Good Part About Facebook...

Valdosta, Georgia
January 4, 2013 3:31pm CST
So basically this guy posted on FB this: Drivin drunk ... classsic ;) but to whoever's vehicle i hit i am sorry. :P" Stupid, really really stupid. He is now in jail like he should be! Some people don't know when to shut their mouth on FB! (Not a referral link) Classic case of if you post it on facebook, it is public knowledge! The link is to the story...
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20 responses
• United States
4 Jan 13
Idiots post EVERYTHING to Facebook! How about the brainiacs that post pictures of themselves breaking and entering, destruction of property, or of themselves doing something illegal! Cyberspace is FOREVER. Some people just don't get that though!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
I know people are SO stupid! Why do they think FB is private and no one will ever find out?? So dumb. But thank goodness for FB, in this case because the stupid guy got caught...
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• United States
5 Jan 13
I know that a police department not too far away managed to track down and capture a couple of teenage burglars who were stupid enough to post pictures of their illegal activities on Facebook. It DOES have some benefits!
@doronk69 (91)
• Israel
4 Jan 13
I heard of it.. This guy can't go any dumber then this. About facebook, it way too public this days. You can't just share something for those in your friend list without worry that somebody that you don't know or want him to see this, will see it.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
This guy was really stupid! Facebook is public, that is why people need to learn that not everything we put on there is private, matter of fact nothing is private on there at all!
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@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
4 Jan 13
Wow, so stupid for him to post that especially if he was looking to get away with it. Okay if you commit a crime and hope not to get caught, hello do not post it on facebook. Because most likely someone is going to turn you in. If he wanted to brag about it as much as he did he should have turned his own self in. SMH
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
It was REALLY stupid of him! Exactly, if he wanted to get caught so badly, why not turn himself in? He could not really possibly think he could post that and not get caught...did he?
@Aquitaine24 (11858)
• San Jose, California
5 Jan 13
If his post makes the job easier for the police,it shows how helpful Facebook can be.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
Haha! That's so funny. He even managed to post while driving. A good experience and really a lesson learned not to drive while drunk AND not to post everything on Facebook.
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
Haha! Yes, he is definitely stupid. I think he thinks that his FB friends will go like, "Wow, he's so awesome driving drunk!"
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
Exactly, people think things are private on there but their not! People should STOP posting so many things on there! This guy was pretty stupid!
@Aquitaine24 (11858)
• San Jose, California
4 Jan 13
I agree with you.Or amybe it's a lesson to be careful who you friend.LOLI guess he thought people would take it lightheartedly.
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
Nah, people need to be more private about what they tell the world!
@Aquitaine24 (11858)
• San Jose, California
5 Jan 13
True,but I wonder if his Facebook friends turned him in.What the kid said definitely fails the "grandma test"
@Tornknee (72)
• Australia
4 Jan 13
I have to agree with danishcanadian. It's good that these morons are stupid enough to incriminate themselves, it's sorta like online natural selection.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jan 13
It is good, makes the police officers job much easier!
@Aquitaine24 (11858)
• San Jose, California
5 Jan 13
I like that part of it.I'm glad no one got hurt ,though.Sounds like no one was aroind when he hit the cars.
• Canada
4 Jan 13
It's actually better that stupid people don't know when to shut up. This process weeds them our, and gets them off of our streets. We don't need guys like this running around loose.
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
Yeah it definitely helps the police to find them since they give themselves away!!
• China
5 Jan 13
i think I need to improve my English level, so as to able to read your article .
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
The police should have posted on his wall with "thank you for posting your crimes!" hehehe.. I think this is one of the negative sides of social networking sites. People tend to go at great lengths to be noticed by others. Seems the need for attention is now blown out of proportions that people no longer care who they hurt or how they get themselves into trouble. Whew! Keep safe! Have a great mylot experience ahead!
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
Yes they should have, that would have been PERFECT!! It is crazy to me the things that some people post on there. Their so stupid if they really think they can post things like that and not get caught!
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
6 Jan 13
Wow..that is pretty stupid..LOL I see all kinds of stuff on facebook and it constantly amazes me what people share. And then they get mad when people talk about it. I hear people are "getting in their business" but your right..if you post is public info.
