I Stood Up To Them!

Valdosta, Georgia
January 9, 2013 7:48pm CST
I usually back down to everyone and let them tell me what I am going to do...Today though was very different. It felt so good too. I am no longer going to be taken advantage of or told what to do. I am grown and people need to respect me. Someone told me they are going to pick me up Saturday morning and spend all day with them. Usually, I would have went along with them and never said anything...I told them, um I have plans Saturday so no your not picking me up. I know it's a baby step but everyone has to start somewhere right?
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33 responses
• United States
10 Jan 13
Good for you! I used to do whatever someone else wanted to do...until the time came when I COULDN'T do it. Since I've had multiple sclerosis 14 1/2 years, I've finally begun to learn my limits. For instance, if it's hot and humid outside, I know I'm going to have problems walking pretty quickly and I try to stay indoors. I can't walk long distances, or rapidly anymore; I kind of amble along now, with a slight limp. If someone doesn't want to accommodate me with my limitations, I'm fine with not going. In my opinion, it's their loss. And if I'm invited to someplace that I really don't want to go or don't feel comfortable, I've learned to give my regrets. It's about how I feel. It took a heck of a lot of baby steps to get where I am-and I'm proud of you too!
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• United States
10 Jan 13
My only problem is that I'm a Type-A personality, so if I've decided it needs to be done, it needs to be done RIGHT NOW! But typically, people don't respond to my requests for help, or to do something, so either I end up doing it myself (and getting hurt in the process), or it just doesn't get done (and I get criticized because it's not done). Basically, I lose either way, and that's my motivating factor to say NO.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you scorpio! =) I am sure MS makes things very difficult for you to do. When I was in school one of my teachers had it and I saw how hard things became for her also, it was hard to see that since I was so close to her. Yes one step at a time, I'll get there! =)
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Jan 13
Congratulations on making this emotional-hurdle! I too sometimes have trouble standing up to people. And sometimes I too, get taken advantage of. But, I've been learning. I still have far to go. And I'm glad that you've taken the your baby steps.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Jan 13
...one step at a time! Soon, you'd find that you're a totally different person!
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
10 Jan 13
A better one, I mean!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you! =) It is the worst being taken advantage of. I for one, am sick of it. I have my own thoughts and voice, from now on I will use them. Lol. I have a long way to go too but one step at a time!
• Canada
10 Jan 13
You're darn right it's a great first step. One small step for humankind, one giant leap for you, and that's a good thing!! As you continue on your journey, you'll get more and more assertive, and your steps will become larger. Good for you for making this step. Keep up the good work.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you! Yeah, one step at a time and soon I will be able to fully defend myself! =)
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
10 Jan 13
You go , v good for you . I am a shy person but very strong will , I dont let anyone take advantage of me . It is good for you to stand up for yourself. Its baby step but its a start and and they will soon come to realize that you will not allow them to walk over you anymore .
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you! I am a shy person too but not so strong willed. But I will be working on it... Yes, the more I do it the more they will realize its not okay to take advantage of me anymore...
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
I used to be very "obedient". I do not complain when I am being asked to do something most especially when I know that I can really do it. I always readily oblige. But things have changed now. It seems that people around me don't use their heads anymore. They would all rely on me. Well, I have learned to say no. And they should learn to start using their head.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
I have always been the same way. I did whatever anyone wanted me to do, whether I wanted to or not or whether I had something else to do or not. Not anymore. Things are MY way now. I will have my own life and live it the way I want to. =) I am slowly learning to say NO also! Phew it feels nice.
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
10 Jan 13
Whewwww... This is a new you... Are you sure you wanted to be this way? Yes, and just baby steps but your is no longer baby steps. That's alrealdy a frog's leap. Lol. Go for it girl wheeeee h eeeee whooo hoooot
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Yes I am sure. I don't like people walking all over me all the time. Thanks mavic! =)
@Mavic123456 (21891)
• Thailand
10 Jan 13
Yes, very good.p. that could be really the start of something new,l, happy new year
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Good for you! You have to make sure you have boundaries with people so they won't walk all over you. It's doesn't mean that you are rude or being mean. it's putting the world on nasty of your worth and your time. keep up the good work my friend
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jan 13
Thank you, it took a lot for me to do that but I'm so glad I did now. They will soon learn I am no longer their doormat and I can no longer be pushed around. They will probably not like me for a while but that is okay with me!
