Life goes on...

January 7, 2013 12:06pm CST
After a long-term relationship with the guy I thought was meant for me, things turned out differently. It just went out of reach and the changes were overwhelming. Surely, he has his reasons as well, just like my old colleague. Things may be in a blur for now and I will not deny the fact that it reached a point where pain is too much to bear. But I'll survive though! It pains to relize that the person you were most comfortable with was the very person who has love you less than you have expected. Maybe they're right, too much togetherness can lead to break up. The rest as they say is history. The message was sent and understood thoroughly and I just hope he meant well with this changes. We had so much good times together and I can only hold on to those memories. After all, he had been a very good friend before. I'd rather think that just like my old colleague, he meant well.
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7 responses
@theoana (97)
• Romania
7 Jan 13
You definitely have to move on. God has another plan for you, it means that you will meet something better. And you know what? I'm very sure of this. A lot of break ups are taking place, some may be taking place as we speak but also some people may say their vows for life right now! You shouldn't be in despair, you know what they say that every bad sign actually has a good meaning. Learn to appreciate the good times that you had together, and leave the rest in the past. If things are not meant to be, just let them be. Your life is much more important that any such issue. And always remember, you are in total control of your life. Nobody else is, not even you ex.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Thanks Theona! This really helps... You're right, I'm in total control with my life so I should face 2013 with a better perspective. :D
• Romania
7 Jan 13
yes this is the attitude that I want to see! Be happy , good things will come your way.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
8 Jan 13
Hold on to the good memories and let the rest of it go. Wish him well and hope that he and you both find people who will make your life brighter. take the time to think of all the things you learned about yourself in this relationship....
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
Thanks 34momma! Will do that... :D
@sajujohn (1005)
• India
7 Jan 13
Same condition here my friend. It happens and when it happens it really pains a lot. But don't give up. Just help you to move on your life. Because if you failed in that then everyone will make fun of you. As far as I am concerned I have decided not to forget her even though she forget me easily. This is only my condition because I wanted and wants to love only one girl which I think even though she is not perfect for me I will love her. This is only my condition and never go behind it as it may ruin your life. My advice is that try to engage in more other activities and and be active so that you can easily forget him and start concentrating in your life. Gradually you will get the Mr.right for you when the God thinks it is the right time for you.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Hi Sajujohn! That's definitely what I'm gonna do. Expose myself to other worthwhile activities. I'm also a believer in this: 'God gives, God takes away'. Maybe he's gone in a life for a better reason. god surely has the bes plans for me. He always has for everyone. :D
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
7 Jan 13
Well, it's always hard to survive the ceasing of a relationship. But hey, see it as an experience! At least you have some slight insight in how you should behave, or what kind of person to look for. And at least you have sweet memories - I hope so :). Life goes on, and well, positive view of life is the most important thing! See this as a new day, an era of new chances and new hopes! :)
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
Yup, life goes on indeed. Yes, we do have some sweet memories. I guess, it's always good to look back on the good times. We'll take this as an experience and I'll surely learn from it. :)
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
7 Jan 13
Too bad you both could not sit down and deeply talk about how things are changing. I am in a long term relationship and we both have gone through changes, but we always talk about what we are feeling, where we are going, the changes, etc. Too much togetherness in itself doesn't break up a relationship. When my husband and I have been together a lot, we will say to each other that we need some time to pursue our own hobbies, take a solitary walk or visit our own friends. Communication, open communication is so important. People don't just drift apart without a reason, so communication is vital to a long term relationship. At least, with communication, you and your significant other can understand why you are going in different directions and then, make a mutual decision about it. Good memories are wonderful but good communication is vital to a long term relationship.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
I always believed that communication is a vital factor in a relationships success. We have been trying to have an open communication the entire time we were together. However, his work eventually demanded him to go in and out of the country from time to time. He travels a lot becaus of his job. We have been friends for more than a decade before we got into a romantic relationship. I know he dreams big time. He has plans for himself. I don't want to hinder him with that. His career was never an issue with me but I guess it just wasn't working for us. I'm happy with how things are going his way now. After all, I'm one of his good friends back then. I can only wish for his happines. AS for me, life goes on. I'm still young. I'm sure there's still a lot that I need to experience. I wish one day, I'll find a guy and have a relationship with that just like you and your husband. I'll always make sure communication will always be there. Thank you! :D
• China
8 Jan 13
I think the most friendly break-up will sting. I think the best way is to accept it and then move on. We are planned to meet the wrong person before we meet the right one. So, don't worry, there will be someone right for you. You should never give up.
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
Yup, that's right! Let's not lose hope in every fall we may encounter in life. Those obstacles are there to teach us a lesson or two and help us become a better person someday. Thanks! Happy myLotting! :)
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
7 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Yes u are absolutely right, life moves on and i think u should forget that dark phase and the relationship u were into. Misunderstandings do happen in every relationship and i think people should be sensible and matured enough to handle it properly. Now forget what people are saying and it is your life and your decision to move on. What say?
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
I totally agree with you on this! What other people about you doesn't make up yourself. What you do matters. So i'm breathing in...breathing out... and moving on! :D Thanks!