Some Diabetics Are The Most Stubborn People
By KrauseHome
@KrauseHome (36445)
United States
January 5, 2013 3:42pm CST
and as someone who is Diabetic, this totally frustrates me. They either eat anything and everything, and get in the high 200s or more, and never care, or go on the other fence and hardly eat a thing, and then always crashing and never explaining to their doctor they are almost refusing to eat.
But then it could be their Doctor as well not noticing their trends and wanting to help out, or since some of them are on Medicare, etc. the doctors think that they only need a small amount of insuline, or the generic ones out there and everything will be OK.
Personally and then many of these are the same ones who will act often self righteous about being a Diabetic, and know what to eat, etc. But if you are only eating spinach leaves and maybe a light dressing while taking pills is this going to be enough? And then getting home and finding out you are only around 54. (Never bringing your meter with you to work.)
Or the ones who tell you you should be watching your sugar more as their normals are in the 200s, and they refuse to take their insulin and tell you this while sitting their eating a huge piece of cake. Or when they see their Doctors their doctors not really worried with their A1c and how things are going, and you often wonder how they can keep healthy as well.
I know I am not the Best diabetic there is, and overall there is still some needed improvement for me, but with all the Health issues I have had to encounter, it makes me often wonder how they can ever keep Healthy doing this, or is it only a matter of time. These are people you can never talk too, and think they are OK but it makes you wonder if it is only a matter of time.
What are your thoughts and do you know people like this, and is it only a sign of things yet to come?
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15 responses
@kumbarn49 (16)
5 Jan 13
There are some who live a life under this heading, it is sad and you should understand, if you have a normal health, what they are going through and this is for the rest of their life. There is a reason, why they react harshly for each and everything. Just go along with them. The only way you can help, is to keep a true company and speak everything clearly. Dont go beating about the bush. For this guys, this is poison. They love to hear the truth, let it be anything.100% of their daily life, they are only relaxed and happy 15% the rest 85% trying to adjust and organize their life. God Almighty is there to take care of them.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Jan 13
Well, it makes you wonder especially when it is people who think they know everything about being diabetic and are the same ones drinking a regular soda or lemonade all the time and then never checking their sugar, etc. Half the time they are not eating anything to compensate for this as well.
@kumbarn49 (16)
10 Jan 13
I am sorry, you need not be angry with them. I have my daughter she has had from 9 years today she is 30 years. When I complained to the doctor about her eating habits. He said leave her alone, she will take care of her sickness herself. Just be happy with her and treat her like a natural kid. He is very much right, she does not eat or drink things which troubles her health. She is a happy person, dont grumble for them and make their life miserable.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Jan 13
Well, that is true. The people who should be concerned about their health is them, and if they are OK things will stay OK, I just wish when they are constantly yo going, that someone could do something to make them see in the end it could destroy them.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
6 Jan 13
When Randy was first diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes he was in denial and would not take care of himself. I would do everything I could to get him to watch his blood sugars. Now his A1c is down to 5.5 and his blood sugars are between 80 and 100. He has had a couple of spikes when it hit 150 and a couple of times he has gotten as low as 60. Randy is a Veteran and gets his medical benefits from the military, which is great because if he did not have these benefits Randy would not be getting better or getting the treatment he needs.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Jan 13
Even on insulin, mine is all over the board, and getting tired of a doctor that is of no help even with being an endo. When I am too high she says I should be down to 80 in an hr? What???? But when I find myself trying to take care of myself and someone else just acts like they know everything, and eat hardly nothing to where they can drink a reg soda, etc. while saying they are low and never testing, it makes you wonder.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jan 13

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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Jan 13
Well, when it comes to being Diabetic, it is not an easy job and from time to time I have splurged, and most of my Doctors have been OK with it. The problem stems from the ones I know who are always acting like they know everything. One minute they are eating just barely enough to keep a human alive, and the next minute sitting there with a regular soda or lemonade saying they feel horrible, and needing to get their sugars up, but never testing as they say their meter is at home. How do they know it is low then?
