Single Mother Needing To Make Extra Money

United States
January 10, 2013 10:53am CST
I am a single mother with a full time job looking for honest ways to make money online. I am so tired of getting scammed out of my own money when I am just wanting to earn a little extra. Any good scam free money making sites out there?
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9 responses
@boral1 (135)
10 Jan 13
Try But strictly follow the rules there. Otherwise you will not be paid.
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• India
10 Jan 13
Iam not really in earning money online. If you have good writing skills then start blogging,publish articles and do freelance writing jobs. You can also checkout sites paying for microworks.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 Jan 13
the only way to make money online no matter what you are doing is to have a downline or referrals. If anyone tells you otherwise they are not being honest. Now you can make some money online doing mylot and other sites like it, but to make real money, bill paying money you need to find the best "free money making site you can" then start telling everyone you know about it by having them join you through your link. If they all like it as much as you do then they will stay and you will make money from their efforts. Other then that... You are never going to make more then maybe $5 or $10 a month.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Everyone thinks they can do it on their own. but if you look at almost all money earning sites online, they are all set up to bring in new people. I do Herbalife. I sell the products and I also build a strong downline. So I am bring in not money, but a monthy income. Sometimes if you follow the right people who are going to be honest with you and know that if they help you to become successful they will also become successful, then you can learn how to do pretty well online. First you have to not be afriad to fail! I have been creating an income online for 10 years now, I have lost more money then I care to even mention or remember. But it was those loses taht allowed me to keep on going. Then I found sites like mylot and a list of others along with people who really wanted to watch me grow and become successful. Now I am talkg what I have learned and am helping others to also create and income online. It's my life's purpose to help 1 million people to become successful!!
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Kidheartless... if you want to earn more then you have to go for it. You can't be afriad to fail or to lose a few bucks. Invest in yourself and know that everything you want you can have!!! Just fo for it. with online you can do 1 of 3 things. You can make a few bucks, you can make some money, or you can create an income. Which ever you want to do is perfectly fine. you just have to decide which one is best for you, then go for it!!
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
10 Jan 13
I agree with you. I make about $100 a month, but I have referrals that are active because I have exchanged sites with them.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Try You can register for free and look over thousands of jobs. You will be a private contractor for any employer who hires you there. You never pay oDesk anything unless you earn, and even then they only take $1.00 each time you request a payout.
• United States
10 Jan 13
Thank you, I will look into this. Have you tried this yourself?
• United States
10 Jan 13
Hmmm. I will also look into this oDesk place. HOpefully it brings me some good work.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Yes. I was hired to do a key word search by one employer. That was the first job I bid on. It was for $2 an hour and it was very easy work. I made a pretty good bit of money by the time I finished that job because he had a very long list. After that job, I have done a lot of transcription work for employers on there. Most of them pay by the auditory hour which takes me quite a bit of time because I'm not a real fast typist, but usually I can find jobs that pay $15-$22 per audio hour. I have not worked for any employers there that wouldn't pay me. Most of them just want you to do a good job and get their work done for them.
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• United States
10 Jan 13
Thank you, I actually went to school for medical transcription. I will look into this.
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• Puerto Rico
11 Jan 13
A simple way for you to make money right now is to write an ebook about being a single mom. There are so many single moms out there who need advice on how to cope and raise kids and if you think you know a thing or two about being a single mom then you can give it a shot. Get a paypal account I assume you already have one. Learn how to make a sales page get a thank you page and bam you can make quick money like that. The other route is to make a kindle book and sign up for KDP that stands for Kindle Direct Publishing I've heard stories about people making a killing on there so check it out. Peace.
• United States
11 Jan 13
Thank you for your suggestion, i will check it out.
• United States
11 Jan 13
I have to agree, writing kindle books is the best way to go. It's easier than, you think. Or, doing data entry, publishing, there are a lot of freelance web-sites out there. Just watch out for the ones that want you to pay monthly fee. i have found most of them to be a scam.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
Sorry to hear about those experience online, friend. Your in the right website, to ask the opinion of others here. Even if I can't give you the best opinion to earn online. I think our fellow here will give more advice on what is the best site to join and make some extra income. If you are good in writing article you can make some extra cash for that skills,friend. There is a website,called freelance, and you can bid jobs there.
@namiya (1717)
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
I am also a single mom of three who are now full grown adults and I brought them up all alone. I also have a full time job then but my salary was not enough to support all our needs particularly education expenses when my eldest entered college. To augment my income I did buy and sell jobs in between and this helped us through until they had all finished their studies. I tried searching for online works when I resigned but due to lack of technical expertise had not been successful and realized that I could earn more by engaging in offline activities and just base my activity here at home. This is just a personal experience as we have a different culture and I had no idea if this could be applicable in your place.
• China
11 Jan 13
I don't have experience in this, but i will give you my best wishes for you. The baby is so cute. You are so fortunate to have the baby accompany you in your life.