Where will you be once life is over?

United States
January 6, 2013 3:28pm CST
This might be the wrong section to post this in but I am thinking about the after life. I mean 100 years is such a short time to be on this earth. I am 28 years old now and it just feels time is flying by. I mean my life is 1/4 over and I don't think I have even started it yet. The years just keep flying by as well. I thought 2013 was such a long way away when I was like 16 in 2000, but now it's here. Does anyone else think about this more than normal?
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3 responses
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
Hey, we are of the same age! I was also 16 years old in 2000 and I was in High School at that time. About to go to College. Time really flies by so fast. I can still imagine myself being a teenager.. I think I stopped growing up at the age of seventeen.. When life is over.. hmm.. that is a hard to ponder question. I am not afraid of the after life. I am just somewhat afraid of the pain in dying. I mean, physical pain. That is what I am mostly afraid of. If I will die, I want to die fast. No pain, no feelings. Nothing. Other than that, I am actually excited to the idea that all of us will live in the Garden God prepared for us
• United States
7 Jan 13
Good response.
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
Thank you soughtseven, though, I wish you could have said more so we could have something to discuss about..
• United States
10 Jan 13
Well I have to agree with you in all your aspects so I really didn't have much to add. Can't wait to spend eternity there.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
6 Jan 13
Lately I've been obsessive about this and life itself. You are too young to be thinking this way. I'm 65 years old and will be lucky to make it another 20 which I doubt. Don't think about the future please think about your now and what you are doing.
• United States
7 Jan 13
Good positive way to look at it. Thanks.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
7 Jan 13
I born in year 1989. I still not reach 24 years old yet. I agree with you time change so fast. 24 years i like 24 month. 1 year is just like 1 month. I still feel like i am still a child. Tup tup tap and we are in year 2013. Look like i'm still not ready to become adult people.