Technology in School

United States
January 14, 2013 3:47pm CST
As the years pass, technology does improve. At the Consumer Electonics Show (CES) 2013, Kingston showed their first 1 TB USB drive, and other companies are starting to have their 4K TV sets as well as Google's Autonomous Cars. As for education, technology seems to have.. well in blunt terms wilt and stay in its traditional method of the chalkboard and the book. There are definitely some changes in education where it has changed into the dry erase board, but altogether it's not as huge a jump as how technology improves every year. As part of the change, our school is starting to give responsibilities into the incoming freshman next year by giving them an iPad for the four years. The iPad will consist of the books required for the course, and they will pretty much only need to carry that to class. It gets rid of mobility issues and will allow us to communicate more efficiently, but will also grant some security issues, like taking a picture of someone else's work and directly copying off of them. (Or of course, searching online for the answer instead of trying to solve the problem.) It's a large enough risk that the school board is willing to take for a better learning environment, yet in reality, from what my experience in having the iPad for the six months, it's much like simply buying an iPad, as our teacher rarely uses it for most activities, but it does fix the mobility issue of carrying "5+ encyclopedias". What are your thoughts on having improved technology in schools?
3 responses
• United States
15 Jan 13
Having all this technology in school does have a high start up cost, but it does save the school alot of money in the long run. The technology usually makes things easier. I am a teacher in the training and i did have the opprotunity to teach. The technology allows to grade faster, it saves paper, and it allows the teacher to grade homework with more efficently (less chance of the teacher grading a paper wrong).
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jan 13
While it does allow for teachers to grade more efficiently and have a better carbon footprint, how do you know that technology isn't going to backfire..? Websites do go down, sometimes there might be a power outage.. how do teachers face that situation?
• Marikina, Philippines
16 Jan 13
Improved technology? Hmmmm... what is next for year 3000?I can't imagine. Anyway, the cost of ipad is high. Technology has "pros" and "cons" and another is, if having an iPad, it would cost a lot of money even though it helps this kind of technology for learning environment.
• India
15 Jan 13
Well i will support technology any day. Its being changed for good.Cost may be higher up front , but the school would compensate with fees i think. I used to carry lot of book and have shoulder pain in my childhood days.. Hope newer generation gets saved from it