When your stressed...
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
Valdosta, Georgia
January 1, 2013 3:13pm CST
With my husband and I, when I get stressed out I want to be closer, I want to talk about things and I want to know how we are going to get through things together...(Apparently to some men that is called b*tching)
Him...well, he wants to figure things out himself, he feels a little sorry for himself, he pushes away the people that love him the most, and he doesn't want to talk about things at all...(Some women call that being a pain in the a**!)
Ugh, I hate how we are so different when it comes to handling stress...Are you and your partner the same in handling stress or are you the complete opposites?

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37 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
1 Jan 13
Lots of men seem to think they have to "suck it up and tough it out" and it sounds to me like what your husband is doing.
As we are all fe-type-males here we aren't quite so bad about that.
Having said that, we still respond in different ways.
D tends to act like a spoiled brat, wanting to be treated special and coddled.
V tends to lose her temper and shout and swear and things like that.
I tend to bottle them up until I make myself sick. I've been borderline ulcer 3 times because of it.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Yeah i think that is how he is feeling right now. He feels like a failure because were struggling. He does not have a job. He has been working little jobs here and there but nothing steady enough to take care of us properly...
I think he feels like a bad father and husband so he doesn't want to face us. It's hard on him I know, but its also very hard on us too. We are all going through the same thing, not just him...
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
I was always told I should of been a man, I simple want to be by myself, if someone kept getting near me, I would rip their face off, and tell them where to go. I want to figure it out in my head, and work towards it, and some nagging at me would make it 10x worse. Ask ym ex, his friend use to sit laughing saying I think you should of been the opposite s*x. I use to like to be alone to figure it out, in my head and solve the problem. Whereas he would just like to talk it over, and then cuddle like nothing ever happened.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Oh goodness, no offense but you do kind of sound like my husband!
There is no offense meant by that at all.
He does the same exact thing though and he is even pushing away his friends too, so sad. I hope they stick by him through his little crisis...

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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
1 Jan 13
My friend's know how I am they know if I need anyone I will call them. They perfer to leave me to myself to think about it, I end up getting a solution. But when people nag at me, or follow me around, I just get ticked off, and don't find a solution.
Maybe, his friends understand him, if not then they arnt really his friends.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I think a lot of guys are like that. They like to take things on their own because they feel they should be supporting the family all the way around.
I know how you're feeling though, and you just want to help too. Sometimes you just gotta let them do their own thing. Maybe as he gets older he'll come around a bit more and you two can have conversation about the problems and work on them together.
I'm not married so I don't have the problem hon. 

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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
1 Jan 13
Exactly...he's in a depressed state right now so it's got to be hard for him. I know what you're feeling though and that you want to help. The only thing I can suggest is maybe looking through the paper yourself for jobs for him, and checking online. Try the website called..www.indeed.com...and see if anything comes up.
You'll have to do this without him knowing though but if something interesting pops up, maybe you can calmly suggest it.
It's a shame things are like this but it's no fault of his but he thinks it is. Is he on unemployment?
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I have been looking on craigslist.org every single day for him...and nothing. It is horrible right now! =(
I will check indeed.com too. I haven't checked there yet... Thank you for that. =)
He isn't on unemployment because he wasn't working on the books when he got laid off. Its construction so they are rarely ever on the books...Unfortunately.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I think a lot of them are like that too. I think he thinks he's failing us and so he doesn't want to face us right now... He feels he should be the provider and should get us out of this situation. Basically he wants to be superman but he isn't...
A lot of people are looking for work right now, especially in our town there are tons of people out of work. No fault of their own, just the way the economy is as of now. But he still thinks he is a failure of a husband and father...
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@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
2 Jan 13
Randy is the same way as your husband. randy keeps things to himself and works things out by himself while I want to discuss things and make decisions together. I am the type of person who has to know how we are going to solve things and needs to get everything out in the open. Since we cannot always agree on how to solve problems I get involved in my crafts and hope that he will leave me alone. I think he is finally getting used to the idea that I create a budget and stick to it. I plan for all expenses and get upset when he spends money without asking me. We have a set amount for spending each week which is our money to do what we want to do, but if we go over budget and need extra we discuss it to see if we can afford to get a little extra money (I refuse to pay bills late and to cut expenses on food because I will not buy boxed foods).
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
This one aspect of him really gets on my nerves! Lol. Yeah if you want to figure things out on your own I kind of feel like why have a partner in your life? You know what I mean?? What's the point if you want to do everything yourself?
I have learned to just leave him alone when he is like this too. I am sick of fighting over it that is for sure... Hopefully he will figure things out soon! I am going to be getting a job soon so we can pay the bills, since he finally talked to me we figured I should get to work again.
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I believe most couples are like that. Men and women are wired so differently, they don't think the same way. I think couples have to learn how to communicate during times of stress. It might take reading a self help book together or it might take couple's counseling. I am beginning to think that before people get married they should be required to go through couples counseling before they can get their marriage license. I think there would be less divorce if couples learned to communicate in a meaningful way. 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Our marriage is fine PQ, Lol. We just have a different way of handling things than each other, no reason for a divorce!
We are not ending the marriage over a little stress, we have been through miscarriages and being homeless together, nothing was worse than that and we made it through both together... No worries of divorce any time soon! Lol. Been through 8 years of sometimes pure H*ll, this is not going to stop us that is for sure...

