I Am In Shock Over My Poor Treatment At The Doctor's

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
January 10, 2013 6:07am CST
I really don't know where to turn. Of all the people I have seen in the past few months over my heavy bleeding, I thought my own doctor would've been the one to support me. But, no, I was wrong. I think he MUST be a Cancerian as his mood was completely different from the last time I saw him, unfortunately for me. In fact, it was like seeing another doctor..and I got nowhere with my concerns over that Junior Doctor being 'disappointed' she couldn't give me an internal examination due to my vaginismus. 'All she wants you to do is to relax' he told me. I also told him I didn't want to take any more contraception (the Mini Pill) on top of the Mirena Coil dose I already have. His response was astounding and he kept talking over me whenever I tried to air my views. Firstly, he went ape-sh*t that I had only taken one of the Mini Pills. He said, the doctor at the hospital was there to help me out and I have refused treatment. He also said that 'I would've been bloody annoyed as well if I wasn't able to examine you properly' more or less saying that my vaginismus is being used as an excuse. This has happened more times than I care to remember. I told him I cannot help the way I am but he just pushed my words aside like I was a 5 year old. I will still go and have a Pelvic Ultrasound a week on Saturday as you never know, something might be found that wasn't picked up in 2010. If not, I shall have to grin and bear it and face the full force of any wrath that comes my way in March, when I go back to the hospital and tell them that I haven't taken the Mini Pill after all. I believe they are delaying the inevitable. My way of looking at it is..have the hysterectomy now instead of going all round the houses until getting to that point, which could take years. Oh, by the way, the silliest thing the doctor said today was, 'Any operation has its risks due to potential problems with anaesthetic. In fact, it was bloody inconvenient for them to have to put you under in order to have the Mirena Coil fitted, where normally an operation would not be necessary, at less cost too.' In other words, it was planned all along. I was right! This business about opening me up to have a look around for polyps was a smoke-screen, as the real reason for doing so was to fit the Mirena Coil! I don't trust any of the medics here in Cumbria. The only way forward now is to go private. But where? The private sector may be just as bad in this area. Sometimes I wish I was still living in Blackpool. The care I received there was far better.
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11 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 Jan 13
He sounds like a right Jekyl and Hyde character, I was really hoping to hear of a positive outcome from your visit today, sounds like it was a bad dream, the only thing different was that you were living the bad dream. I know healthcare can variate soooo much. When I lived in Essex the care I got was appalling both from the doctors and from the psychiatrists, in fact if I had of been stronger I could have taken legal action, but I wasn't in any fit state and they knew it. When I moved to Kent, I got the exact opposite, like polar extremes, they couldn't do more for me and my doctor is wonderful. And even found the right antidepressant for me and gave me the support I needed, far superior to Essex, and that's just ONE county away! Yet so different in their approach. I am so sorry this happened to you today my friend, you deserve so much better.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I've heard about this kind of thing before. It's called the Postcode Lottery. I'm convinced if I moved back to Blackpool I'd get better treatment as I've already had an operation for cyst removal (where my knicker elastic goes so it had to be in gynaecology) but there again, it was in the mid-90s, so it may have gone downhill there as well. I wish there was some kind of league table I could look at!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I've written a review on the NHS Choices website regarding my earlier visit to the surgery..and, lo and behold, I've just had a telephone call from a 12 year old called Claire and I said, 'I don't want to talk to anyone from there' and hung up. I know it could be unconnected with my review (as it was anonymous, but there again I mentioned my vaginismus so it could only be me..and it's the only review as well so..) but I really couldn't be arsed with them. They can crawl all they like but I'm not ready to talk to anyone from there at the moment. I feel sorry for the reception staff as they're lovely; it's the doctors who haven't got a clue!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
My bloody review hasn't registered! I wonder if they've deleted it at the surgery. It does make you wonder!!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Jan 13
sounds like HMO hell... Do you have the option to select another doctor within the system? And is there a complaint process?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Jan 13
Awesome, I'm glad that you actually have that option!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
Complaining is a long, drawn-out process and there still isn't the guarantee I will get what I want at the end of it. There's been a guy botching up mastectomies elsewhere in the country and he's been doing so for years and only just been investigated.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I have decided to change Medical Practices. Each Practice has so many doctors and I have found another one within walking distance. I have filled a form in that I printed off and shall post it tomorrow. There is my telephone number on there in case they need to contact me. All that should happen is my records are transferred from one Practice to the other. No doubt they will let me know when it is all completed and I can make an appointment with one of their many (7) doctors there.
