Situation between 2 friends case-scenario. Read, then Answer questions.
By webgirl01
@webgirl01 (689)
United States
January 14, 2013 2:45am CST
Sorry if this is too long to read.
Overview: There's a situation between two supposed friends who end up not being friends again today and I guess Friend A didn't care anymore for Friend B. I'm not sure but anyways here's the scenario. I'm not involved with their babbles. I am friends with both person. Friend A is Jackie and Friend B is Nicole. Anyways Both Friend A and Friend B were very close at some point before, they had their on and off friendship or argument or babbles and until Nicole (Friend B) couldn't take it anymore and had to find a way to tell Jackie as it is. Nicole is not a person who would just go tell off to Jackie's face about what she feels about her, but she had to find some way to reach out and tell her (jackie) as it is. The first time I remembered is through their text messages, where Nicole had to say it as it is on text message about how she doesn't like being taken advantage of through both Friend A (Jackie) and friend A's boyfriend but mostly just Friend A - jackie and stating reasons why she can't be friends with her. The First time I heard about Jackie and Nicole not being friends was last week or around Jan 4th 2013 and it is both through text messages. Jackie showed me her text messages to and from her and Nicole convo about not being friends. Also when I was hanging out with Jackie and her b/f that night around Jan 4, Nicole also texted me to say hello and also she was asking if I knew about about her and jackie not being friends anymore and I said, oh really, I didn't know that.
But I guess surprisingly last thursday Jan 10 2013 Jackie and Nicole kinda made up and be friends, though the friendship is not the same as before. Nicole doesn't want to keep treating jackie out and paying for her or both her and her b/f. I was also in the similar situation like Nicole on keep paying for jackie this and that and going out until I had to find a way to tell Nicole. Nicole also doesn't want to be called on use the endearmeant term "sissy" from Jackie. Before Jackie and Nicole used to call each other "Sissy" but now since the friendship changed, Nicole doesn't feel comfortable being called "sissy" anymore and would prefer that jackie calls her by her real/first name instead. Nicole can sense that Jackie keeps assuming that Nicole would keep treating her out and paying for her and such. Nicole does have a job, but Jackie doesn't. I do understand what Nicole's going through but I also know both sides of the story.
Jackie's main reason why she can't stand Nicole is about Nicole's problems on boyfriend and stuff. She also says she has given advice to Nicole many times and that Nicole doesn't listen and whines. She also has said that Nicole's reasons for not wanting to be much friends to Jackie because of Jackie taking advantage of Nicole is not only the real reason. Jackie's reason is that Nicole's now ex b/f told Nicole not to be friends with Jackie and her b/f anymore. But I think it is because Nicole had to vent to someone to share about this problem between her and jackie, so she got her ex's opinion of this situation.
As for Friend A - Jackie, you probably can tell she can be a bit immaturish or pouty and can get what she wants in some way...just don't know..
***Important Part ****** Main Concern below: ******
MAIN POINT/STORY OF What happend today Jan 12, 2013 (Sunday):
I just saw something shocked between jackie and nicole today.
We (me and jackie and her boyfriend, Jared) had plans to go hangout also attending to go to Church /Mass today. Same time Friend A - Jackie thought of all of us going to chill with Nicole like after we got done with church. But Nicole first had plans with another friend Ashleigh to church and also eat out to lunch. Nicole said she don't mind for us to hangout, but she mentioned that we (mostly jackie) has to pay her own food if we does go out to lunch with them. Jackie can't stand if Nicole would say "you have money?" after Jackie asked about hanging out with them or if we were invited. Then on the way when driving going to church jackie said with Nicole, it's always about money blah blah blah blah.
Anyways after Mass/Church was done, we went to Library for awhile to job search.
Around 3:10 pm, Nicole met at front parking lot at near the house of Jackie. Jackie kept calling Nicole "sissy" and Nicole doesn't want to be called that anymore. When she told me and Jackie's b/f, jackie's b/f said then tell her in person instead of text messaging her and Nicole said "no" I don't want to.Then we drove to Mc Donald's and Nicole drove us.
We were at McDonald's and we ordered food. We were just chilling and eating. Then Jackie can sense something's up. lol..oh and that time, while eating, Nicole and Jackie had their text squabbles. Jackie sat by me, Jared sat by Nicole on the table.
Nicole had told Jackie what she feels by text about being called "sissy" and all that nonsense stuff. She also is in the verge of can't stand being around her anymore and had to express it by text message so that jackie can read it but she feels cannot personally tell her. She already know how jackie is and can get offended. After responding each text, jackie shows annoyance and drops phone on table like with an attitude or moody. Nicole was just quiet and then after almost done eating. A shocking thing that happened. Jackie was furious or reacted and flung a cup of water unbeknowingly to Nicole. Nicole was like WTF in her mind and got so annoyed and got up and was about to leave us and get in her car and drove off. It was unexpected for Nicole to get a flick of water cup splashed on her. Then me and jackie's boyfriend were confused and don't really know what was going on.
Then Jackie went off to go talk to Nicole and apologized to her but she also said Nicole deserved it. Jared came to talk to Nicole while Jackie was sitting near me. I was asking why Jackie did that. And same time that Nicole really wanted to leave us because of the situation, she couldn't. She did take us back to Jackie's place midpoint because Jackie told jared just to drop here by the gate, so we got out of the car. Nicole was just disappointed and quite. Right before I got out of the restaurant to go to her car, she just talked quietly and said that it was her fault for just telling her by text message and not to her face in person. I did text Nicole and told sorry for things happen and she said it has to be that way. And then she asked if I was shocked about it and I told her yeah. After we got out of Nicole's car, Jackie didn't say good bye and just took off upset or pissed. I was the only one that said by to Nicole and told her sorry about whatever. When we got to talk to Jackie's house. We were in her room, then she vented out and then told me why she did what she did. She said Nicole deserved that water being spilled at her because she can't stand if it was told by text. She said she wants the person or Nicole to tell it to her face instead of text messaging her while they were around. Nicole also did asked me by text personally, what is jackie reacting?