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
5 Jan 13
I think I agree that most of the diabetics I know are very stubborn. My aide's fiance has been diagnosed with Type 1 since she was 8 years old and refused to eat appropriately. She doesn't even check her sugar levels daily. Then she wants to sleep all the time. It's just crazy. I know she cannot "cure" it but it could be better managed by proper diet and close monitoring! But I have no room to talk on these matters... lol.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Jan 13
The biggest problem is when you see someone who is always thinking they know best, and when their skin is flushed, they think they are low instead of checking, and then drink a regular lemonade instead. Personally it makes me wonder ,why some with diabetes refuse to check and just seem not to care.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
5 Jan 13
I know quite a lot of people like this. Mostly men without wives to bug them it is like they think as long as they take insulin everything is normal.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Oh, it is so True. There are a lot of Diabetics out there who feel this way. It is quite annoying to watch, and many times you wonder, and wish somehow something would happen for them to wake up and realize just what they are doing to themselves. When you choose to eat little to make up for splurging somewhere else on things you should not be eating and doing, it makes many wonder what is important.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
5 Jan 13
I've heard (here on myLot) that the best way to keep from being a diabetic is to eat almost like you ARE a diabetic. (I know you ARE already a diabetic, but ... I'm going somewhere with this.)
Then I get annoyed by people who are 'praying in church' for G*d to save them from Type 2 diabetes---and I'm thinkin`, 'If you don't WANT diabetes, WHY DID YOU GO & GET IT?'
I think it's just another sign that people need to teach their children more responsibility.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Jan 13
Hmm.. This is interesting. And it does make you Stop and think and wonder. The people who often think they know everything about Diabetes and how to eat, etc. are usually the ones who are doing everything you have almost been taught not to do. And when someone like a Doctor tells you you're not doing like you should, you wish they could see the ones trying to act so righteous.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
6 Jan 13
I think sometimes people just think that they can control it with the pills and don't worry about it. It will catch up with them.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Jan 13
Yes, one of these people is the same one who last yr. was running over 500 one time and even laughing about it like it was no big deal. She is the same one now, who will eat practically nothing, then say or wonder why she is running low, and drink a regular soda or lemonade acting like she knows what she is doing. But she never once tests and often finds I am sure later when she does she is really high, and acts like that is OK.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Jan 13
I kknow my dad counted calories and if there was to be a party throuh the month he would do real good about his eatting so he could have a small peice of cake.. He had problems with weight but mostly kept it down pretty good I felt sorry for him for he did like his sweets
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Jan 13
It is hard to try and watch what you eat. There are many times I want to eat things I need to watch. But to deliberately eat hardly anything and then drink a regular soda making it act OK? This is something that really bothers me. But to occasionally have something sweet in moderation can be OK. As long as they are able to make sure it does not spike them too bad while judging someone else in the process.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
23 Jan 13
I was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago. Thought i was having a heart attack went to hospital my sugar was 800... Was on insulin, and other meds....i switched to whole grains, and did everything doctors said to do. my sugar levels still went up and down. My weight had nothing to do with being diabetic so i did not have to lose any..
I tried everything ..all the magic remedies ect..... I started going to the woman's nutritional health center about 1 and half years ago. The only thing that has helped my sugar levels stay normal was changing my life style completely. it not only helped my sugar, but blood pressure, cholesterol, everything. I am on not meds any more, and feel great . I still check my levels to make sure they are fine but i have had not problems with them being to high.
What they taught me, and what i live by now.
