When people underestimate you

January 6, 2013 2:02pm CST
What do you do when people try to bring you down by saying you can't do something or you are wrong or you are a failure. I know its funny why people do it but sometimes it's something really inevitable. I remember before even my parents underestimate me because my plans are not the same as theirs(by the way I am talking about plans for my future) like you know becoming a business man instead but my mom kept insisting that it won't work out and that it will not happen. Until now I am still into proving her wrong though. But before I get far from my topic I'd just like to ask, what do you do when people underestimate you?
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21 responses
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 13
this situation always happen to me. what can i realize i already twice being underestimate for a same situation. in class i was not so involve, sometime when they ask, i cannot give the answer. so for them i'm not one of their big challenge . so they will not bother me much when the result came out. but at last i proved to them, don't look down on me just cause u think i cannot answer so i'm not clever. ermm.. it just i'm really slow. need so much time to catch all the subject and teaching. even it hard. i know i can do. i will never give up
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
I gotta say you have to keep on ignoring these people. Success is between you and yourself only, do not compare yourself to them do not even bother what they are doing. Be that person who will do whatever to achieve your goals.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 13
yes! sure i will don't care what they said as long i do my part
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 13
i think it depends on us if we believe on our ability why we should hear another people comment?
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Yeah sometimes it helps to hear their comments I turn them to motivation. Never did I hear about what someone has to say and not turn it into motivation or you know something that will make me work harder or improve myself or something. I do not accept these comments as negative things and that I do not hold grudges to the people that say these things to me.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
7 Jan 13
Sometimes it makes me more determined to prove them wrong. It can motivate me to get more organized and focus on my goals and how to achieve them.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Yeah you are right you are doing the correct thing. Great work! Thank you for sharing your insights.
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
Hi BigMoney, I can't help but feel sad and hurt when people look down on me. They don't even have to say it directly to me, I just sometimes feel when a person dislikes me. Well, for whatever the reason is, it is still very demotivating. As to what I do to these people and situations, my answer is nothing. I don't do anything. I just let things be. I let the result talk for myself. Like one time at the office, I felt that our supervisor, for some reason, disliked me. When I was awarded for being a top agent, I felt that she suddenly became nicer to me. Just do what you do and continue to strive for the best. I keep in mind that I am not doing things because of other people and I do not need the approval of the people around me.
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
luckily we can help each other out here in mylot I know plenty of good people here ready to help you and give you the right motivation to not believe what these people has to say about you. Goodluck my friend and we are here to support.
• United States
6 Jan 13
I would automatically smile and say nothing back. Then I would stop being so nice to the person, but I'm not being mean either. Then people would start respecting me, but I'm not sure if it work for someone else.
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
Great, you just have to ignore whatever they have to say because you know to yourself that they are not correct! Keep your head up and keep living life to the fullest!
• United States
6 Jan 13
I take it as motivation. That is what they are doing for you because they love you. Without that I would have no motivation at all. They want the best for you so give it your all and never give up. Good luck.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Well thank you for sharing your idea, yeah maybe you are right it may really be because they loved me so much that they wanted to do some different things in order to motivate me. Thank you very much and God Bless you.
@jugsjugs (12967)
7 Jan 13
I know what you mean, as there are people that have said things in the past to me and I have proved them wrong and it was the best feeling at the time as well. I have made plans for my future, well did make plans should I say, but things have gone horribly wrong, so now its a case of changing all my plans.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Good day BigMoney25, I really feel sad whenever I met people who miscalculate my capabilities. Much more if those people pertains to my family. And to tell you the truth, it have happened to me. That, my own family undervalued my capacity to run a business. As a result, I was not able to raise it up. As there were a lot of negative thoughts have been commented and given until such time that I end up as my tears began to flow out from my eyes. Hence, during those time, it feels like, I have done my greatest mistake. And that is, to build a family business for us wherein me and my family will comprise the Board. That because of that plan, I have decided to give up my desk job career and redirected to another path. The path of building up a family corporation. But, little did I know, the people that I trusted to support me will turn their back at that moment. So the result end up in a nightmare. Hence, it was really disgusting and disappointing. But, what to do, I was already resigned from my desk job work, so I need to rise up again and find a new way so I can earn my living.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
What I usually do, when I got stuck on such situation and such mean people, is that I ignore them. I also say to myself this: “let them be!” because frankly, they don’t own your life and they pull you down from what they see negative in you. So, the best way is to ignore them and just be who you are. As long as you are not hurting or violating no one. They don’t own your life, and you can be successful in the small ways you do. And try to remember that success is the best revenge in every struggle. Learn from them, and learn how to fight back from your success rather than put violence, put as your inspiration to do better things in life. And at the end of the day, you’ll be laughing at them because they’re the ones who are weak and not you.
