Great Family

January 9, 2013 8:53pm CST
Hi! I'm still single but in a relationship so far. For me, having a great family is tough. The best family are all christians which I believe a family that prays together stays forever.
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5 responses
• Marikina, Philippines
10 Jan 13
That is correct. A family that prays together stays forever, but it is not only apply only for Christian. It applies for every one. Anyway, what kind of Christian. Is it Catholic? Catholic believes in "institution" and so, they believe in that kind of saying.
• India
10 Jan 13
Thats great that you are in a relationship as you will be learning many things that will be needed/ required for becoming a family. I do not agree with this that only christians makes good family. Maybe you are not aware that there are other religions too. Other religions also teach the same lessons with christianity teaches us. I believe that the biggest religion is humanity. If humans leave away every fear, anxiety, hatred, jealousy etc and just spread love then no family can become close like this family. It applies for every nuclear family as well. God bless u
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
17 Jan 13
Our Lady of Fatima wants us to pray a daily rosary - Our Lady of Fatima asked to pray a daily rosary to grant peace of world, peace of souls, peace of families. In 1917.
Hello Junellado, I`m happy for you. I`m happy that you have dreams. Pitty on those without dreams. And is true, I believe on the statement that "family that prays together stays forever" I try to enhance my family to pray with me the rosary, sometimes I have sucess to sit them around table, to pray with me, sometimes we pray the rosary when we travel by car. Sometimes we pray it in another languaje just like latin, english, french or italian, to vary. When my sons were kids I played with them and the rosary. I told them lets pray the rosary as if we were cats, meow, or letspray the rosary as if we were big bears, or lets pray it so fast, or very slowly as we were asleep. I try to encourage my husband to pray the rosary with me late night, before the Big Bang Theory episode. Sometimes I get asleep, but he wakes me up, but most of time he gets asleep because he is very tired of his labor day, and most of time it`s me who rests awake to finish the rosary. I have prayed the rosary, a daily rosary for the last 18 years, and I love when they pray with me. I offered Virgin Mary to pray a daily Rosary til I`m 80, if I got 80. Our lady of Fatima wants us to pray a daily rosary to grant the peace of world, beginning with the peace of families. It isnĀ“t easy, but it worth the effort. Blessings Junellado, welcome to mylot... dainy
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
We really cannot choose our family. However God has given us a family. They are from God. We have purposes for our families too. If they are not christian then it is our responsibility to pray for them and if they are let us thank God for them. Every family has its own struggle and not all are perfect. A great family is the family of God who believes, love, and obey Him.
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• China
10 Jan 13
I have to say,there is a skeleton in every house.But after all,we are blood in blood and I think everyone wish the family to be happy always.Nothing can ruin it except itself.Anyway,bese wishes to you and your family.