlers and Tiaras thing from watching so much TV. I like the two reasons you gave for women wearing makeup and it makes the most sense to me. Inner worth is what everyone should be taught and also not to ridicule others who might not seem to be as attractive. It only hurts the heart if you have a child thinking they are unattractive.
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@burrito88 (2774)
• United States
1 Jan 13
Posting photos like that on an open source like Facebook seems like an open invitation to pedophiles.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Jan 13
Yes! And I didn't even think of that at first. It is something to be concerned with. She could have left it off of Facebook. She always seemed like a ditzy person to me (the mom that is).
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I think it is horrible for a child that young to be looking like that! My oldest daughter is 7 and the only kind of make up she is allowed to wear is a chapstick or a clear lip gloss, that's it! Looks are not the most important thing in life and I think that child is being taught that looks are the most important thing... I would not allow my children to look that way, and I think its a shame the parents thought this was okay and then posted it on Facebook! How ridiculous!! Kids grow up too fast now a days as it is, why push it on them more? Being a kid should last as long as possible in my opinion, it goes too fast!
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Jan 13
I didn't even want to wear any make-up yet at that age, but as I recall after being told I was ugly or something to that nature in my grade school years I tried to use mascara at age 10. No one noticed so I continued and did more and more like that gradually even lightened and highlighted my hair by the age of 12 or so. I would have at least left it off of facebook, yes~
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
Let's not be hasty in making judgement until such time that we know the background of that picture. It is after all---just a picture. Was there malice intended or was this just a mother and child just being playful?
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@Aalive (2)
• United States
1 Jan 13
In my honest opinion its hard to truly make up my mind about it. The problem stems from the fact that children don't come with an instruction manual and as we all know all children are different. Some grow up faster; some slower. You also have the parents upbringing as a variable. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that while a child wearing full blown make-up at the tender age of 7 (or 8) seems highly irresponsible I personally wouldn't judge people for how they raise their kids, (not that I believe you truly were) parenting is quite the difficult job and as long as know one is truly being harmed i see no problem with it.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
2 Jan 13
You're right I wasn't judging but being concerned moreso. I know every parent is different and I try to give them all the benefit of the doubt if I can. I would agree it is hard to raise a child and I'm childless.
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
1 Jan 13
I agree with you Aalive. I'm not a parent yet but I practically raised my niece for 6 yrs. I know it was just a few years, but I partially understand now, how hard it is to raise a child.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
1 Jan 13
Most likely its that she's trying to imitate the older sisters. I had this same problem well not the make up with with clothing when it came to my daughters. My younger girl is smaller compared to the other. The older has a little more curve to her and I'd catch her trying to sneak out in sisters clothes. Now why would you put on clothes too small for you unless to show off your body? Now that may not have been her intention at that age, but I'm pretty sure she got the idea from some of those teens she idolizes on the television.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
2 Jan 13
I totally agree that all that makeup on a 7 or 8 year old little girl is just disgusting. Little girls shouldn't be wearing makeup unless they are playing dressup or even if they are some type of play or something like that and even then it shouldn't even be that much. My mom never let me wear makeup until I was 16 and even then it wasn't that much. Until then I only wore lip gloss. I don't understand why some parents just don't tell their kids no. It maybe that she wanted to wear makeup because her step sister was wearing it and she wanted to be like her, but still you tell your daughter no and she has to wait until she is older. It is so sad that parents allow their kids at such young ages like this to wear makeup. Stop letting your kids grow up so fast and let them stay young for awhile. That includes stop letting them wear make up at 7 and 8 years old.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
She's another one of those crazy moms who are not supposed to become mothers in the first place. Forgive me for being judgmental but there are a lot of them everywhere now rearing children who will become monsters in the future.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I just don't know her in person to judge either but it seems she is kind of crazy/wild herself to a point. She has had two other girls by a different guy and isn't even married to this other guy whose the father of the 7-8 year old, and as far as I know they both hold jobs either. One of her older daughter's was almost raped some years back. They drink alot I have heard.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
1 Jan 13
I do not think that is it appropriate for girls that age to be wearing such heavy make-up. First of all, it connotes a negative thing. Second, it can ruin a child's sensitive skin.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I agree with you, they will have skin problems and such. Unless the make-up is all hypo-allergenic. But still it does look rather strange to me to see it on a child. The child is beautiful without it and they should live like a child and not a teen or older already. I have had eczema for several years and have used make-up for many years, but after getting that I have realized it's not that great anymore--and age as well as made me dislike using it much nowadays.
• Indonesia
1 Jan 13
Yeah I guess some kids really grow up too fast. It's even worse if it's encouraged by parents who often proudly dressing their children like adults or make up. I personally think at age 7 or 8 years old, it's not the time for kids to wear make up yet. However since there are many television series and from food factor too, there are some kids who grop up faster than the children their age.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
2 Jan 13
Its sad when children are made to grow up tooo fast. A young girl should not be using so much makeup. There is not much you can do as it is not illegal. But is not a healthy choose for a young girl. Children need their childhood - including the girls.
1 Jan 13
I don't understand people who parent that way. A lot of people thought it was odd that I didn't post pictures of my children on social sites but I did not because I didn't want their pictures out there in cyber space. Even though my profile was private, I felt like I was not going to expose my child to the world. I would make posts about them but I would not put pictures up. Once they were old enough to get into social networking I would put pictures online. As far as this mother, her child is going to grow up way to fast as it is. She's going to miss those cherished years where she should have allowed her child to be a child.
@paigea (36315)
• Canada
22 Nov 15
It depends on if it's just for fun I guess. I let my girls have fun putting on make up when they were littl and I am someone who has never worn makeup myself. They grew up to not wear make up either.
• Canada
1 Jan 13
As a parent of a young girl, I would be ok with playing dress up with play makeup at that age, but not with properly done makeup. The intent of that kind of make up is to look "sexy" not just to play around like a costume. If my daughter did have a play makeup day with her friends I wouldn't let her out of the house with it on or post pictures (unless maybe she tried putting on her own and it came out adorably wrong like clown makeup!)
@meumeu25 (913)
• United Arab Emirates
1 Jan 13
Hi Nailtech, If she's just putting the make up on on her daughter temporarily, as in just for fun, then I don't see anything wrong about it. Some girls like make up. Maybe she was just being supportive to her daughter. I remember when my niece was 5, she used to sneak into my room and take the lipstick in my bag. And then go around with a very red lips like a clown. So, I put on a make on her to make her be satisfied. I even let her wear a dress and took pictures, it's also posted in FB but only recently, it was taken 3yrs.ago. But it was only to make her happy, and I can say that she was. She cried when I gave her a shower and saw the make up gone. Now, she wears make only when she performs in school activities.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
1 Jan 13
I sure would never do that, of course Im also against the little one sin beauty pagents as well. I think its wrong to teach them that, so early. Let them grow up and have fun as kids first. Hope you had a great new years there.