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
Yeah, some people cannot handle the smallest of things... I know I have seen people divorce over a little argument here and there, and I am like seriously?!? Some people should not get married in the first place!
My husband and I are in it for the long haul. We took "Let no man separate what you have brought together" VERY seriously!
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@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I'm happy to hear that Loving. I wasn't referring to you, specifically...just in general, communication or the lack if it will either make or break a marriage. I admire you that you and your hubby could make it through the worst of times.
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@echo060201 (540)
• China
2 Jan 13
If I and my partner have something trouble us, we will discuss it seriously, find out the reason, and work out with a plan to handle this. By talking, we can know have a solution which can be accepted by both of us. So, no one will feel uncomfortable about the ending.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
That is really good. My husband shuts down and wants to keep it inside most of the time. It drives me crazy!
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
2 Jan 13
My boyfriend is quite like your husband-Jim (my bf) broods a lot. He's terrible about showing emotion, or talking about what is bothering him. Part of it is his past-he has been married 3 times, but he's beginning to stop saying that it was always their fault. I admit, I don't always want to talk about things, but I do prefer that we try to work through our problems instead of brooding.
Men and women are very different. My ex husband was very confrontational, and would NOT leave me alone until he got the answer he wanted. I detested that-I prefer to try to think things over because I know that I have a razor-sharp tongue and when backed into a corner, I say some really nasty, hurtful things.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
2 Jan 13
Honestly, I think that sometimes they just don't WANT to work on things! Look at the federal government and you'd understand! 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
I hate this part about my husband. He thinks he can handle it and there's no point in talking about it because that won't change anything... But sometimes it could change things if we figure something out together...he doesn't get that part!
Men and women are VERY different I know. Most things I can deal with but this one thing really gets to me with him...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 13
hi ambiepam yes the problems just get bigger and bigger until something has to give.I got so I finally would tell my husband look a problen shared is a problem halved and sometimes a wife can help too so try me and he would then open up .My dad was the worst. He would go off alone and if mom tried to help he would snap her head off. Those two were two people who should have divorced once we were grown as they just could not get along together at all.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
They do seem to think it will work itself out or it will go away. And it will not happen like that.
My husband is closing up because he feels like he has failed us since we are in this situation and him not working has kind of put us here. But its not his fault there is no work anywhere right now...
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
2 Jan 13
I'd like to tell a story about when I passed my driving test and got my license after the second time. As a reward for my effort and success, I was allowed to drive the family's car for the weekends.
The first time when I got behind the wheel, you can imagine the joy and pride that was in me of my newly acquired achievement. However, what I did not anticipate was the horrendous and pride deflating experience I had to undergo from my backseat driver - husband who was there from every minute moment from ignition to road directions.
I literally had to stop the car and have a talk with my husband because all that 'concern ' of his is actually choking than helping me. I understand that there's a need to be attentive and cautious from my lessons and tests. At the same time, his good intentions behind his concern heart. However, he failed to realize that his execution is distracting and stressing me which is putting all of us in danger. I had to stop and let him know that he needs to reassure differently.
Now, I know it may seem that your man is hesitant in opening up but have you ever wondered if you had been a poor backseat driver yourself. Sometimes, we need to take a trunk seat and let him sort it out himself. I am sure he will ask for help or you when the time is right to do so. Patience and trust, you will arrive at the wanted destination.