• United States
10 Jan 13
Well good for you LMB! It's not all that hard to do once you get used to doing it. It's called asserting yourself, and it's really a simple procedure. There is no reason at all to do things you really do not want to do. The worse part is, when you KNOW someone is taking advantage of you and you still do it. That's the part that hurts most and depresses us. Baby step or not, it's a start and you'll see yourself getting better and better at it.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
No Lamb, I don't get scared away that easily, you should know me better than that! Had some business to check on sorry! I am not going to be distracted again...Lol. Thank you kashmeresmycat! =) I will be doing it more often so I think it will get easier with time. The way it was demanded of me just hit the wrong button. I wasn't mean I was just to the point. I am getting sick of being taken advantage of...
• United States
10 Jan 13
Lambie, I think you freaked me out, lol! LMB....that's exactly how it happens....all of a sudden you're like "Hey, what's going on here".....good for you! You NEVER have to be mean, ever, just plain to the point. It's not that hard, trust me. When I was your age, I was sort of like you too, maybe a bit more aggressive, but not that much more. It took me a while to say, "Um, no thanks" too. Now, I'm a pro!
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@vandana7 (101499)
• India
10 Jan 13
Honey...let me tell you the next steps that are likely to come and how to tackle them. They wont take it lightly, especially if they've been used to walking all over you reducing you to doormat. They will have grapevines and back biting...and even try to show as if something is wrong with your mind. Bear with it, but remain firm. No fighting back, no defending, you have finished your battle. All that talk, especially when the grapevine feeds it back to you, will feel why people think so low of me. They will...but not for long...a year at the max two. Nobody has time to remember another person so much. And what more, it would soon be another person's turn. In all probability the turn of the person who troubled you. When that happens, whatever they spoke about you, now you have a chance to clarify if you must. Whatever you say now will carry more weight. Whatever happens...DONT LET PEOPLE MAKE YOU FEEL YOU BEHAVED BAD EVEN IF YOU DID. Remember it was self defense, and so permitted. Trust me, I have been there and done that, and I know how it feels to stand up to others.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jan 13
Yes I am waiting for the next step to come, and I know it will especially with these people... They are way too used to treating me this way for them to just back down easily. I am waiting for it most definitely. I know it will be a long process and they will most likely not want to be around me for a while but that is okay with me. It's better than hurting myself all the time and putting myself last all the time like I have done for so many years!
@allknowing (142015)
• India
10 Jan 13
If you have always let them walk all over you, your baby step will be misunderstood and they will keep you at bay, unless you have taken the decision to live your life without them.
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@allknowing (142015)
• India
10 Jan 13
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@allknowing (142015)
• India
10 Jan 13
I am saying this because I have experienced it. I too took those baby steps but those were misunderstood and they never got connected with me. But that suited me and so I am now living my life without them.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
I don't mind not having them around, that is their problem not mine. I am not going to keep letting others walk all over me, take advantage of me and boss me around! Life without them might actually be more peaceful for me.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Right! I'm glad that you did this. It is good for us to stand up for ourselves. I actually had a friend say something similar to me one time but I told her that the certain day wouldn't work for me and that I would have to let her know what day would be better. We have to live our own life and not let others control us.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you. It is good, someday we might be the only ones that can stand up for ourselves. We might not have someone to do it for us so I know I have to learn it now... I'm tired of people thinking I don't matter or I don't have my own thoughts and opinions...
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• United States
10 Jan 13
Yeah I agree with you. I have been thinking about things like that. Most of my family live a distance away and I don't get to see them that often. My in laws live closer. But really I feel like it's just me against the world, honestly. But I have decided to take inspiration from others who have had to do things on there own. I'm hoping that next month I will be able to take some refresher courses for college if everything works out ok. I really do have to start looking out for myself and my daughter. It's the best way that I can stand up for myself.