Nicole knows telling Jackie off in such a way may offend Jackie, so I dunno. Also Nicole finds it hard to tell off Jackie, so she does agree it has to be the way it happened.
My Questions and Statements:
What are your thoughts of this?
Who do you feel bad on this story?
Was it justifiable or right for Friend A Jackie to throw or spill cup of water on Nicole based on their text message or what Nicole had to say to Jackie by text instead of person?
Would it be okay if Nicole walked off and drove off given she was already shocked of this unknowingly and that she's upset what jackie did?
Jackie's reason of reacting and spilling or throwing a cup of water on Nicole was that Nicole should have told her by person in her face instead of text messaging her. Is that a good reason or justifiable action?
After Jackie flung a cup of water on Nicole, does Nicole deserved it? (read based on the situation or in general)
If you were Jackie or Nicole (Friend A) or Friend B, what could have been done better?
Jackie stated her reason of why Nicole deserved that fling cup of water which was that Nicole should have told her in person as it is instead of text that a good reason??
Generally Jackie doesn't care anymore about what she did or about Nicole and she did say Nicole deserved it. I am shocked but I kinda feel sorry for Nicole.
Thanks for your input and feedback concerns.
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2 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
14 Jan 13
It's hard to judge these girls.
I know you're in a very difficult situation since both are your friends.
The problem is- it seems the gap between these two girls become wider.
There seem to have some hatred in their hearts.
The misunderstandings leads into anger- then anger to hatred because they both did not open up their heart to each other.
They need some my opinion.
Try to be their only bridge- but tell them to give each other some space.
They should grow mature and let time tell when things become better.
People mellows as they get older- they will realize these childish things when they grow older.
@panda76 (5)
14 Jan 13
Hello what i would say to you is first the best thing you can do being
that you are friends with both parties is stay neutral do not pick sides
let them handle there problems among them selves and if these two girls
were really friends then neither one would tex or call on the phone they
would meet face to face and talk about whats bothering them both that's what
real woman would do.
@webgirl01 (689)
• United States
18 Jan 13
Hi there jaiho2009, thanks for your response. As for my situation, well I'm not involved with their problems. I just heard and known the problem from both sides. After that text squabble last sunday, they haven't talked at all. And I guess after saying it on text (they were texting each other) about why jackie shouldn't call Nicole sissy and prefers being called Nicole instead. I do understand Nicole's point of view about hate treating out Jackie and her b/f jared. Since they don't have money and work. Nicole told me jackie has a way to make Nicole treat them out when they all hangout.
I do think they probably need some space, so far, they are not talking to each other and they don't have each other on facebook, when jackie deleted her previously on the last fight or argument they had.
Jackie and jared did say they just used Nicole..and they also don't think they should be friends. After that incident, Jackie said she had a nightmare about Nicole...but her b/f told her not be friends anymore if its not gonna work.
Other than that, oh wells.
@webgirl01 (689)
• United States
18 Jan 13
Hey Panda76, yeah I'm neutual on both sides but I also do feel sorry for the one who mentioned or feels she cannot stand being used or paying for them when hanging out. I was somewhat in her situation when I always have to pay for jackie since jackie doesn't work....but that might change. Other than that I'm not involved in their problems. They are already on their own. After the text message, I guess they talked. But I also know the personality of how jackie is as well. And I guess she was offended in some way or was moody when the text thing happen. But she reacted and unexpectedly just throw flung water at Nicole and said Nicole deserve it. Oh wells. Jackie did tell me why she did that to her is because she doesn't like it when she cannot talk to her in person or in face.
@teotimoponcerosacena (1551)
• Philippines
15 Jan 13
The problem is not friendship but more of benefits. The two are just using each other for their own purposed for it. What it might be? Is hard to understand. Unless we put our own to their shoes. Talking of friendship is a topic of giving without payments or benefits in return. The agony and sacrifices made by them to each other is no longer within the context of friendship. Their actions to each other is out of logic for somehow deep inside they are using it as a topic to be discussed and justify their motive of togetherness. They are not the only persons with same attitude to each other. What we can do is to pray that somehow their relationship will pop up as friendship but I think not, unless the greediness and individual wants inside their inner feeling is gone and be changed with compassion, love and understanding. There is no friendship but service.
@webgirl01 (689)
• United States
17 Jan 13
Hi there! thanks for your input. As for the two, jackie and nicole, so far they have just let it be and moved on. I just didn't like the part last Sunday when we all hung out and the jackie reacted to throw or fling water on Nicole after when she told jackie on text what she feels about being called "sissy" because jackie called keeps calling her "sissy" as in sister or something. And jackie and her b/f, they did have admitted that they also used Nicole to go for food or hangout or eat out. So so far, they aren't talking and since I'm close friends with jackie, she says she can careless about Nicole whatever happened on last Sunday. lol. But oh wells. Nicole doesn't like it when Jackie assumes or thinks that Nicole would treat her out and pay for her all the time. So Nicole realized she's being used and just had to say what she had to say both in text or in person. I just hope all is well.