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@artemeis (4194)
• China
3 Jan 13
Extreme situations do not require extreme countermeasures but extra unique measures.
I understand the struggles in life and to the extreme extent of entering into desperation. You may say that what I am saying here is easier said than done but I am sure you will agree with me that whatever you had done have not yielded results that you expect or anticipate. Rather than, sticking to your approach and still return to the same frustration, I believe it would be better to tale a step back to find another way.
There are many ways to get a door to open but I believe we need to first check if we are acceptable to the person behind it and see if we should use the doorbell or door knocker. Likewise, when you approach your husband, I believe you will need to perform a checklist on ourselves to find out if we had in anyway discouraged him from approaching you with the truth to solve the current problem.
I know you are a loving wife but because of the problems I believed you have become desperate and unknowingly "frightened" your husband from confiding in you. There's always a limit in one's capacity to open and I believe before one can expect people to approach and confide in us we will need to make ourselves qualified for it. Our words and ways need to be conducive enough for the other party to trust us with their intimate weaknesses. A lot of times, many of us (including me) do not know how to handle the truth, where upon learning we become werewolves or Mr. Hyde.
It is during times like these I will ensure that I do my part and do it well. I feel that it would be useless for me to further burden those facing the problems and instead of tiring myself with these negative ways I would find ways to support or encourage the other party to open up. As a woman, we have a responsibility to our family, the house and most of all, ourselves. I would encourage you to take care of your own responsibilities and do it well and it would be enough to prove your faith and support to him. Truth is hard because it is extremely cruel and harsh with unimaginable consequences or repercussions. Your husband not only needs time but confidence and courage here. On your part, you will need to have a very big heart when he opens the floodgates.
So, the question here is - "Are you prepared?"
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
I absolutely loved your story and analogy. I understand what your saying. My whole point though is if he wants to do things himself all the time, then maybe he should be by himself. Why have a partner if you don't want to go to them, rely on them, ask for help, or talk to them about BOTH of our struggles and problems??
He is NOT the only one going through this. We are ALL struggling, barely eating, etc because of it...Not just him. So I don't think he is the only one that counts in this situation...
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@celticeagle (172494)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Jan 13
I think that in the case of some women IT IS b*tching. I feel that whenever you are dealing with a male you have to find the way that works best so it doesn't look like you are b*tching. Whining and carrying on is not the way to go about it. Finding the right time to talk about 'things' usually works best. And then isn't when you can tell he is stressing. Feeling sorry for himself and pushing away isn't real mature but there are ways to make him feel better when you know this is going on. Then talk about things that are bothering you in a positive way.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Jan 13
Maybe for some, maybe I am and don't realize it. I go to him because he is my rock. I try to share my feelings with him because I love him and trust him. But maybe he sees that as annoying, burdening or b*tching... I'm not really sure.
I will try to talk about it in a more positive manner so he doesn't think I am just complaining at him...
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@celticeagle (172494)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Jan 13
I would. I would wonder where he wants you to go if not to him. Maybe just in a different way.
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@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
1 Jan 13
I thin you dont have to talk when trying to help him , just be there and listen , let him come to you . If he feels you are pressuring him he will want to be alone .
My partner change we both like to talk because if we are stress we are normally silently thinking about something so its obvious because we are never silent
and we are hardly ever stress.
We then just talk and let it go , so we handle it the same but we wont say anything unless its clear we need to let it out . I think you stress less when you talk about your problem and then come to realize you cannot change everything .

