Trying to eat healthier and ugh these cravings are killing me.....

@trisha27 (3494)
United States
January 12, 2013 9:03pm CST
So I'm trying my best to eat healthier and its really hard. I want to lose a few pounds and its so hard when I'm wanting something really salty or I want something that's taste like chocolate. So when I want something like that, I forget about wanting to eat something healthy and go for the salty chips or that candy bar. I want to stay away from the junk food. But anyway, does anyone have any healthy alternatives to when I want something salty or when I want chocolate. I'm trying to stay away from candy bars and chips. Cause those are my killers. Then I'm back to eating junk food all over again. Any ideas thanks.
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8 responses
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Jan 13
I firmly believe that the more you deprive yourself the sooner you will get to the same weight that you are now. You may lose but it won't last. I think everything in moderation should be the rule. It may take you longer to lose but it will stay off longer. Start parking further away from the store, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator and things like this. Don't over eat but don't deprive yourself of things you really like. All things in moderation.
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
14 Jan 13
I agree with you. That`s why I picked the Mediterranean diet to slim down. You can eat everything. But you are supposed to eat more veggies and fruit and less carbs and fats. I discovered that if I drank a smoothie for lunch, I would not feel I had an empty stomach and I can have that and not much more.
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@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
14 Jan 13
I feel like my stomache knows. If I eat junk my body craves junk, but if I eat good stuff I am more inclined to crave better stuff. Most of the time!lol
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
13 Jan 13
I hear when people really want to eat something, it means their body needs it, I don't know whether it's right or not, but I feel it's true. Maybe you can try to do more exercises to lose weight. I like chocolate and the salty things, but I like riding a bike, I ride a bike to work, two hours a day. Now I am still healthy and slim.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
13 Jan 13
Yeah I had a friend tell me that too at work. She ate what she want and then she was like she just worked off the calories and she lost weight that way. But I know just eating junk food all the time just isn't healthy as well is another reason I'm wanting to cut down on junk food. Cause if it were up to me I'd eat junk food every day even if I would remain skinny. I have started doing exercising again, like doing belly dancing stair stepping and today I have rode my stationary bike for a mile. For me that's a start. I don't have much to lose, but I want to get started so it doesn't get out of hand and I'm back in the same spot I was a few years ago.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
13 Jan 13
With chocolate, I find it is milk chocolate that I have trouble with and so I try to go far dark chocolate especially if it is seventy percent on more. So in that case, just substitute the dark for the milk and you will not eat as much and try for a brand that is not as sweet. I eat tortilla chips or the baked potato chips. I know say you can eat the vegetable chips, but on reading the packages, they are almost as bad. You could go at a health food store and find what they have.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
18 Jan 13
Isn't it real crazy to be craving for all those junk food when you have told yourself that you want to start a healthier lifestyle? It's like the devil is whispering in your ear to go grab that Cola or that bag of chips or tat chocolate bar! So what can we do? Try to shake your head off and divert your attention to fruits instead. Easier said than done, actually, but if we have a great "mind over matter" thing, then we'd surely reach our goal.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
13 Jan 13
My first idea is different - I am showing you my full support over this, because I myself love salty foods and everything on the planet that tastes like chocolate. I may freely say I simply can't live without chocolate and sometimes I can't fall asleep until I get my dose, just like a junkie. I also try to maintain my weight and lose a few kilograms and for now I have found the perfect solution that works for me, so may be it can work for you, too - I simply don't forget to drink 1.5-2 litres of water per day (no more) and once a day I consume linseed with milk to prevent high cholesterol resulting from salt and sugars. From time to time I consume only apples and carrots during one day, other times I eat sugar-free candies for diabetics that save my day. For now I succeed.
• United States
13 Jan 13
I have a terrible sweet tooth. I try to eat healthier too but was struggling with cravings for sweets. Salty foods aren't to much of a problem for me. I find what works for me is to reward myself. I try to eat healthy on the week days and then if I do well with it on Saturday its reward day. I pick what I want for dinner healthy or not and pick dessert. I also try to get some exercise every day. I find that this works well for me. I've lost the weight that I needed to and maintained a healthy weight for a few years now. Good luck to you eating healthy is a struggle especailly when you crave all the wonderful foods you know you shouldn't eat.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
13 Jan 13
I am a really big fan of eating healthy but I also have problems with cravings that lead me into eating junk food that I really don't want to eat. I don't have a weight problem but eating too much sugary processed foods makes me stomach hurt and doesn't make me feel that good. The biggest problem I have is that after working for like twelve hours a day I don't really feel like taking the time to prepare a meal. Also I don't always have the time to prepare something healthy and it is often easier just to make something real fast. I think the best solution for this is to buy ingredients that allow us to make things in advance than we can just warm up something healthy that we have made for ourselves. You could start making a little extra each to you make meals than you can just reheat that when you are hungry. Also you can invest in healthier snacks, instead of chips you can have veggies, fruits, nuts, or even just healthier whole grain chip-like snacks. As far as chocolate goes, if you can go for chocolate that is made with real cocoa and not with a bunch of sugar than chocolate is actually really good for you.
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
The best to start with is evaluate your life style. And what do you want to change with it and would make you more healthier. Have a healthy lifestyle is better that having a slim body. You don't have to avoid your chocolates and snacks. Just lessen them for a few days. And then you will feel the difference between cravings and just a lifestyle.