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• India
10 Jan 13
Hi friend, good to hear about your activity. WE have the rights to plan for our self based on our wish, as you have your own plans for your Saturday, so no one have the ability to change it. Spend your day based on your wish, all the best
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jan 13
Yes we should make ourselves happy instead of always being last in life. I matter too and my opinions should count for something. I am sick of letting others do this to me which is why I am now taking my life back into my own hands...
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
10 Jan 13
We all need boundaries. We all need to know how to say NO. I enjoy doing volunteer work but even with volunteer work, I had to learn to say NO. I am only ME and there is only 24 hours in a day and 8 of those hours I need to sleep. Also, I have a family and family comes first. And even my family knows that I need - ME time. So, don't feel bad or even guilty for saying NO. If we don't set boundaries for ourselves and respect ourselves, then there are some people who will take advantage of that. You made the right decision. It may be a baby step, but you are heading in the right decision. Good for you. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Yes sometimes saying No is necessary, like it was in this case tonight. I will not be told what to do anymore in my own life. If someone asks me and I feel like it then I will say yes but I am not being bossed around like I am someone's young kid any longer... I deserve better than that.
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
Yup you did the right thing, and there are really times when we need to speak up, say whats on our mind and never let other boss us around, even if we are just being kind. Listen to what they have to say but you dont have to always agree!
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thank you. That's true there are times where we need to speak up for ourselves or no one will...
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
Your welcome, yup its about time you speak your mind. I am like that too (before) but if i dont speak up, they will not know my opinions about things. So I listen but I speak up when I have too. Speaking up does not mean we disagree, it could also mean our opinion and thinking is not same as they are or maybe better. Stay Cool!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 Jan 13
That's excellent my friend, consider yourself on the path to pure assertiveness, as you said in your previous discussion saying no for the first time is very very difficult, especially if you are the type of person who will always say yes, after a few times, saying no becomes easier, and people will no longer see you as the person who will always say yes! By standing up for ourselves we actually get MORE respect rather than less believe it or not. You do learn the hard way and there comes a point, which you have reached where you say NO! You have to put YOUR needs first before others!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Jan 13
Yes thank you! =) I am tired of not getting any respect so this was my first step toward being my own person and boss. Lol. From now on if I don't want to do something I won't. Maybe people will start having a little more respect for me...
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
indeed! even if i really don't get what this is all about, all i can say is the road to change is it has to start with us.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jan 13
Well I have been letting people tell me what I should and should not do for a long time now. I am finally standing up for myself, that is what this discussion is about...
@hvedra (1619)
10 Jan 13
It's a good step. You put a boundary in place and as long as they respect that it's good. My problem is that I always put myself last - due to being ignored as a child. I'm always fixing stuff for everyone else and sometimes forget that I have my own needs too. What you need/want sometimes has to become your priority.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
Thanks! I do the same thing and I think its all in the same category. You should do something for you today and only you! One thing a day, I am working on that too. =)
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Good for you. I do that here also. Then I get told I'm the B8TCH cause I stood up to their manipulative controlling type of ways. I can't win for nothing. I hope you continue to assert yourself as I will and don't care much anymore what I'm called.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jan 13
I don't care if they call me that because I have been taking way too much garbage for too long now. If they call me that I must be doing something right for myself! Lol.
@theoana (97)
• Romania
10 Jan 13
I don't really understand why you did what everyone else told you to do until now. It's good that you have changed your attitude, it can bring only positive things.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
11 Jan 13
Just because that is the type of person I am. I never want to upset anyone and I never want anyone mad at me. So I back down all the time... But not anymore. I am going to start standing up for myself from now on...
@RookieLV (18)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 13
It was not something wrong to take other peoples opinion,advice,or saying.But its up to us to decide what direction we are going to take.Not all of their saying are bad.Some of them might be usefull or right for us.But you must decide what is the best for you.In taking decision you can be right or the opposite.So what ever that is its your responsible in what you had determined to do.So take wise decision before you do anything,don't do it just because you want to fight other peoples argument,well sometimes they can be right too.So think verry carefully.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jan 13
I'm not saying I am not going to listen to advice. That is not what this is about. I am saying I am not going to be bossed around anymore like I don't matter! I always hear people's advice just in case I need it someday...