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@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
10 Jan 13
I don't know what's going on with dr's today. I have a few things wrong with me and after a lot of tests none of them can even tell me what's wrong with me. I'm beginning to hate dr's. Maybe you could get a referral from one of your friends for a new dr. Other than that I guess you have to grin and bear it. I'm so sorry your going through this. I will pray for you.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I really thought I was getting somewhere with this particular doctor and he was sooo different from my previous meeting with him. Perhaps he knew that the Mini Pill was going to be prescribed when he referred me to the hospital, but kept that bit of information to himself? It's the dishonesty I cannot abide. I mean, I could've been dishonest and told the doctor at my follow-up appointment in March that I'd taken all the Mini Pills and they hadn't worked but I've chosen to be honest and confide in my doctor instead..and look at the results. Hardly what I expected. Oh, well, back to the drawing board!
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@BarBaraPrz (48956)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Jan 13
A doctor who doesn't listen to the patient is useless. Is there no way you could see the doctor you had in Blackpool?
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I could look into it but I doubt the GP (General Practitioner) there would be any different to the one here as they're all very similar and stick together like glue. If, for example, the Primary Care Trust in Blackpool is cutting back on operations then I will be in the same boat as I am here, so to speak. The National Health Service is very secretive. I can find out how many hysterectomies were done nationally last year but to look into it by region - well, I'd probably have to go down the Freedom of Information Act route..and even then, that won't determine whether or not I can have the operation I crave right now. The Warwick Road Surgery Manager (Claire) rang me earlier but, once I found out where she was from I just said, 'I don't want to speak to anyone from there' and hung up. No doubt the reception staff saw me storm out the earlier on building and I should imagine Dr Voysey was crawling to the manager if she asked him questions as to why left in the way I did. That's my feeling anyway. The one sentence that really upset me from him was this (when I told him that the Mini Pill instructions said nothing about them being used in conjunction but INSTEAD of the Mirena Coil):- "Well, we can't take the Mirena Coil out of you can we as you would have to be under general anaesthetic, like you were when it was put in..and it costs more money to do it that way!" So, in other words, he doesn't even want me to have the Mirena Coil taken OUT as I would have to go under general anaesthetic. I'm not normal you see. He didn't say that but that's what he meant.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
I am changing Practices. Each Practice (Medical Centres usually) have so many doctors within them and it's that I am changing. I have filled in the form and will send it tomorrow. Hopefully, I shall be accepted without any problems and the records will be transferred from Warwick Road Surgery to St. Paul's. The latter has more doctors and more patients (and taking more in) so I've got a much better chance of seeing one who CARES. Warwick Road only has 5,000 patients or so with 3 doctors. St.Paul's is also within walking distance.
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@BarBaraPrz (48956)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
10 Jan 13
Here's hoping you get a doctor who actually listens to the patient, at the new practice.
• United States
10 Jan 13
Is it possible to switch to another doctor who is a bit farther away but gets good reviews/recommendations? I know how hard it can be to find a good doctor. Of course, I'm in the U.S.; I would think that there would be more good doctors in the U.K. At least, that would be my hope, since I've considered relocating there--and it is still somewhat on the table, but it may be a bit farther down the road than I'd been thinking. I don't know what we are doing really... At any rate, I'm one to shop around for a doctor. I'll go to one once or twice; if I don't like him or her, I'll continue on down the road until I find one with whom I can work.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Jan 13
In my case I think I've just been unlucky. I never knew (until I delved into it on the NHS website) how many other Medical Practices there are in Carlisle, so I'm going to join another one within walking distance. It has a higher rating for a start and the two reviews I've read are extremely favourable. All that should happen is Warwick Road Surgery should just transfer my medical records over to them at their request. I've filled a form of registration that I've just printed off and I shall post it tomorrow. The new Practice is called St. Paul's and has 7 doctors instead of 3, so more to choose from lol.