1. No sugar at all in my diet. natural or artificial..No fruit.
2. drink plenty of water
3. exersize daily
4. stress will also make your levels go up. so i have also learned to deal with it differently. and control it.
i eat 3 meals, and 2 snacks everyday. so you do not have to starve yourself.
you are right their are people who do not take it siresely and sooner or later they are going to pay the price.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
29 Jan 13
800? Wow!! I have never heard of anyone having sugars that high before and coming out of it. Glad they were able to get yours down, and help you get it under control. No fruit period? I know some of them are high in sugars, but none. Never heard of doing this. I know they say try wheat macaroni, etc. Mine tends to spike more from it as well, and rice I usually can manage the amount I eat with insulin intake, and I eat the ones from like the Chines stores. But it is true if you can do any type of exercise, that is a Big help for sure.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
I can attest to that. My mother is diabetic. Well, she has lost a lot of weight when she found out that she had diabetes. But when my husband and.I started a business selling mangoes to different supermarkets and also at home, she would be sneaking a few pieces and eat them! What I hate about it is that she would be getting a.few pieces all zhe time without asking from me or my husband. My mom would certsinly nit do that. And to make it worst, her blood sugar shoots up!
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Jan 13
Well , even as hard as I try to keep my sugars under control, I still have my days where o splurge and as all diabetics know, what affects one diabetic does not always affect someone else the same way. I find that there are things I can eat that others cannot, vice versa. It also makes a difference I think as in weight, age, etc as well. But no one is perfect, it just depends on how someone acts all the time in taking care of themselves that counts.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
6 Jan 13
i have seen it certainly in the past and also quite nowadays because the mentaility of them really changes people and they start acting and behaving in a weird way and more over the character gets changed for sure and i have witnessed it all the time
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
23 Jan 13
Yes, the biggest thing, is most of these people never realize being diabetic especially when your higher will affect your attitude including any time that you are lower as well. I know it affects me, and people do notice. I have one person who notices when I am low and acts concerned. So being more in control is important.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
5 Jan 13
Yes this is true. I have had a Grandmother with it that I took care of for a long time, plus both my parents. They all mostly ate what they wanted too. My Grandmother was the most strictest on what she ate though. She would just take a pill if she ate to much sweets or something but after awhile she needed to go on insulin which I had to inject into her the last approx. 9 years of her life. She couldn't do it any longer when she got really sick with other things and the diabetes also worsened. I do hope you can regulate your blood sugar and not suffer anything serious cause of this terrible disease. I have seen my mother almost pass out from low blood sugar once so far and she is 73, and my Grandmother had went into a diabetic coma a few times for a brief time too.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
9 Jan 13
Being diabetic is quite interesting and can be an everyday challenge not to go to high or drop too low. I have been in the 50s a couple of times, but keeping tighter control with it lately.
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
6 Jan 13
My grandma and an uncle passed away because of diabetes. Now mom and a few of her siblings also have diabetes. So if you are asking whether i know someone with diabetes, the answer is yes.
In term of consumption behavior, i know a family member that did not care at all about managing his diet, and in fact, he increase his consumption because he thinks, if he's gonna die anyway, better die satisfied.
My mom, on the other hand, become so afraid to even eat a slice of bread after being diagnosed with the illness.
So make my post anyway you want, because i don't know what to say anymore.
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@inopiratum_a_medio12 (877)
6 Jan 13
People has their own choice. Discipline is the key for maintaining and keep safe health, I know few people who are diabetic but they have self control and health conscious as well. Probably for some the reason is it's good to do things when your not allowed to do so.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Jan 13
Personally it would not bug me, except for these are people who are always watching and judging me. And personally when you eat hardly nothing to where your sugar crashes to where you have to drink a regular soda or lemonade, wouldn't it be better to just eat more healthy? This is the same person who laughed about a yr. ago when she was running way over 500 on blood sugar level acting as if it was no big deal. She never brings her meter so how can she really know where she is running at?
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
6 Jan 13

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
21 Jan 13
Yes, it is a hard Disease to treat, and what many doctors and people fail to understand is what works for one, may not always effect another, and no one needs to judge another unless they see things that someone is deliberately doing wrong. And not all Type 2 is their own fault. Some of them like me have other health issues as well that may have brought this on, and what works well for one Diabetic may not always be the norm for everyone else.