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
Yeah he is definitely not the brightest crayon in the box that's for sure. I agree with you, it shocks me what I read on there sometimes. Yeah, they need to learn if you make it public knowledge that is what you will get...
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
LoL! Sorry but I had a good laugh reading this! Yeah... classic indeed!
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
Yeah some people are really stupid! They think FB is private and they will never get caught-WRONG! So so stupid...
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
5 Jan 13
Some people are so stupid. They should think before texting... or think before get in the car drunk to drive, too. If they post something that could be connected to a crime, it goes all around the Internet, they could be tracked down, and be fined or sentenced...
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
Yeah this guy was not very smart at all. To put that on FB is the most stupid thing ever! He probably would have gotten away with it if he just shut his mouth...
• India
5 Jan 13
Hi friend, some people posting every thing in the fb without knowing the draw backs. I think this guy is one among them, anyway he deserved for the punishment and got it by his own activity. Facebook is really a great mass media and lot of users using this site
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jan 13
Yeah too many people tell the world everything on there which is so crazy! He did deserve that punishment I agree with you.
@neelia27 (895)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
How come people post everything on facebook.. they should have atleast chose what to post on it..everything they posted there will be seen by everyone and if you are not careful enough you will make your life miserable in one way or another.. having a facebook account should make us more responsible because in the end we'll never know it might cause us some troubles..
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 13
I have no idea why people post their whole life on FB! It makes no sense to me at all why they do it. This guy was just really stupid thinking he could say that and get away with it...
• India
5 Jan 13
Hi lovingBabies.. Well that was hilarious. It reminded me of a video I saw long back on youtube about dumb criminals. Actually this is what happens when everyone gets an access to tools like social networking. I always believed that social networking sites should keep an age limit. At least an age limit of 15 years if not 18. Children do not realize what they are missing by not going out and playing instead of sitting over the computer. Anyways have a nice day ... -=SuperShames=-
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jan 13
Yeah people can be pretty dumb! Lol. I guess he thought what he wrote would be kept private... Hard lesson to learn. People put too much on FB now a days...
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
9 Jan 13
Hopefully he would have learnt his lesson? Perhaps, maybe, but then again people like that never do. If you were intelligent the last thing you would do is broadcast what you have done on a medium like Facebook, I guess I missed the queue when they were handing out brains!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
4 Jan 13
Yup..some people put way too much info up there...I don't think they think. I have friends who put up pictures of their toenails after they have had them done. I really don't care to see that or some of the other things they post...but they are my friends so you put up with that...this however was not so smart.
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
Yeah this was just plain stupid! Other things we just look past but telling everyone on FB that you did something illegal-STUPID! I'm glad he did though at the same time because he got caught for it...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jan 13
I feel like there are a lot of people that don't think about the fact that facebook is something that is heavily policed. There have been a lot of arrests that have happened as a result of what people have said on facebook. However, the closest that I've ever personally heard when it comes to people getting in trouble on facebook has to do with Girl Scout cookies of all things. They started taking pre-orders on the first of January and someone actually reported the father of two of Paul's classmates for taking his orders early.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
4 Jan 13
This is not the first time that stupidity and Facebook have given a deserving individual what he or she got coming. Maybe he thought that the joke was on people's vehicles that he would be hitting. Little did he know that the joke was on him. And now everybody online -facebook users would forever know of his stup...
• Valdosta, Georgia
4 Jan 13
I know it. I am glad he was that stupid to post that because it got him caught! And your right people will forever know this guy as the idiot who gave himself up on facebook!
• United States
5 Jan 13
I agree it was really dumb. You never know who's watching you on Facebook. I'm glad he got turned in. It is only right his telling on himself would be his undoing!
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jan 13
Yes it was. That's right, facebook is not private like people think it is... I guess they will never learn.
@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
5 Jan 13
I remember hearing about someone joking about taking someone down, and they got arrested. I wonder what draw's that line on whether to take it serious or not.
• Valdosta, Georgia
5 Jan 13
I don't know but it just so happens that this accident of a hit and run was reported a little while before he wrote that as his status! He is dumb!