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• United States
11 Jan 13
Honestly, I think you should head over to http://bad-service.livejournal.com/ and post the whole saga there. It's a worldwide community and there are plenty of folks from the UK who can give you suggestions on where to go to report this, because it absolutely needs to be reported. You have more than enough on your plate with the vaginismus and all of the other things that are going wrong. You don't need to deal with uppity health care providers who think that their degree automatically trumps your right to make informed choices about the care you receive for your health problems. You posted about why you weren't taking the mini pill, didn't you? I'm sorry... my memory is crap these days and I honestly don't remember. But anyway, if he thinks that the mini pill is such a wonderful thing, then maybe he should be taking it. Seriously, it's your body and the decisions about what goes into it are yours to make. Hell, the decisions about what comes out of it should be yours to make, too... up to and including unnecessary, troublesome organs if and when it comes down to it. So if Doctor Know-It-All wants to give you a rash of crap about not popping your pills like a good little sheep, you just look him in the eye and tell him that you did try, but you had a bad reaction to it and discontinued use because of that. And if they tell you that you can't have a bad reaction after taking one or two pills, they're completely full of it. My pharmacy ran out of my normal pill and substituted a different generic one month. I took one pill and went off the deep end within two hours of taking it. Bugf*ck nuts, physically attacking my husband, the whole nine yards. It was awful. And the worst part is that the active ingredients in it are supposed to be identical to the one I normally take. And oh my god, I completely understand how utterly frustrating it is to have something wrong with you but none of the stupid tests show anything wrong. I started a discussion about my own crap experience with an orthopedic specialist about nine months ago ( http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2654251.aspx ) and since then I've had a couple series of x-rays, a CT of my pelvis, an MRI of my left hip, and a nerve conduction study and EMG. The x-rays and the CT show that the left side of my pelvis is displaced, but they will not say that the displacement is what's causing the pain because everything else has come back normal. Thankfully the pain center I finally got referred to isn't treating me like it's all in my head, but I could have throttled that jerk of an orthopedic specialist. *hugs* I hope that you get approved to go to a different practice. Doctors should be there to help you, not give you crap about things that are completely out of your control. Hopefully the new practice will have doctors who are a lot more understanding of your medical conditions, and are willing to work with you to get the resolution you want.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 13
What a brilliant response. Thank you so much for all that information (and I have read it all) as you fully understand how frustrated I am at not being LISTENED TO. I shall check the journal out too. There are a couple of reasons why I didn't carry on with taking the Mini Pill. For starters, I took one and after about 2 hours in my head started banging, my uterus felt like it was going to explode, and the bleeding GOT WORSE..and that was after ONE PILL! I tried telling my doctor all this but he was so mortified I'd only taken one that he was on the defensive from the start. He twisted it round saying, 'You mean to tell me you are REFUSING TREATMENT THAT WILL HELP YOU?!' so that's the kind of thing I was up against yesterday. If I hadn't got out the room when I did I would've broken down in a heap, in floods of tears and no doubt he'd be stood over me saying, 'Oh, for God's sake woman, get a GRIP!'
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
13 Jan 13
Yes, Nurses (and, in some cases, Chemists) know more than the Doctors, who are the ones receiving the biggest salaries for doing less work. I was told for months that I should 'give the Mirena Coil more time' and it was only 2 YEARS IN that I decided to visit the doctor about the bleeding. I would've punched him if he'd said it too along with the hospital staff but he did seem sympathetic, initially. Not so the other day though as I've obviously gone against the treatment that all the sheep (women) tend to accept without any arguments whatsoever, and he didn't like being challenged on it.
