A Question For Americans Or Anyone Who Knows

January 2, 2013 2:35pm CST
Evening - During the recent election campaign and this recent Fiscal Cliff joke, I have heard Obama making references to the Middle classes. During the Election Romney and Obama also seemed to be trying to engage the Middle Class Here is my question - What about the Working Class? Every society is built on the endeavours and sweat of the Working Class, after all they are the largest group in any society. I am Working class and am proud to be so. Why are the Working Class ignored and overlooked in the US?
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6 responses
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
2 Jan 13
For the same reason we don't say things like "I'm just busting your bullocks" or some other stuff that wouldn't make sense to us, and instead say "I'm just busting your chops." "Working class" isn't exactly an actual thing in the working political vernacular. And I could pull an urban and say it seems you're implying the middle class don't work. I know. You lot and the why-aren't-y'all-more-like-us beef. We're sorry. Collectively. Working-class is a term my father would use. But the debate has changed from on high in recent years, which has ushered in new terms. Below middle class would be the poor folk, and above is above, and "working" is just implied for everyone working. Yeah. Maybe back in the day, but now "middle class" has pretty much swallowed that term. I don't think the working class people are ignored. At least no more than everyone else. One class that matters in America: The political class. Their chosen passengers get a ride. Everyone else gets ignored.
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• United States
2 Jan 13
Well it gets a little fuzzy here when it comes to "classes." Politicians consistently create and change language. So, right now, "middle class" is synonymous with "working class," although "working class" was always a term previously meant to imply individuals below the middle. Working stiffs. Blue collars. But now it's just a jumbled mess of one side pretending to care while saying the other side doesn't, and the other side saying the same crap with a smaller microphone. So a term like "working class" has evaporated. My guess: It went dodo when they polled and found that "middle class" had a bigger impact with voters. But as for politicians doing anything for the working stiffs just trying to make ends meet, nada.
2 Jan 13
I agree... I find the if someone walks around with a Starbuck rather than waiting to either get home or get to work - does term themselves as
2 Jan 13
No I wasn't implying that the Middle Class do not work. You can only have a Middle Class if you have an Upper Class and a Lower Class - Lower class or working class do seem to be misrepresented. In the UK, the class system has changed a little - Some of us do try to ignore their Working class roots. The Middle class does seem to be growing over here too - they are still disliked and distrusted by the upper and working classes though.
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Jan 13
Is it so different here Rob... the Tories pander to the rich and the other politicians suck up to the Middle Class and this has been so since Thatcher created an under-class. Now, I fear many include the working class in with their scorn of that underclass. Coming from a family of rural working class, we have a strong tradition of self-reliance and making do on little. But this seems to have been lost, poor people throw their money away buying tat on the never-never, which falls apart before it is paid for, etc. all the best, urban
@urbandekay (18278)
4 Jan 13
Part of the problem is loss of culture, media reflects and promotes the values of but one segment of society all the best, urban
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jan 13
Sounds to me like you over there are fighting the same battles we are here. The misunderstandings between us here on myLot are basically ones surrounding terminology. We call ourselves by differing names, but it all boils down to us against them. In my opinion, politicians of both sides, here and there, are dividing us common hard working folk up into haves and have nots, doing their best to destroy free enterprise and collapse capitalism, when they're done we'll all be beggin for mercy and at their beck and call.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jan 13
Same thing basically as what has happened here. Politicians have created an under-class, the welfare class. It seems to help them get reelected easily.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Jan 13
There's always been a problem with terrminology between us Americans and the British users on here. I think back to several discussions where the bulk of the discussion was on clarifiying the terms. The way I understand the term 'middle class' is those who work and earn a certain amount of money that puts them in a higher tax bracket. We used to use the term working poor for those who did not earn as much. My question is why the emphasis on any one particular 'class' by this administration. IMHO, we're being divided according to 'class' so as to better control us. I remember the day when ANY working America was considered the focus of an administration's poliicy. Now we see ourselves being placed in categories and told that sooner or later we've earned 'enough' money.
3 Jan 13
Well Debra, In a roundabout way I was trying to address why the powers that be seem to single out one class or group to brown nose
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
4 Jan 13
And my question was also along those lines; why the emphasis on any one particular class?
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Well, how I see it really is that the middle class is the working class. The rich are rich and many of them do not work hard. The poor are the poor and it seems like no one wants to bother or help them. But the middle class as far as I know is the working class or so called blue collar guy. The middle class/working class is the group of people that take the brunt of everything in this country. They pay the most taxes and are always are risk for losing jobs. So, think of the middle class as the working class.
• United States
5 Jan 13
The middle class is a delusion that allows the working class who isn't poor to feel somehow superior those who work or receive welfare and live in poverty. All it has come to describe is the working class that is above the poverty level. If there were a middle class in the spectrum of the US, it would be pro athletes and movie stars.
• United States
2 Jan 13
Yo Rob, I too, am part of the working class (I'm not currently working, but I think you get my drift.) I guess if we don't wear $3000 suits, work for a Fortune 500 company, & live in a 30 room mansion we are obsolete. I don't know where decent human society went away for the mass to now be known as America, Incorporated. I come from a working class family; that's all we know & even that's dwindling in numbers right now.
2 Jan 13
I really don't understand - Why would the Working Class be ignored? Are they trying to hide them?
• United States
3 Jan 13
Either that or really trying to get rid of us, which is a crying shame.