What is your new year resolution?

January 2, 2013 5:48am CST
Mine is to work better and keep it up so that I can have some money to spend at the end of the day. And to establish a good working relationship with my supervisor and colleagues. You?
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8 responses
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
Hope this year will be favorable to me. I have to find a job or either something I can have for earning. I still want to help other people in our organization and be an active member.
• Malaysia
2 Jan 13
Good to hear that. Keep it up!
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
Frankly, I really don’t do new year’s resolution however, I just let the years pass and wait for any good achievements to fill in my life. Also, I let it all settle to what activities I’ll be encountering throughout the year rather than putting a promise to myself on something, which I know is hard to keep in.
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
3 Jan 13
I hope I can have a big change in the new year. At the first day of the year, all things seem run in a good direction. I got a first class award when I bought my laptop in the market. And soon I can have a job with two vocations in a year. The income will be stable and upper class. I hope in the new year, I can have a improvement in my research ability and have an oversea trip with my mother.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
2 Jan 13
I have a lot of goals for myself this year although none of them are necessarily "new years resolutions". I want to get all A's in my five college classes this semester, I want to finance a new-er car, I want to get out of credit card debt, I want to get a new job, and I want to lose about 30 pounds. I have been working on the other things, but I just started my "diet" today. Ha ha. Best of luck with your own resolutions!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Jan 13
It has actually been years since I've really made a New Year's resolution. The reason that I don't make a New Year's resolution is because of the fact that I really think that most New Year's resolutions are not something that is kept. However, I do evaluate my life at the beginning of the New Year and I do try to pick out some different things about my life that I would like to improve in the coming year. For me, the main thing that I wish to change this year is the financial situation of our family.
@deine86 (115)
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
For this year, first I want to be more positive in my thinking, put God first in everything I do, more focus in my career and help others. I hope this year will be a great year for everyone.
@brew2x (3094)
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
I really wanted to save a lot of money this year. I will strive hard to work extra and be more practical if not frugal. My son will go to school after around two years and I want to be ready for that as early as possible. Also I want to stay fit, hopefully I can exercise more, eat healthier and drink plenty of water. I wanted to be more patient as well, stay positive and happy. And last but not the least, continue to strive to be the best mother that I could be.
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
2 Jan 13
Well, I want to make more money in the new year, too. My daughter wants to travel to many places of interest, so I can meet her needs only if I have much money. Yeah, a good working relationship with supervisor and colleagues is necessary for us to have an easy and happy time at work .