• Indonesia
7 Jan 13
Some people like to do it, perhaps because they want to feel superior than you. When you encountered something like this, you can just ignore them and prove that they are wrong by achieving your goal. That's the only way to prove that they are wrong to underestimate you. Don't give up, since it's what they want, because usually people who underestimate others because they don't like to see other people become successful.
@mranjaan (136)
7 Jan 13
My dear frienf, dont be depressed by the behaviors of people. There are very few people who will appreciate you otherwise everybody will try to under estimate you. So dont think it deeply, ignore it. And go ahead.
7 Jan 13
Hi, That's tough! on my personal view that's right thing to do prove her wrong and consider her underestimation as "the challenge is on", Maybe it would be better if you will not say any committing statements about your chosen field or argue with her to justify your decision, I suggest just give her a very nice smile and don't answer back when the topic is being brought up. Do your best from your chosen career and give more than she expects. Good results will paid off everything from the underestimation and maybe just maybe she may come to realize and admit that you were right from your decision and even praise and congratulate you just like a proud mama! yeah!
@theoana (97)
• Romania
7 Jan 13
I learned to ignore. Really, this saves a lot of wasted time. People are different and they have different opinions and it is completely normal to be like this. When people bring you down, you have to trust yourself first and foremost. You have to trust that what you do is the right thing. We can't choose our families but we can choose our friends and the rest of people that are close to us. Make sure that you are surrounded by positive people, by friends that don't make like more difficult for you. Your parents have their own opinions. They may be right in some aspects, but they can't control your life. You need to listen to their advice, but in the end it's up to you what you decide to do with your life.
@lokisdad (4226)
• United States
18 Jan 16
I really don't care much people do it all the time so I have learned to not value what they think or say when its negative. i just go about my life and keep working on what everyone says ill never do and then when i do rub it in their faces.
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
That is really hard- when people around you just get you down for no good reason. What i do when that happens to me is i just do not listen to them and i turn to my family- since they encourage me to do what i want. Even if the world gets you down, they definitely won't.
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
7 Jan 13
frankly speaking i will blow up if someone underestimates me. i think all people will act like me. it is very normal people get angry if someone underestimate them. every people have dignity and self esteem and they want to be respected. it is natural cos being respected is one of people basic rigths. but of course there are some reasobs or condition why people are being underestimated by others. for example they are really bad people so no body respect them. it is understable. maybe i will take somebody underestimate me in a competition cos they dont know our ability. or i will be ok to be underestimated if im in a community with good particular skill while i dont have that skill at all. or else. but above all, i think being underestimated is very painful. they should talk to us politely or tell us about our faults instead of underestimate us. it is more civilized..
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
7 Jan 13
Hi when I was a kid my mom was like that. When I was in high school This was before internet. I wanted to take TV repair corse. Because I knew that would Lead to computer repair. This what gudiance counselor Say computer will only be A fad.what a idet. He would not let me sign up For the class. So what I do Now I'd ingore the kind of people If you are still in school you got to prove to your folks That you can do what you want to do OK have nice day.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
I would feel bad though it's not something I am not used to. Being underestimated is one of things I hate the most. But there is a positive side to it. That is it motivates people to make themselves better and surpass other people's expectations. Even horrible things are helpful sometimes.
@tshihmin2 (186)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 13
Well, many people like to take control of other people's life. Those people like to boss people around saying this and that. They like to be their own boss and I wonder if they got join any direct selling and be successful or not. I doubt they would be successful in that field! They only like to be their own boss of people and not in the business.
• India
7 Jan 13
Hi friend, we know about our real skills and talents, no one can judge or estimate us, i don't mind such kind of fools words and do my work with my confidence. I will just smile at the person who under estimate me and do my work with the motivation and made him/her to feel shame for under estimating me