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 13
LMB tell him he is not alone as lot of us are reallystruggling my son was out of work for 2 years oh he did some short term thiongs butg nmow hes still o nly got a partime job with no fringe benefits so he is one among a lot of others and that does not make him a bad husband or father with er,as i ts the damnable e conomy and I wisht our president would turn to this huge problem in our own country and forget other crap. hang in there as things a re just b ound to become better.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
I know I have been telling him! Tomorrow he has another little side job to do so maybe that will life his spirits at least a tiny bit. I hope so anyway. I have also been looking and applying for jobs today too. I hope something comes of it. 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I am here to listen but he doesn't want to talk to me about things either. We are stressing due to financial hardships. He has been out of work for a while now. Were struggling very badly so he feels like he is failing us. He cannot find a steady job. He has been searching a lot but no luck...
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Jan 13
Yes we need someone to listen and talk with us also. My husband cannot do that yet...Maybe one day though we shall see...

@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
2 Jan 13
My husband and I are opposites when it comes to handling stress. Like your husband he doesn't want to talk about things. He as well likes to try and figure things out without any help. I like to have us talk about things. But it is difficult to talk with someone when they don't want to talk. So I try to be mindful to let him do his own thing. But it's not always easy to do that. I have to constantly remind myself about it.

@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
3 Jan 13
When you let him be and let him handle it I think perhaps he will feel about that. Because he will feel that you are allowing him to take care of it like he wants to-and that will make him feel more of a man. I guess this is where compromise comes in from time to time. Let them do their own thing and then if things go crazy we can try our strategy.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Jan 13
Yeah it makes things hard when you want to talk and they don't. If its a smaller problem he will talk about it but something big like financial things he thinks because he's the man and should be the provider he wants to handle it alone... It is really tough. But from now on I will let him be and handle it himself...That is what he wants after all.
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@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
2 Jan 13
Men and women... Lol strange but they keep each other's company and they compliment one another. Hmmmmm that's why I did not get married hahahaha... Relatively very opposite tony first statement. But yes, stress can be discussed and dealt with together. That'sgood for you.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Jan 13
Marriage isn't all bad mavic, just some struggles and hurdles to overcome together that's all. It is a Blessing to be married most of the time, you always have someone to count on and you always have someone to support you.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
3 Jan 13
Oh yes my mind is not closed to the idea of marriage. I was just kidding.maybe I am not to meant to get married. Lol.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 Jan 13
actually you are a very normal couple, men and women deal with situations differently, most women like to talk, most men don't. My husband was the same as your husband, my boyfriend is now. And of course I know from research since I am a therapist it is like this. You should read, women are from venus, men are from mars it explains the differences between men and women very well.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
3 Jan 13
From now on when he is like this I will just give him his space. I will have to read that, it sounds like a good one! =)
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
3 Jan 13
I think keeping things with oneself is not good, it does not help much.
On the other hand if one is feeling tensed and stressed one needs to share it with someone close to him. Sharing may not provide any immediate solutions but it helps in relieving out stress. When we share our problems with someone, s/he views it from different angle and may come out with a good suggestions, which might have not come in our mind.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 13
I don't think it helps anything to keep things bottled up inside... What does that accomplish? Not much of anything in my opinion...
@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
1 Jan 13
My partner is my cat...
The only stress between us happens when I don't jump to her orders fast enough and she starts haranguing me. It gives me a headache.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Jan 13
hi LovingMyBabies Oh mygosh You just descib ed the way my husband handled stress as he also pushed me away and he did not want to
talk about it either. I finally got really cantankerous and told him we were going to talk about what was bothering him and he finally admitted he had not wanted to worry me,as if his being cold and indifferent and shutting me out was not worrying me? and told me he had just got fired.Well now I was not happy but yet as Ii had beganan to think he was horribly ill as he had just seen his doctor the firing did not seem quite as bad.
I knew as a cook he wou ld soon find another job but of course we were really low ofn funds b ut I went back t o work and he baby sat then I came ho m e and h e went o ut and did gardening jobs. Finally he decided to do gardening full time and working for himself he did really well too. I stayed home for awhile then. Late we lost our little girl and our son was in school as again I w ent back to work and I never have minded that as I worked for ten years before I met him.But he and my son both tended to take troubles on themselves and hide somewhere ands brood, not wanting to worry or upse me??
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Jan 13
I think most men are the same way with handling stress, not all but most of them anyway... Yes my husband pushes me away, doesn't want to talk about things, wants to sleep all the time instead of dealing with things and all together makes me feel like he wants nothing to do with me at all...
Not that I think its really the case but thats how it feels sometimes. I am sure you understand what I mean...
I hope things get better for us soon. As of right now, I just cannot see things improving but I know they will eventually.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 13
hi LMB Oh I do hope so as you have been through enough rough times so something good has to come your way. hang in there and I am sending some prayers for you and your family that this year will be the turning point and will be all so much better. hope other mylottters join me. hugs from hatley

@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
My husband is the same. I think men just don't want to talk about that kind of stuff with their partner. They just want to do things on our own. That's why my husband and I had a fight last month because I wanted to talk to him about our life and what we're going through now that we're far from each other. He took it negatively and just started shouting over FaceTime!!!
Well, we both calmed down and said our good nights and i love you's before our night ended. At least we kissed and made up.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jan 13
I am really glad I started this discussion because at first I thought it was my husband towards me. Now I am finding out its more of a guy thing. So I'm glad its nothing at me personally. And I am glad other men do it too.