• United States
11 Jan 13
Oh, while I'm thinking about it... make sure to tell the ultrasound tech that you're concerned that the coil may have perforated your uterus. The bleeding could be from something else entirely (mine was just from irritation when I had the Paragard in), but it absolutely won't hurt to have the tech keeping an eye out for that sort of thing just in case.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Jan 13
I guess doctors everywhere are the same. I had excessive bleeding and suffered for around 5 years. Tried every kind of medicine and different kinds of doctors starting with English medicine, going on to Ayurveda and then homeopathy. Nothing worked and finally everyone I went to suggest hysterectomy. I wasn't even 30 at the time and my husband (who is a pharmacologist) dissuaded me from getting one. An acquaintance suggested a doctor that she went to and the doctor asked me to taken the tablets that postpone bleeding. Unlike the 2-3 days that we usually take it for, I had to take it for a whole month and you won't believe this!!! My bleeding got back into control....much better than earlier and I had my periods on time...unlike earlier when it was irregular.
@GardenGerty (162685)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Heads up Janey, in the US there are lawsuits being filed about the Mirena Coil. Research that and consider yourself armed. You are old enough and have enough troubles they should be considering a hysterectomy. I was a bit younger when I had one, and the doctor told me, over my protests that he WOULDremove my ovaries as well to prevent ovarian cancer. We disagreed and he finally said if they were healthy I could keep them. Turns out that when they got inside I had severe endometriosis, and the ovaries had to go as well.They could not detect it before the surgery. My surgery was due to fibroids. I took estrogen replacement for about two years and quit it. Never been sorry. You need to be where you can get good care. I did not see this doctor before I was referred and only saw him a couple of times after, but my care was good and I appreciate that fact.
• United States
13 Jan 13
first mistake here is the word "he". i've noticed by and large a lot of male doctors could give a lesser about women's complaints.you wonder why they even go into that branch of medical. i had 5 male doctors ignore a problem i was having,and finally a 6th-a female doctor-fixed it.
@GreenMoo (11833)
11 Jan 13
Are you saying that you didn't know they intended to fit the soil during that surgery? If so, that's very serious. Have you considered alternative medicine? A really good herbalist might be able to assist with the bleeding, without the contraceptives or exploratory surgery. I've never attended one personally, but I'm sure a good one would be able to give you at least an idea of whether they could help in an initial chat. If you could reduce the bleeding I'm sure you'd feel better, both physically and in yourself, and it would not prevent you from continuing your pressure on the conventional medical system for a hysterectomy if that's what you want to do.
@GreenMoo (11833)
14 Jan 13
You have my sincere sympathies hon. I've never met anyone who has admitted to suffering with vaginismus and reading your posts has just made me realise the impact that it has.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 13
Yes, I did consent to the Mirena Coil BUT, crucially, the surgeon wrote a note saying, 'To be fitted as a last resort' to put my mind at rest. I aired my concerns and she told me she was 'likely' to find polyps. This suggested to me that the Mirena Coil would NOT be fitted. Anyway, in Recovery this foreign guy came round with his clipboard (not the surgeon, even though she reassured me she would) and he uttered the words 'Mirena Coil' to all the women he spoke to before me. So, when it came to me I just knew what he was about to say and burst into tears. You see, because of my vaginismus I can't just say to a doctor, 'Whip the thing out' and I cannot take it out myself either. I wish I could but I know I can't. So, I'm stuck with it..for another 3 years or so. In fact, my doctor told me in a previous visit that there tends to be 'back to back coils if the first one doesn't work' and that mortified me as well as I'd be 55 once the 10 years is up. That's 10 years of contraception I don't want or need. I have no idea what's going to happen with this coil. If I want it out I shall have to 'go under' and that costs more money. This is the bit that frustrated the doctor and I told him I can't help the way I am but he just brushed it aside like I was a nobody who doesn't know anything. Needless to say, I am changing doctors. In fact, changing Medical Centre. I have a horrible feeling my treatment won't improve but I just need to get away from that Clown, as he has let me down big time.
• United States
10 Jan 13
Is there someone you can report that to. You defintely deserve better as a patient and I'd look into that if I were you.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 13
Basically, I'm arranging to sign up for a new Medical Practice, which is just down the road from the one I'm having problems with. There are more doctors too and the ratings are higher..so fingers crossed I get accepted. No reason why I shouldn't really.